

Huge difference indeed! Your dad may be hurting a lot because of problems with your mom (you said she left and that's when he changed).

But the bottom line is there's nothing wrong with you Seb. If your dad is screwing up that means he's having problems and taking them out on you. That's wrong.

A good way to see how wrong that is shows up in the fact that you are feeling really bad about being Seb. There's a lot to talk about there, but just for now I want you to know you are doing exactly what you SHOULD be doing: you're talking about things. Maybe you don't see this yet, but talking does help.

Please also believe you are safe here. No one knows who you are or even where you are, and we have mods who make sure things stay okay here. No one will come in here and see what you are saying, and then take it back to your dad.

Much love,

I know you are holding back from us, there is obviously something deeply hurting you.
Would you have the courage to phone a helpline?
These people are trained to deal with calls of your nature, and you only have to tell them what you need to.

Sometimes you can feel like nobody cares, the world is a strange place, and figure its an impossible situation you find yourself in.

Take up the offer of PMing Scotty Todd, and dont worry, the mods wont say anything to anybody if you so wish.
Talking stuff out is best, because others can see ways ahead that you never thought possible.

I can safely say that most of us have been in a position which seemed hopelessly out of control.
You need to know that you are not bad, not guilty, nor anything else.

We have all blamed ourselves in the past,


this is a place where you can talk about things, but we dont know how bad things have been, nor do you have to tell us.

All I and others know, is that you are deeply hurt in your present situation, whether it is physical, sexual or other violence, or both.

This place is not going to tell anybody what happened, so it is a good place to share your worries, but having said that, you are right to protect yourself.

Your own safety is the important bit,


It may well be that he can't help what he is doing. But that doesn't mean you should tolerate being abused by him. He is an adult, and if I read your posts correctly, he is your father. His job is to love and protect you, not to abuse you. If he is hurting you it's his responsibility to get the help he needs to stop.

It is NOT your job to accept abuse until he figures out how to stop. Your body belongs to YOU. No one has the right to use you and exploit you. Not for any reason EVER.

Look at it this way. What is happening to you is giving you the idea that life is not worth living. Does it sound right to you that anyone should make a 16-year-old teenager feel like that?

Much love,