He's been charged today.

He's been charged today.


Just me again with another update!

Attended the ID parade on Thursday - even though it was 9 different people on a DVD video, it has stayed with me that I saw the fear in his eyes when he looked at the camera. I haven't sunk into the usual slight regression that I find after each development (except for my one mad comment on Thursday night).

Today I received another call from the Police:

He has been charged on 2 counts (he is still denying any involvement) & will appear in court next Thursday to enter a plea of Guilty/Not Guilty - obviously it will be the latter unless his Solicitor advises him differently.

Tonight after work I bought myself a decent steak & a bottle of wine (I deserve it) - better than porridge!

Three of my favourite bands have also won Grammy Awards today (Led Zep - lifetime, Motorhead - metal & Velvet Revolver - hard rock).

A good day all round and I'm sat here smiling with tears in my eyes - I feel good!

Best wishes ...Rik

*Now that they have charged him, I know that Police / CPS believe me 110% - I have absolutely no doubts about that now!
Hi Rick,

It must have felt empowering to see the fear in his eyes, the fear is where it belongs now. Great that the police know that you are telling the truth, too bad if the perp insists on pleading not guilty. Thats just what we can expect from a perp, denial and lies. I hope he gets the justice he deserves; it makes me happy to see some being forced to face what they did.

Good luck and thanks for the update.

I think maybe he can share some of the hurt. It is nowhere near the hurt he did to you as a child.
That hurt bore no witness as that of the kid. The one who beat himself up over somebody else's guilt.
The one who served the life sentence for being totally innocent and vulnerable. Payback time.


Rick, I just wanted to say I'm proud of you. You did something that I've alway's wanted to do but never could. I hope it all goes smooth for you.
Rick I am so proud of you. You are taking it back and I am with you 100%.
Thank you for being strong and standing up to this evil man. Just think ,how many others have been sved by putting him in jail. you truely have made a difference in so many lives. Tom
Rik, may you always hold your head high. Although things are just beginning, I think you will soon find some closure.

Thanks again for your very supportive responses (and to those that have supported myself and others at anytime).

Just reading some of the words here:

'empowering', 'payback', 'proud of you', 'with you 100%', 'strong', 'saved', 'closure', 'good news', 'your courage' - and you're all talking about/too me.

If as you say I am now strong and with courage, then I must thank you all profusely, for it is not so long ago that I had neither strength nor courage.

Thanks again (words do not express what I have gained here) ...Rik
Rik, tomorrow is my birthday, it is the 40th year since my abuse. Before I came here, I never told anyone really about it.

It is ironic that he is to be in Court on this day. I hope he is "man" enough to admit it, I guess not though.

I wish you strength to speak for the silent ones,

I've got a few guitars on my wall near to my computer. Hanging off one of them (Fender Telecaster)I have a sort of leather shoe lace that fits around my neck.

Strung onto this shoelace are: my late Mother's eternity ring, my late Dad's ID Tag from 2nd World War when he was in the Desert Rats, my one and only pet dog's name tag (Rusty - 28 years gone) and a carved American Half Dollar Coin (bought at Leeds Corn Exchange a couple of years ago) - the Eagle is left solid as are the words United States of America (all capitals) and Half Dollar.

I've just taken this little ensemble off the guitar and placed it around my neck - I think each of these beings would be proud to allow me to wear such personal items of their's now.

Comfort....happy glow.