How I define Trauma!

How I define Trauma!


When we use the term "Trauma", what springs to mind?
Horrific events that happen to people cause it, especially if not treated with expert help.

Survivors of 9/11, crash survivors, or anything that causes severe mental either one off, or over a period of time.

There is also body trauma, which is much the same thing, and trauma gets stored in the body and mind in unison, because the mind cannot store the trauma, it stores it in the body.

It has to be that way, or we would cease to function in daily life.
If left untreated, it becomes chronic, and something that a person who hasnt experienced trauma would maybe survive, a trauma victims body and mind would have nowhere else to store a hard blow to himself.

Psyche docs seem to think it is only victims of ongoing abuse that suffer trauma. WRONG!
A child as I was, who had to suffer the thought of a beast killing my family.

The fears of having contracted an incurable disease, bullying on a daily basis, never feeling safe etc.,etc., all add up to trauma.

Did anybody else consider their own abuse as a traumatic event?,


I have always considered the abuse as traumatic, and I certainly agree that abuse that is not long-term would still be traumatic. But I think almost any psychologist or psychiatrist would say the same.

It's useful to remember that abuse isn't just the physical act of molestation; it involves a profoundly destructive emotional dimension, and that is the one that develops into a problem that lasts for years.

Much love,
i think lots of people define trauma as injury only to the body ,like when they say the body shows signs of trauma,but any bad experience can be traumatic depending on the person i think .anything that defies understanding can be traumatic ,cause it destroys our abilty to reason