Hello. I am new.

Hello. I am new.


Hello all. I am new, but want to get some perspectives.
This is my first shot at truly acknowledging the scars, if thats what you call them. I tried to do this about 5 years ago, but was too immature. Apparently, was made of stainless steel back then. Going to be 30 in 2005, and I hear this is a good time to start.
Mike Lew's book, Victims No Longer, was the catharsis. You know the story, it was like reading your own biography in a way.
My concern is for those around me. My coworkers, some of whom are medically trained, seem to 'know whats up'. The trouble with this is, I am not sure if this feeling of them 'knowing whats up' is a manifestation of my needs and they may not really know whats up.
Has anyone else had this happen?
What about attachments? I'm getting these upsetting feelings when people I know leave. They move, or get another job. People that are not neccessarily friends but are people that seemed to care or knew about this disorder, and you wanted to be friends - but cant bring yourself to open up? I'm also lonely - resisting others has become a way of life for me. I'm good at acting like nothings wrong. But, not adjusting too well alone.

I hope to get some insights. Dont worry about my sensitivities. I can handle, whatever.

I dont know what it means with 'triggers' in posts, but I may be triggering when I explain, real briefly, what the issue is now: (can someone explain what it means with triggers as it relates to posting?):

I was molested by my mother, and my uncle until I was about 10 years old. Since then, ive had trouble with relationships and trust. Mom has emotional problems and has been on welfare her whole life. Uncle is dead but was a pedophile.
Ive been an overachiever type - got a good job and am fairly well off financially. Never knew my father and pretty much never was able to relate to my peers. Mother was physically abusive, as well as sexually. Uncle played father role until he was jailed for violating his own kids. Mom has said to this day, "You always wanted me to". Didnt know 5 year olds were into that with their moms.
I have issues with sexual relations with anybody. I'm afraid the people around me know this but I dont know what their intentions are.

I hope to get into some group counseling, hopefully close to where I live in Philadelphia.
Open to recomendations and referrals.

Hope to get the courage to heal. I got a lot to offer in life, I think. We'll see how I do.
Hello PhillyPA -

Welcome to this online community.

"Triggers", as I define them, are things that might set someone off (hence the nickname) - things like graphic details of s.a. (sexual abuse), strong outbursts of anger, and I'm sure others will weigh in with examples that I have missed.

When I say "set someone off" I mean it could lead to unhealthy behaviours of all sorts or dissociation and the like. (You will see posts begin with "may trigger" just to warn us of that possibility. It helps me prepare to read something which may be unpleasant.)

"Victims No Longer" (you may see it abbreviated as VNL) has helped a lot of us here.

If you get a chance, read the guidelines on the front page. They talk about keeping ourselves safe here.

I hope you get the referrals you are looking for. I am in a group here in Toronto and it has been really good for me.

Again, welcome!


you are in the right place. This website is truly a great place to come to start down your road of recovery. Each one of us been through SA=sexual abuse (it took me awhile to figure what SA was, and because of this everyone here can, and will be able to relate to what you have to share. As I have been told it is VERY important that you take your time here, and I have found this to be true. I wanted to hurry up and get over this, but as I found out that was not possaible due to having to deal with all of the feelings that we all have to go through as we recover. I also STRONGLY suggest that you read through the Survior Story's where you will get to know others here including myself, for this will help you have a better understanding where the guys here are comming from. I offer you my friendship, and support as I am sure many others will as well. Again, WELCOME!!

A New Friend,
Let me welcome you as well. Although none of us want to be here it is a great place for guys like us, the support and friendship is as good as it gets.

We use 'trigger warnings' just to let others know if we have written something that might remind them strongly of their own situation, something like a graphic descrition of a sex act.
It doesn't mean you can't post what you want here, the Moderators aren't here to control what you write, we're more 'peace keepers' than 'thought police'.
About the only time we swing into action is when arguments break out and things get personal.

So come and join us, we're here for you.

Thank you for the welcome and advice Kenn, Mike and Lloyd. And to whoever else responds as well.
As you can probably tell, i'm diving right in here. So, I hope to learn, absorb and hopefully heal. Thank you again. I'll be reading more posts now. :D
Phillpa. I add my welcome too. 30 is a great time to start. I waited until I was 56 and that was a big mistake. I have been at it now for 8 years.
I have found that what I have been able to do is reduce the effect of flashbacks, memories, etc so that they have little influence on today and the next day. We have no stake in tomorrow until it is today. So I prepare for it with expectation.

I dont know if this sounds screwy or what. Another big thing is to know that you are not a freak and never alone again.
Hi Mike Church. I feel freaky all the time. I'm glad i'm not alone in feeling like that, but also hope to get where you're at with dealing with it. Thanks for the welcome and advice.
Hello PhillyPA, and welcome to here.

I can understand some what you mean, by thinking these people maybe 'know what is going on'. Sometime I would think that I have some sign on me, telling people what happen. I think we are so like hyperaware of it in ourselves that we KNOW others must see it to. But often, if they know anything, it is that we are just 'not right' we are just having some kind of troubles. But, again, paranoia is something we can relate to I believe.

I hope you find this a site of support and understanding. Keep yourself safe, and be good to yourself. Good luck.

PhillyPA, welcome, It is sad that you have to keep this secret from everyone you meet. I too work with doctors every day, I often wonder if they can see what is going on inside me.

I guess they cant though, but you have probably felt like that, all through your younger years, like they can read your mind through your eyes.

The more you know about yourself, the easier it is to identify with feelings from the past. Feelings put away by the mind to deal with when the mind is able to handle it, and make sense of the chaos.

take care,
