I have men in a fight for the last several years with the Vetrrans Admistration . Because I was raped by another male soldger in 1977 and it has ben a major influnce in my life . They finaly acceped the evedence that I sumited to the case that I was actuly raped . But now they are trying to say that the problems that I am haveing in my life are not related to being raped .What the hell do they want . any one with half a brain would realise that being raped will afect your life forever . I have ben married three times and I have had a history of drug abuse . I have ben going through hell for over 25 years and the night mare seems that it will neaver end . I have ben atending NA meatings for the drug problem . And seeing a T for the SA for the last 5 years I just wonder if it will ever end . I am tired of living in this hell