Help end the misery
This is my first message and I'm fairly new on this website. I've actually taken the time to write this just to keep me out of the porn sites on the internet. I was pretty brutally abused by a neighborhood kid both sexually and emotionally by being made to do things a 6 year old or anyone should have to take. It went on for a year then again by a cousin. I'm also very new to dealing with my feelings on this and am finding it very hard even to write now without major feelings of anger. The biggest factor affected 40 years later in my life is I'm sure not new to anyone in the same circumstance, is the intimacy factor with my wife. She understands and is looking forward to me getting help here but its so unfair to her and I feel completely helpless. Its not that I don't want to be or feel close, but I am so addicted to gay porn on here that it doesn't help at all I know. I sit here and look at the websites but not really aroused by it and don't masterbate usually with it but its always there. Why a male body "turns me on" after the child abuse? I wish I had the answer because it probably would help before this marriage falls apart. Any feedback is appreciated and helpful. Thanks in advance for it. Alan