healing myself to death
when i came here about 5 months ago,i saw people who were light years ahead of me in healing from their abuse, i said ok it can be done ,i want it ,i want it right now! i dont want to wait or go slow ,i want it now!so iwould come here and ask for advice ,then not take it . everyone told me to go slow ,be sure you can handle what your taking on ,but i didnt listen ,i dont have time to go slow ,i want it now!so i did things like confronting my perp without being prepared for the result ,i confronted my dad after being told it might be a bad thing ,i contacted my mother after 10 years against the advice ,i was driven by the need to be better now ,i pushed my mind and body beyond the limits ,and when the nightmares started it was eaiser to just not sleep ,but who can just not sleep for days? so the drugs came into play ,i did meth because it kept me awake ,i was afraid to sleep ,the meth made it easy to just forget to eat so my body just gave out . seizures that i have not had for over 5 years started again ,of course i stopped taking the meds for them about a year ago .each time that i confronted something from my past the result was bad ,but i just pushed it aside and moved on to the next disappointment,expecting people to change and never getting what i wanted from them ,expecting people to care who never did . not dealing with anything really just pushing it all away ,so i guess where this post is going is if your new here ,when they say take it slow ,listen!for me i think i might just need to start over and do it the slow way .my way landed me in the hospital ,but it did slow me down at last. adam