How do I know there is a God...

thanks for the link.
great song.

my wife says i have the strangest fusion of good/bad luck she has ever seen.
the worst things keep happening to me... unexpected, unpreventable, terrible things. things far beyond my mortal ability to prevent, avoid, or control.

yet, somehow, i have always managed to come out the other side
unscathed, wiser, stronger, happier.

it has been a theme in my life since childhood.
cursed AND blessed.
gifted AND deprived.
all at the same time.

if only i could skip all the hard stuff and jump straight to the happy ending every time ;) but i guess contrast provides context.

the war between good and evil
is tearing my soul in half.
i wanna cry.
but all i can do is laugh.

god has been nothing but good to me.
i'm my own worst enemy.

all the dangers i've survived.
the trials that i've endured.
the sicknesses i've overcome,
the illnesses i've cured.

the lessons that i've learned.
the wounds that i have healed
the wisdom that i've earned.
on life's battlefield.
Re: How do I know there is a God...

good question:

whenever i contemplate this conundrum - i find courage and comfort in this scripture...

"Because that which is known about God is evident within them;
for God made it evident to them.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes,
His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen,
being understood through what has been made,
so that they are without excuse
- from the Paul's letter to the Romans chapter 1.

i like how it says that the invisible attributes of god are clearly seen.
that is how i feel.
his existence is self-evident.

that sounds like a paradox to a doubter, atheist, or skeptic,
and it was an obstacle to my faith for many decades.

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."
- from Psalm 14

"The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom."
- from Psalm 111

"Indeed, if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God
- from Proverbs 2

i follow these principles to the best of my abilities.
the only problem is...
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
- attributed to Jesus in Matthew 26
"Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins."
- attributed to King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 7
fb kind of "like" to your posts :)
how do i know there is a god?

i considered the alternative.
i contemplated chaos,
a world without purpose,
a meaningless universe,
a random mess.

everywhere is ample evidence
of design and divine intelligence.
i cannot comprehend the natural
without the supernatural.
i cannot conceive the physical
without the metaphysical.
creation implies creator.
i am merely a creature.
God reveals himself in Truth because he is Truth and you can not know God until you acknowledge Truth ,only than will one become Free

The word of God speaks so much more about his character much more so than who God is. Your character is what God is working in you to transform you in to the image of God. God created you and loves your personality and he created you to be uniquely you. The character of a man/woman is who we are in the dark who we are in our inmost being. This can be a great place of wickedness and full of sin. Anything that is good found within our character is because this is where the spirit of God dwells. None is good but the father and if the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is within you than any good that is found within you is of God. The spirit of God working in you is trying to bring out the good in you to the point it overtakes and consumes the darkness of sin within you. Do you believe God exists ? The answer to the next question is crucial to your spiritual growth and you might find yourself pausing to answer. How do you know God exists ? even though you can not prove God exists in the mathematical sense you do know God exists because it is a knowing it is an experience that you intuitively know . Someone that is a skeptic that God exists, you can not quantify in a way to make them believe that he actually does. There is a difference in knowing and showing God exists. The truth is how you know God exists and when you know the truth it sets one free. When you come into the knowledge of the truth you know God and if you do not know truth you can not know God. Jesus said he will send the holy spirit when you come into the knowledge of the truth. Someone who is a skeptic does not know the truth therefore they do not know God. When you receive the spirit of truth you become adopted by God and become identifiable with God. If you never come into the knowledge of truth you will never become free ,if you do not believe than the spirit will never bear witness to you so that you will know that you belong to God. The spirit of God within you bears witness to you causing one to know for sure that God exists . The spirit of God reveals all things meaning you will know God exists because God reveals himself to you by his spirit. We know if the spirit is in you than you will hear his voice and obey you will follow the leading and guiding of the holy spirit that will begin to transform you from the inside out leaving your personality intact and yet changing your character. The one who is skeptical will not have the witness, the promised holy spirit. The word of God says not all will believe and therefore refuse truth. I believe one has to go to great lengths to suppress the truth that would ultimately set them free. The truth is suppressed because of unrighteousness. They do not really want accountability for the unrighteousness that wells up in the heart of every man woman and child. When one comes into the knowledge of the truth and no longer wants to suppress the truth in unrighteousness of sin, it is the at this exact moment and recognition of this sin that opens one up to the truth and this allows God to send the promised by spirit and set one free of this sin thus beginning a work in this person until the character of God begins to manifest more and more. The very fact you can process this and see the true miracle that life is should be all the evidence one needs to believe in God. The fact everything simply IS with perfect precise causality should be enough proof that God exists. The fact you intuitively understand right and wrong when it comes to very specific thing's is transcendence that elevates the conscious and awareness of Truth of a moral standard which innately comes from God. God wants to make himself known to everyone but one must bow the knee by acknowledging Truth and than this truth will set you free. Take a look around and see it is by no accident we have everything we need to sustain the human body from all the nutritional values found in veggies and so fourth. The sun precisely in the right place and all the benefits it provides for the earth as well as ourselves. Water to sustain life ,oxygen, on and on I could go. The fact you are consciously aware of what I speak of and understand with the mind given to you should be absolutely astounding. We are acutely aware of our existence and the world around us, all by accident ? All by some random chance ? I truly believe it takes a far greater faith to believe that all that you see,feel, taste, hear all happen by chance than to simply stop suppressing the truth so that you can be set free and than receive confirmation from God by his very presence taking up residency inside of you. ~Nathan Tice 12/18/2014
judge judy always says,
"if you tell the truth,
you don't need a good memory."

it takes more effort and energy
to fabricate and sustain lies
than it does to be honest,
and that is difficult enough.

no man knows what is really true.

"Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar."

"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."

"There is none good but one, that is, God."
when I was a very small boy I was sick a LOT and after getting up taking my medicine, mom calmed me and it all got some better she would try to get me to go to sleep... but I was scared the nightmares ,monsters whatever would come back I wanted someone to stay with me. she told me " talk to Jesus, He is always there" I came to KNOW he was there and I was AMAZED at a God who would lay with me and comfort me. so much changed in me as the abuses came I came to think it was her way of just getting me to be still, but I never doubted that God is there somehow. I just don't pretend to understand His ways. But as mom was dying she had lost her mind for a bit she didn't know where she was and had lost all touch with reality but as I left I asked her to try to go to sleep because I didn't want to leave her there alone she looked at me with utmost clarity and said " oh ... I'm never alone" there is a God says I

[font:Book Antiqua][size:17pt]"The infinity of divinity is demonstrated
by the production of something from nothing."

Thomas Aquinas
Summa Theologica[/font]