Help Wanted: Definitions & Slang

Help Wanted: Definitions & Slang


Friends of the discussion board

The other day I read the post called "Is calling SA rape the wrong term?" It got me to thinking that there are a lot of words and slang used here that while we know the definition of the word, or maybe have a definition in our mind for the word, new members coming into the forum might not know.

I sent Lloyd a private message with the suggestion that we should have a seperate area of the forum for definitions and slang. Here is part of the letter I sent to Lloyd.

Lloyd and other members,

I was reading a post today "Is calling SA rape the wrong term?" It got me to thinking about trying to come up with something, that when new members and guest, coming into the forum for the first time, could look at to find definitions to some of the words & slang that are used here at Male Survivor. I would like to see the list iclude definitions for the following words:

  • NOMSV,
  • UBB code (for Victor) :p (actually I made a mistake on this one.) The smiley face should be Graemlins and UBB code should include a link how to use them.
  • EMDR
  • Perp.
  • Sexual Perpitrator
  • Sexual preditor
  • Discussion board: Commonly called the just the board ....
  • S. A.: Short for sexual assault
  • T.
  • Rape
  • Sexual Assault
  • molestation
  • Professional insest (a new term that I heard the other day) It described how Professionals are often looked at as a substute for parents by victims. That is why so often they gain our trust. But then they abuse that trust when they engage in sex with us ( from Advocate Web)
  • Sexual Harassment

This list is by no means complete. Feel free to add your own definitions.

Also, if someone has a question about a word that was used either in chat or on the board they could ask it here.
Lloyd replied that he thought it was a great idea and asked for volunteers. I took that to mean that since you suggested it, do you want to volunteer.

Lloyd also agreed with me that some of the trems we will want to have "professional definitions" for. I know personally, I was corrected either by therapist or by my attorney that I was misusing some terms. I used the words Rape, Sexual Assault, and molestation interchangably.

I would like to ask that when you ask for a definition, if you could give me some reference to where you heard the term(i.e. in chat, on the board, your T) and if in chat or the board, who used the term. That way if it were a word that I had never heard then I could ask the person that used it for some help with a definition.

Thanks for your help with this.

Here's some of the easy ones John.

Perp - perpetrator, the person who carried out the sexual abuse.

SA.- Sexual Abuse.

FPM.- Fantasy, Porn and Masturbation.

BJ.- Blow Job ( oral sex )

I'll have to have a look back through some old posts to refresh my memory, there's a load more out there.
This does sound like a helpful tool. Good idea John and Dave.

Yeh first rate. Anybody know how to describe a male who enjoys hiring a hustler and them gets into some really wierd shit cause he thinks he is allowed cause he is paying for it. I have some ideas but I would like to hear from others. This is the guy who is into inflicting severe pain in any form his sick little mind can think up as well as inducing abject fear into the mind of the hustler and finally getting his rocks off in the most perverted way he can think of. Maybe just call him a dangerous customer. I dont know.
Mike, I think the description would be way too long, but you're the man to give us a good short description of "Hustler" that we can use.

Dave ;)
We also need to include stuff like -

AA - Alcoholics Anonymous

SAA - Sex Addicts Anonymous

And all the related stuff like

12 Step's -

You know the sort of thing, just a short description of what it means.

Here are some I use fairly often and/or have seen used fairly often here and/or on other sites. These are mostly simple abbreviations. Not into heavy defining right now:

NOMSV: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization. Previous name of MS (Male Survivor)

T: Therapist

T Time: Therapy, time with therapist

MT: Massage Therapist

Pdoc: Psychiatrist

DOC: Drug Of Choice, whatever substance or form of acting out one uses to medicate one's pain

(These next four definitions are taken from the MS article "Breaking The Cycle of Self-Defeating Behaviors" By Ken Singer)...

AO: Acting Out, "Negative thoughts and feelings which lead to behaviors that are not in a person's best interest can be termed
"compensatory behaviors." These behaviors compensate or replace the unwanted feelings or thoughts. Compensatory behaviors may be directed towards others or property. This is termed 'acting out.'"

AI: Acting In, in which "trigger feelings or thoughts might be turned against yourself-"

NO: Numbing Out, "This is a way to block feelings or forget about problems through the use of drugs, alcohol, excessive tv watching or playing video games, over-eating or other activity that is used to numb. Compulsive sexual activities can also be a way to numb feelings and thoughts."

I: Intervention, "empowers rather than disempowers as acting out, acting in or numbing out usually do."

(BTW people often refer to the first three of these above as acting out. "Numbing Out" compulsive sexual activities in particular are commonly referred to as acting out sexually. Personally, it strikes me that a given act may actually be two or even all three of these.)

