How to say no?
I have friend right now, that I can not deal well with. She has been good friend to me during all this time, and has helped me times when I need help. But right now, I can not deal with what she is going through.
She is woman married to a**hole man who likes to be bully at her and kids, hits her and is just total creep. She still stays with him because she is afraid to be alone. They have two sons who maybe do not be hit also, but witness this. And it is too close of my life, I feel I am seeing my mother with my father, and wondering why the hell she does not leave. I worry that it will be like my parents, because even after death of my brother, my mom does not leave him. Is that what must happen, that this man must kill someone before she realize it is better to be alone? She talks to me of all this, and emails me, and I can not deal with it, it is too close of what my life before was like.
How do I tell her no, how do I say I can not deal? I feel guilty, and shamed, that I can not help her when she has been good friend of me. But all I want to do is scream at her and say get the hell away of him before he kills one of you. It is like what I say, she does not listen anyway. I do not know I do any good. How does someone say no?
She is woman married to a**hole man who likes to be bully at her and kids, hits her and is just total creep. She still stays with him because she is afraid to be alone. They have two sons who maybe do not be hit also, but witness this. And it is too close of my life, I feel I am seeing my mother with my father, and wondering why the hell she does not leave. I worry that it will be like my parents, because even after death of my brother, my mom does not leave him. Is that what must happen, that this man must kill someone before she realize it is better to be alone? She talks to me of all this, and emails me, and I can not deal with it, it is too close of what my life before was like.
How do I tell her no, how do I say I can not deal? I feel guilty, and shamed, that I can not help her when she has been good friend of me. But all I want to do is scream at her and say get the hell away of him before he kills one of you. It is like what I say, she does not listen anyway. I do not know I do any good. How does someone say no?