


Hello i just joined here, i'm not ready to say much yet but wanted to at least introduce myself. i'm darrin, 17, from florida originally. Been in therapy for about 6 months and it's going ok so far, there are just things that I can't talk about right to someones face, so I thought a place like this might help.

Welcome. Glad you found this place. So sorry for the reason you feel the need to be here, but I think you'll find some great things here. The guys here are pretty understanding and can help you through some of the rough spots.

There's a few other men here who are your age. Good guys, all of them. I think you guys will find each other pretty fast.

One of the important things for each of us to learn is that what happened is not our fault. That was a real hard one for me to get through my thick skull, but thanks to the guys here, I think I finally figured it out.

Take your time here and talk when you feel you can. Ask all the questions you want, and just generally get used to the place and learn to know us some.

Lots of love,

Welcome Darrin! I'm originally from Florida, too, although I got started decades before you were born.

I'm sorry that you need a place like this site, but you will be blessed by the guys here. We have all dealt with the issues of SA. In fact, we are still dealing with issues. BUT we all know now, that we are not alone anymore. We can talk to each other and share ideas and thoughts. We can and do help each other, as well as ourselves, at MS.

JerrySan, welcome to you, also!! Glad you are joining us, for the same reasons stated above.
Welcome Darrin,
I also am from Florida (Deltona) I am new here also just started a few days ago. In fact this is my first response to someone's post. I'm sorry that you need this site. I have found a wight lifted from me just knowing that I now have a place to talk & express freely negative feelings I have felt for almost 40 years. I wish I had sought help at the age of 17. I think it's not uncommon for men like myself who have been in denial about our abuse to not confront it till midlife. Something like a divorce or other crisis force's us to look back at childhood events in a different light. Again Welcome and take your time.

Welcome to Male Survivor. Yes, some of these things are difficult to talk about to someone else directly. But please free here to talk about whatever you need to discuss or ask about. You might need some time to get used to the place but I bet it will help you a lot. Everyone here will believe you, understand what you are saying, and support you.

Much love,
thanks for the replies, I wasn't sure if i would get any. i've been looking around here some, there's a lot of good information.
Tom i was from daytona beach area, me and my mother moved and i guess i can't say where since she's kind of hiding out from her boyfriend.
she was with him for like 10 years.
Larry thats good when you say people here will believe me, thats all i want is for people to believe me. my mother never did until she saw with her own eyes and then she believed me but she was too scared of him to do anything about it.
so i dont know whats worse, that she didnt believe me or that she did and wouldnt do anything to help. but i dont blame her, she's pretty messed up but at least she got away and she's trying to get us help now.
i was supposed to go back to school to finish my last year this september but i can't yet. doctor doesn't think i'm ready, i wanted to just so that i could feel normal. but then i thought about it and figured it would be wierd, when i was able to go to school my friends would be there on monday talking about what they did over the weekend, i could never talk about that, or i'd have to just make something up. thanks again for replying.
My Perp lived in Holly Hill at one time. I don't remember for sure if he every did anything to me there. My mother was pretty messed up too. She was a real alcoholic. My Dad used to beat her a lot before I was born, he (alcoholic too)died when I was a baby. I'm greatful that when she found out she had all his stuff on the front porch the next day and we never saw him again. He must of been a real charming contrast to my dad. He had her go to court in Pa. for him before we moved to Fl. His exgirlfriend had him there for abusing her son and my mom must of said something to the effect he would never to that. I'm sure at the time she really felt that way. I just recently found this out.
Hi tom,
i know that with my mother she was just scared of him. it's not any excuse to stay there with me and she new i was getting hurt. she was in denial for along time saying nothing was going on. finally one time she walked in on us, then she couldnt deny it anymore. as far as i know her bf still is in florida.