BTW: By The Way

TC: Take Care

TTYL: Talk To You Later

TC & TTYL: Take Care and Talk To You Later

WTG: Way To Go

EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, a type of therapy

BTGOG: By The Grace Of God

ODAAT: One Day At A Time

BTGOGODAAT: By The Grace Of God One Day At A Time

SA: Sexual Abuse, for sex addicts often means
"sexual addiction"; some reconcile this problem, as I do, by using lowercase letters for one of these, as I do with sexual addiction--s.a. (or one might simply specify their sex addiction as with FPM--Fantasy Porn Masturbation)

Graemlins: along with Smileys, Emoticons, Icons, Graphics or Clip Art are often used interchangeably, tho there are technical differences someone else could cover better than I

Speaking of which...

"Ba dee Blaa deep al leep--that's all folks!"
Ok I will give it a try.
1. SF$ sex for dollars
or $FS dollars for sex.
2. SFP Sex for payment I dont mean this to be funny but I kinda prefer this one cause it is generic
3.SFH Sex for hire.
4. A4P Available for payment.

You know I think good old fashioned HSLR is good enough for this ex hustler.

The flip side of the equation is John and I think that that is universal at least amongst us who have english as a mother tongue.

Now this has opened up something for me. What about all our brothers who do not have english as a mother tongue. Maybe what we should get input from them and by consensu agree on certain short forms. Thank way brothers when we tackle the status quo it will be the same anywhere and the phrases we use can be our strength as being united in everything we are trying to accomplish.

I would like to start this with one that I think we can all relate to
The face of true humanity.-------GUNNAR What do you think my brothers. God I wish I had met him personally.
Some more:

BRB = Be Right Back

LOL = Lots Of Laughs

ROFLMAO = Rolling On Floor Laughing My Arse Off

F2F = Face To Face, as in a live group

FYI = For Your Information

IMO = In My Opinion

IMHO = In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion

IME = In My Experience

LYLAB = Love Ya Like A Brother

NP = No Problem

OIC = Oh I See

SPAM = Stupid Person's AdvertiseMents

TY = Thanks You

YW = You're Welcome

U2 = You Too

TTYLMF/B = Talk To You Later My Friend/Brother

My acting out may not apply to all who come here.
Here goes:

BDSM: Bondage discipline and Sadomasochism.

Dom: Dominant Partner.

sub: Submissive partner.

Safeword: Signal sometimes verbal sometimes a gesture agreed upon beforehand for a Sub to inform a Dom their pain limit has been reached.

The Life: BDSM as a lifestyle; having or Being a live in sexual slave.
(this does really happen)

breath play: Asphyxiation during sex.

Switch: Someone who can be either a
Sub or a Dom.

There are others I've done that I can add when I'm not so disgusted with me.
OK men here's some more abbreviations for you.

Now I know we won't use all these abbreviations, slang terms, etc. Also & BTW a lot of these are well-suited for chat rooms when you want to use "short-hand" especially if you're a slow typist (or get chronic pain in your hands!).

Still, here they are:

ESH = Experience Strength & Hope

IRW = In the Real World, aka Offline

AKA = Also Known As

ASAP = As Soon As Possible

JMHO = Just My Humble Opinion (like IMHO, In My Humble Opinion)

FWIW = For What It's Worth

TMI = Too Much Information

TMA = Too Many Abbreviations (I made that one up myself! :p :rolleyes: :D )

those are just the kind of things we need, a brief explanation of something we might not know about, thanks for those.

Any more like this guys ?

BRB = Be Right Back

BFN = Bye For Now

LMOR = Left Message On Recorder

LWTC = Left Word To Call

WCB = Will Call Back

K = short for OKAY

Sincerelt, Jess
LMTC AT = Left message to call at tape

DBT = dialectical behavioral therapy

GT = group therapy

p2p = person to person chat

PM = private message

IM = instant message, as in yahoo, msn messenger,
AOL, ICQ etc.

TM = text message, as in from the pc to a cell
phone or other such device

FOC ROF LMAO = fell off chair, rolling on floor,
laffin my a$$ off

hehehe = giggles

hahaha= belly laugh

hardy har har = fecicious laffter
PCP = primary care physcian

lscw = licensed clinical social worker, a therapist

phd = phsychiatrist or other scrip writing doc / Therapist with a expensive degree
MR Edd. Thanks for you post. It has definite application for me. Safe word. I always hung out for a 25% bonus if they did not want a safe word. I usually got it even though I did not give a shit what happened to me. Ah thats for another time.
How about
GR Gang Rape
ctd Close to death
wt Weekend toy
Ah Shit too many memories