How to know if medical personnel’s behavior is out of the line?

How to know if medical personnel’s behavior is out of the line?


Hey MS,

I just had another memory but I’m not sure what to make of it.

There was once that I had food poisoning causing me to have diarrhea. I went to see a doctor close to midnight, and told him mainly about my diarrhea and stomachache. He told me to take off my underwear so that he could inspect. I thought that my underwear was in the way of him checking my belly, so I complied.

He proceeded to touch my penis - lifting it up, looking around it and did the same for the testicles. He then look at me as he finishes inspecting and I thought he gave me a somewhat creepy smile?

And that was that. He didn’t check my stomach or anywhere else.

Is this a suspicious behavior or totally normal?
I tried to google when is it considered inappropriate but i couldn’t really find any answer.
If it feel suspicious to you it is. I can speak from my own personal experience- not all doctors are professional in their behavior. I posted about my experiences in the Survivor Story forum. I had two doctors who had other ideas in mind beyond a normal medical exam.

One for a hernia check stared at me for a minute or two when I took off my pants- my first thought was to tell him " have you never seen a naked man before?" He then proceeded to "check" my nuts for a VERY long time. I was staring at the ceiling and after awhile looked down to see what the heck he was doing- all I could see was the top of his head, he was so close I could not even see my pubic hair. I have been checked for hernias- many times ( chronic testicular pain) and no doctor has ever taken that long or had his head that close to me! I imagine he was counting the hairs on my scrotum. No turn your head and cough, as is normal- just handling my cajones. I went in because of pain in the testicles, and I was a young guy, if I were a doctor and some young guy came in with those symptoms ( I had previously had a hernia) along with a hernia check, I would have checked for sexually transmitted disease, he did not even ask about my sexual activity. If the "exam" went on for a second or two longer he would have had and erect penis in his face- maybe that is what he was hoping for.

Another doctor diagnosed me correctly wit Hand, Foot and Mouth disease, he then stated he wanted to check my penis. I dropped my pants, he pushed up on one testicle, then the other one and then proceeded to fondle my penis, and again it wen on for way too long. I was young and naive and the thought crossed my mind "this is going on too long" my body was responding to what he was doing. I did not know what to say, so I finally blurted out " I had no sexual contact while I was in Spain)- just returned from a trip there. Now I would say something much more direct and much sooner! At that point he just said "Oh okay" and squeezed my penis a couple of times. Completely improper behavior.

Other men here also have had doctors do things that were nothing more than sexual abuse of a patient. I have read about this type of thing happening many times also. There are well documented cases- recently it was a Urologist in New York who had been abusing patients for like 20 years and he was reported but it was all covered up. A few years back it was a team doctor at a college in Michigan. Many years ago a Pediatrician in Delaware and the list goes on! So yes, it happens and more often than reported.

It is a tricky situation and as in your case and mine also- it leaves one wondering, about what took place. One is supposed to trust a doctor and when something is done in the context of a medical exam, one is at a major disadvantage. The T. told me predators are always on the look out, also that those doctors were predators.

There is no reason why a doctor would need to check your genitals when you come in with a complaint of diarrhea. Ask questions, yes, maybe check your abdomen, maybe a stool sample (for long term and severe diarrhea), but other than that, no reason.
If it feel suspicious to you it is. I can speak from my own personal experience- not all doctors are professional in their behavior. I posted about my experiences in the Survivor Story forum. I had two doctors who had other ideas in mind beyond a normal medical exam.

One for a hernia check stared at me for a minute or two when I took off my pants- my first thought was to tell him " have you never seen a naked man before?" He then proceeded to "check" my nuts for a VERY long time. I was staring at the ceiling and after awhile looked down to see what the heck he was doing- all I could see was the top of his head, he was so close I could not even see my pubic hair. I have been checked for hernias- many times ( chronic testicular pain) and no doctor has ever taken that long or had his head that close to me! I imagine he was counting the hairs on my scrotum. No turn your head and cough, as is normal- just handling my cajones. I went in because of pain in the testicles, and I was a young guy, if I were a doctor and some young guy came in with those symptoms ( I had previously had a hernia) along with a hernia check, I would have checked for sexually transmitted disease, he did not even ask about my sexual activity. If the "exam" went on for a second or two longer he would have had and erect penis in his face- maybe that is what he was hoping for.

Another doctor diagnosed me correctly wit Hand, Foot and Mouth disease, he then stated he wanted to check my penis. I dropped my pants, he pushed up on one testicle, then the other one and then proceeded to fondle my penis, and again it wen on for way too long. I was young and naive and the thought crossed my mind "this is going on too long" my body was responding to what he was doing. I did not know what to say, so I finally blurted out " I had no sexual contact while I was in Spain)- just returned from a trip there. Now I would say something much more direct and much sooner! At that point he just said "Oh okay" and squeezed my penis a couple of times. Completely improper behavior.

Other men here also have had doctors do things that were nothing more than sexual abuse of a patient. I have read about this type of thing happening many times also. There are well documented cases- recently it was a Urologist in New York who had been abusing patients for like 20 years and he was reported but it was all covered up. A few years back it was a team doctor at a college in Michigan. Many years ago a Pediatrician in Delaware and the list goes on! So yes, it happens and more often than reported.

It is a tricky situation and as in your case and mine also- it leaves one wondering, about what took place. One is supposed to trust a doctor and when something is done in the context of a medical exam, one is at a major disadvantage. The T. told me predators are always on the look out, also that those doctors were predators.

There is no reason why a doctor would need to check your genitals when you come in with a complaint of diarrhea. Ask questions, yes, maybe check your abdomen, maybe a stool sample (for long term and severe diarrhea), but other than that, no reason.
Thank you GaD3! for sharing your story. It is clearer to me now. I have changed most of my healthcare providers to female for now… I really need to learn more to better protect myself…
Thank you GaD3! for sharing your story. It is clearer to me now. I have changed most of my healthcare providers to female for now… I really need to learn more to better protect myself…
If you feel at all uncomfortable, you can speak up and tell them and follow your instincts.