Help I Don't know what I am supposed to be
Hi i was molested when I was 10-11 by an older boy who was 13-14 he asked me if I could help him out so I did and off to the garage we went...
Next one was a neiybor next door...Where we lived was next to a gay bar. where from 13-15 I was picked up by several men. they would give me money. then I met my first girlfreind at 15 turning 16 and I slept with a lot of women until i was about 26-27. I never told anybody until 26-27. while I was on speed.
Here is my problem after the first time, i started to experiment Iwould go next door to a apt bldg. and go undrneath and Started inserting spoons into my anus, after awhile I lerned how to masterbate with somthing in my anus (Glass tube, screw driver. then I tried wearing tight get the picture some what. At the same time i saw the boy again and I let him do it again I can't remember why I did that. 22 yrs old I started doing rock cocaine and I would get high and masterbate while inserting somthing into myself. Then I moved on to speed I started wearing womens langeir and looking for someone to f-- me. mabey I ended up with some guy 3-4 times most of the time i could not go thru with it I would just walk the streets like I did when I was a kid I got married 2 an half years ago and this year My wife thru me out cause I watched a prono and left it out I like beutiful sexy women but I like watching Transexuals have sex it get me off I fantisize that I am the female getting or having an orgasam. What the f----- !!! am I???? I need some help !!!!!!!!!!!!
Dwayne in LA,CA
Next one was a neiybor next door...Where we lived was next to a gay bar. where from 13-15 I was picked up by several men. they would give me money. then I met my first girlfreind at 15 turning 16 and I slept with a lot of women until i was about 26-27. I never told anybody until 26-27. while I was on speed.
Here is my problem after the first time, i started to experiment Iwould go next door to a apt bldg. and go undrneath and Started inserting spoons into my anus, after awhile I lerned how to masterbate with somthing in my anus (Glass tube, screw driver. then I tried wearing tight get the picture some what. At the same time i saw the boy again and I let him do it again I can't remember why I did that. 22 yrs old I started doing rock cocaine and I would get high and masterbate while inserting somthing into myself. Then I moved on to speed I started wearing womens langeir and looking for someone to f-- me. mabey I ended up with some guy 3-4 times most of the time i could not go thru with it I would just walk the streets like I did when I was a kid I got married 2 an half years ago and this year My wife thru me out cause I watched a prono and left it out I like beutiful sexy women but I like watching Transexuals have sex it get me off I fantisize that I am the female getting or having an orgasam. What the f----- !!! am I???? I need some help !!!!!!!!!!!!
Dwayne in LA,CA