Homeostasis versus entropy
I could not relate to you the number of times i have been told that my goal as a survivor should be the persuit of a "normal life", nor could i adequately explain my frustration when presented with this goal.
Fact is, something very abnormal happened to me when i was a child, an event that permanently marked me, that has left deep scars in both my body and mind, and as is the nature of scars, they will remain with me for the durration of my life, in one form or another, in truth, i am damaged goods, i am not "Joe Average".
Now i could sit here and wallow in self pity over this fact, and i could try to remake myself as Joe Average, but it is all futile, i cannot live a lie to please others, i am not that man, and i cannot change my past to become that man.
No, i do not want to persue a "normal life" any longer, i want to persue a "happy life", this is my goal, no more falsehoods or sweeping it all under that rug, and i will not be ashamed if it ends up looking different than what i was told it should be, it is time to stop crying about what was and what will never be, and find my own path, its out there somewhere, and i will find it eventually, nomatter how much work it takes to get there.
Fact is, something very abnormal happened to me when i was a child, an event that permanently marked me, that has left deep scars in both my body and mind, and as is the nature of scars, they will remain with me for the durration of my life, in one form or another, in truth, i am damaged goods, i am not "Joe Average".
Now i could sit here and wallow in self pity over this fact, and i could try to remake myself as Joe Average, but it is all futile, i cannot live a lie to please others, i am not that man, and i cannot change my past to become that man.
No, i do not want to persue a "normal life" any longer, i want to persue a "happy life", this is my goal, no more falsehoods or sweeping it all under that rug, and i will not be ashamed if it ends up looking different than what i was told it should be, it is time to stop crying about what was and what will never be, and find my own path, its out there somewhere, and i will find it eventually, nomatter how much work it takes to get there.