Here is a new one on me Fugue T

Here is a new one on me Fugue T


Fugue, I think i spell it right. If you google it for long enough, you might find something.
It is a symtom of DID, like living in fog.

have a look at the link,

I never even heard about it until I was looking for other stuff. Its not the best link I found, but google just takes you through music and stuff on the search, and i dont know the correct phrase to put into google.

I do not know that it was 'fog', but I was living very shut down and numb for long time with the abuse and after, where I did not even feel broken bones. I am glad I am not liek that no more, sometime to feel is scary and hurts, but to not feel, it is not realy being human. I hope someone else can answer more your question of it, I am not sure.

the dictionary of psychology describes fugue as -

"From the Latin for 'flight', a psychiatric disability the defining feature of which is a sudden and unexpected leaving of home with the person assuming a new identity elsewhere.
During the fugue there is no recollection of the earlier life and after recovery amnesia for events during it.
Often called 'dissociative psychogenic fugue' to distinguish it from other syndromes that have similar symptoms but are caused by known organic dysfunctions."

I think that most people are prone to daydream at times, they wander off in their minds and imagine what they'd do with the lottery win.
But do they do it to this level? I don't think so.

It's not something I do so much anymore but I can remember that I would spend long periods of time in my imaginary world, and I'd be so immersed in it that I feel emotions and cry or laugh. It was very very real to me.

Much of this was sexual fantasy related, but when it wasn't it could be absolutely anything.
It was another world I could retreat into where I was in control. It was a nice place to be, but not a healthy one.
