He's being arrested, need help

He's being arrested, need help

little alex

I need help, advice, streangth and the ability not to whimp out on this. He's getting everything he decerves. I've done the hard part so this should be a piece of piss but I'm FUCKING TERRIFIED.
Ther is no turning back and I dont want to, his life can crumble but I take no joy in this. There is no whoop de do or hooray about this but he must suffer and get a tiny piece of what my family and me have gone through.
Its right and properthat he gets aresred, I hope to fuck it goes further.
I know I can do this, I know I'm strong enough and I know that you all know how I've felt in the past leading up to this.
People should have consequences for their behavior. While those who were hurt by them have some say in what happens, the legal system has penalties for those who break the law. What feels like justice to you might not feel that way to others who support you or have been hurt by others. They really can't say what is justice for you.

It is also very common for people who have feelings about the person to have different feelings for WHAT they did. This can take some sorting out and probably would be best to discuss with your therapist whose feelings should not enter into your discussion about what you are going through.

There is no "right" way to have feelings. Yours can be ambivalent or fluctuate from day to day (or minute to minute), but they are YOUR feelings.

Good luck in processing this through.