

Itchy Feet

New Registrant
Hello folks, I hope you are all well?

Yes you guessed it, I am a new and nervous addition to the survivors list..

I dont know why I am here, yet here I am. So hopefully thats a good thing.. Any way, I am off to browse the forums and I look forward to chatting away with you all in the near future..

Many Thanks
Itchy Feet
Hello Itchy,

Glad you found us. This site has a ton of great information and amazing people on it. Please let us know how we can help and support you in your journey to a better place.

We all get there in different ways and have made lots of mistakes, so plan for that...but learn as much as you can.

Happy to see you taking the first step :-).


Hello Itchy Feet,

I am sorry for your reason to be here, but glad for you to have chosen to join in.

I think it's a good thing that you have joined in and a brave step as well.

I do not know your story, but will reiterate what been communicated to me and far too many others.
The abuse was not your fault, you are not to blame and you have taken a bold and brave step in seeking support from those who truly understand.

Take you time and when you feel ready speak your truth.
The guys here at MS will be there to listen, advise or just support you.

Welcome and take care