



I am scared.
I need help.
One of my roommates is threatening me, using very abusive language, and Im scared that he will harm me, or burn down the house, or do damages.
He is leaving the country on tuesday, and he is in a "nothing to lose" mode.

Please help, because I dont know who to approach.
Can the cops help? Can I get a restraining order?

Hi Rax,

You might start with getting yourself (and anyone else who is at risk) out of there until he is gone.

Personally, I do not much regard for TRO's or anything related to them. It only makes (more) illegal for people to already illegal acts. (mho) paper does little to protect anyone -- distance is a much a better protection.

See you,

Hi Rax,
I agree. Go to a safe place until he is gone. It is so difficult to prove a person is crazy. So the police won't help much. Warning him by the police might just further set hiim off.
Can you get to a safe place NOW? Even to a homeless shelter if needed. If you can't save your stuff at least save yourself.
I agree get out of there for a few days, keep safe!