I'm glad you came here with your questions and fears. We all have them, and when they come up the best thing to do is just talk about them and get them out in the open. Then they aren't terrible secrets anymore, but rather problems we can work on and solve.
All those questions you ask refer to feelings you have, but they come from a devastated childhood and such feelings can be WAY off the mark. For example, you may feel that your manhood has been stolen away from you forever, but in reality it's only like that if you allow that feeling to dominate you. You also ask about being a viable legitimate person. You have ALWAYS been that, my friend! Abuse makes you feel otherwise, but the feeling isn't accurate. The abuse reflects on your father, not you.
As for forgiveness, I would not let that distract you for the time being. One thing survivors have to learn is to focus on themselves, to make their own recovery their priority. Your father may have been abused himself, but the fact of the matter is that HE is the one who is responsible for the abuse of his own son. Forgiveness for him can wait, unless for some reason this is vital to your own healing.
We are not helpless bro, nor are we eunuchs. We often look at ourselves and that's what we see, but there too we are carrying into the present a lot of our fears and cunfusion as boys.
Hauser asks a good question. Are you in therapy? I don't mean to push you, and I will say for myself that getting into therapy was one of the most difficult things I have done in my own recovery. But it really is worth it, and now I can say I wouldn't give it up for the world!
Much love,