Holy crap! I'm over 1000!

Holy crap! I'm over 1000!


...posts, that is! :D

So wrapped up have I been in myself that I missed my bloody 1,000th post! And it has been a while since that!

When I first started coming here, I didn't think I'd last a week. Turns out I lasted for more than that, and I owe a lot of people for this milestone.

Mostly, you guys and gals here. You kept me going and gave me reason to hope when I thought I'd have nothing left to live for. Somedays, it still feels like that (today, this morning, for example), but I truly have more good days than bad. And it's thanks to you.

Every time someone says that I mean something to them, here and elsewhere, I feel like Verbal Kint in the police station (yeah, before we know he's Keyser Soze! :p ). I want to scream, "I'm nothing! Why do you say this? I'm stupid, I'm worthless, why do you love me? I'm not worth loving!" But, I guess I am. I guess I am worth it.

But, for everyone here, so are you. If I tought you ANYTHING, I'm grateful and honored, but I hope the ONE thing I said of value is that you are worth such things, because I wouldn't be here if not for all of you.

I mean this for everyone.

Anyone who I've met here and haven't talked to lately, well hell, let me know that you're still around and okay, because I DO remember everyone here. That goes for you, Danny2 and everyone else.

A special thank you to the first person who made me feel welcome. Dan in New England, you saved me that night we met in chat. I'll never forget that.

The mods, alumni (TAZ!), and administrative staff, you saved me. You DID, and while I may bitch on you guys, I also know your value and love you all. Especially Mike Church and Ivanhoe (David, you are a great guy and a person I'm PROUD to consider a friend!).

And Marc, my newest brother, even in the dpeths of your hurt, you wanted to help me. Still brings me to tears and at the end of the day ( :p :D ) means so much to me.

To everyone else who've come to be important to me (you know who you all are! (I hope :eek: )), I hope i made a fraction of a difference in your lives as you have in mine.

Enough already, I've gone on too long. Just, plain, thank you.

Peace and love,

Scot :)
I missed my bloody 1,000th post! And it has been a while since that!
Pssst, Scot, email Mike Church if you haven't yet receieved your 1000 post decoder ring! :D

Congratulations! I thought you were just being more mature than I had been. :D Seriously, you have become a big part of why this site is so helpful. I hope that you are getting back as much good as you give, because that will mean your future is bright!

Go raibh mle maith agat! (1000 thanks!)


Aw, hell! I told you in PM I wasn't sure I wanted to post to this because I'll just be a big 'ol softie!

But I should because I want everyone to know what you have meant to me. The first person to express the word "love" to me. Even though I hated that word (others came up with subs such as "shrubbery" or "penguin" :) ) . The day you posted that was the first time I cried here. Keep it printed out and in front of me.

You have been there as much (or more) for me as I have been for you.

I love you, Scot!

Coolness. Wowsers. :D I don't think I have enough to say to reach such a milestone. :p

Here's to the next one thousand. Hip Hip Horray!

I am VERY proud of you. This is an inspiration to the rest of us.. You conitnue to work through your pain and issues while you stand by all of us!

I can't wait to read the next 1000 plus!

