
New Registrant
I am a 25 year old male who is being charged with a crime for the way i was handling being raped. I was 12 years old when the raped took place and last year after 12 year i met this person. Slipping into a suicidal downward cycle I was lost and not knowing where to go. I was arrested for trying to cause harm to myself but not to other but because i was trying to harm myself this caused mental harm to a person. I was charged and now i am looking for a professional who would be willing to help me understand the ways of coping with rape and how many people do it. I am looking for an expert witness who could help me in trial.... ANYONE help me please......

Eric - You might start at the top of this page where it says "Survivors". Under that heading is a listing of therapists (probably none on Nantucket) and other various resources. At least that might lead you in the right direction.

In the meantime, welcome. I'm sorry to hear what you've been through. But I think you will find support here, where there are so many others who have been where you are now. Good luck. - John
Eric, I think you are referring to an advocate at trial, someone who has been there, and can explain the difficulties you have faced in the past.

Your post is a little confusing to read, as I dont know what the charges relate to.

There are guys in here who do advocate work, and maybe one will respond, but at the end of the day, the states is a huge place.

You maybe better to look for a survivor group in your area, who could be advocate for your case,

Welcome to MS Eric

I'm sorry to hear what you've been through but you've found a great place for support here - I hope that one of the proffesionals here will be able to help you more directly with your legal case question...

One thing that I know that you could do is to use the survivors links at the top of the page here and call a few of the closest therapists to the area in which you live - they may be able to guide you in finding someone who could advocate for you in court

I wish you the best,

TJ jeff

What you may want to do is to look in your local phone book or try looking online for a defense attorney or a legal aid to help defend you.As well you might want to see if you can locate a victim advocate group sometimes they might be underneath the court in order to help a person they may be able to steer you in the right location.

I guess we would have to know more in regards to the actual charge and the actual story behind what you did you may have a defense just behind why you did what you did refering to the abuse,I can understand the feelings of what you went thru in meeting again the offender it is hard and the feelings return from the abuse can you answer me this or do you want to keep in confidence if you caused harm to your offender.I know being abused does not justify going after your abuser but as I have learned there are ways of going about making sure the offender pays for what he did in a legal way not taking justice into your own hands no matter how much you hurt or have anger toward the offender.

You may want to see if the charging authority will make a deal outside of court to instead of actually charging you help you to get therapy you may have to explain the situation behind the actual charge however,I would not do it unless I had an attorney present to help you understand what the charging authority cards are and how they are playing them.
I was charged with a disorderly conduct that was then up charged to stalking. Stalking in Wisconsin has a whole new meaning compared to what the sterotypical one it. The one i was charged with meant causing a person emotional distress on more than one occassion. My former roomate was the one with the guy who raped me. She would bring him home at night. Even after i explained the situation to her on many occassions she never cared. I started trying to take my own life and she cought me. I also talked to her about commiting suicide on a pretty regualr basis. Needless to say she called the cops 3 times. 2 times i was commited for an evaluation and the 3 time arrested. In all the police reports and all of the court records the "VICTEM" (which i use very lightly), never refered to the sexual assult because she was/is protecting her boyfriend. Since this all happened I have move out of the area like 1,500 miles away to MA. am getting counsoling but yet she is still harrasseing me. I want to show in court that my actions were part of a healing process and that many sexul assult victems go through suicidel and depressing stages.

I also contacted the Dane County Rape Crisis center. You can totally tell they are geared for female sexual assult and they have no experiance with male sexual assult.

Thanks for all of your sugestions. Any one else like to help. Its to bad that the Madison Police now look at me as a criminal instead of a victem of this brutal sexual assult. I have heard of 3 other assults that remind me of this guy in the area. Once you assult one kid more than likly your going to assult another!

Hi Eric, I am sorry that you were raped. And I am sorry this whole mess has happened to you. Here is a brief web page that you can print to take with you to your next counseling session. It is important for them to relate to you as a rape survivor. You may need to be blunt in reminding them to treat you as such. One idea that popped into my head is to take a paper bag, and cut eyes and mouth holes in it. Write on it female rape victim. If during a counseling session, you get the feeling that you are not being taken seriously, just whip it out and put it on. It may help, or it may get you kicked out, don't know. It is just a idea, to think on.

About your defence, if you don't already have one, you need a good criminal defence lawyer the type that normally defends rapist. I don't know if these guys are any good but it is a start.
Here is the search that I did.

Normally we don't push anyone to write up their survivor story, but as it could be a vital part of your defence, you need to be able to write it out, if for no other reason than your lawyer will need to know all about it. Who knows maybe one of these lawyers will want to take your rapist to civil court.
Take care and keep on talking about it.

Thanks for all of your sugestions. Any one else like to help. Its to bad that the Madison Police now look at me as a criminal instead of a victem of this brutal sexual assult.
It is so sad that the police treat survivors not as victims, but tend to just act on evidence that is in front of them.

Nobody can see into an abused mind, nobody wants or cares to be, so they just dont know the horrors that went on in your life.

Google the phrase 'the invisible boy', it makes good reading, and it shows how an abused boy can end up in institutions because of past abuse.

It also shows that we are prone to self sabotaging actions in life, but most of them are cries for help, and the police should be trained to listen.

It is the silence of boys that hampers the efforts of people who should care, and not put someone abused through so much hurt, when they do not even know the damage it does to them.

I hope you can find the advocate you need,


I have no other suggestions, it looks as everyone has spoken to you smartly. I would stress to work in therapy, and perhaps even your therapist could advocate for you, as they would probably have the best insight into YOU specifically, not just sexual victims in general. Good luck.
