he will never let me go !

he will never let me go !


WARNING from ModTeam, September 2013: user "Shado
i don't want to post this but i don't know what to do my abuser is taking control again and i can't stop him ,he is to smart i don't stand a chance against him .i posted that i got three pictures in the mail ,that i know he sent to me ,me at 11 years old all beat up ,which sent my mind into who knows where ,today another letter no retrun address or anything ,please tell me this doesn't make sense ,tell me i'm wrong PLEASE! in front of me are 6 pictures ,new pictures not old like the others ,they are of a boy about 11 or 12 ,nothing bad, he kinda looks like i did at 11 but the pictures are like the person who took them was hiding and the boy didn't know someone was taking his picture ,he is in a park or something ,he is alone walking into the woods .there is a paper with one thing typed on it ," meet bobby reminds me of you. that bastard is after another kid and he is telling me what he is doing .oh jesus ,he is smart enough to not do anything against the law. this shit don't mean anything to anybody but me ,if i try to explain to the police they think i'm a nut, damn one horse town cop.my family won't even tell me his address ,his parole guy says if the pictures were porn or anything illegal they could bust him ,but they can't do anything just because i think they should ,the pictures don't prove anything ,can you believe they can't give me his address ,he has rights you know .the letters are post marked from 3 different towns and were sent days before he came here for the funeral .oh god he is 3000miles away and i know what he can do ,what he will do . he's inside my head ,how do i fight this ?i pray he is only trying to freak me out and won't hurt anyone . he needs to go away forever . adam

Have you tried taking this up with the Post Office? Surely it must be illegal to use the post for this sort of thing. You also need some sort of written record; send letters, don't just call. If you do call, take the name of the person you are speaking to and send a follow-up letter. Authorities get a lot more nervous when there is a paper trail.

There is also an FBI consultant here at Male Survivor, Jim Clemente. All this is sounding very serious to me, and perhaps he has some suggestions.

One thing you need to recall Adam is that you are no longer a defenseless kid; you are a strong and brave young man with a lot of character. This guy is a coward and my guess is that he is trying to rattle you. But he has no right to do that and I hope this can be settled for you.

He is taking a tremendous risk. If he can be connected to those letters he can be sent back to jail.

Much love,
I want to share something that was triggered by this post, as I read it, I couldn't think of anything to say.
But for once, I felt free in that feeling, for I wasn't feeling guilt for feeling helpless. As I realized, it was feeling and I have to accept it. And it is ok to feel that way, and that it doesn't diminish me in any way, what I really am, my self worth remains unchanged, for I still value myself just the same!
they are of a boy about 11 or 12 ,nothing bad, he kinda looks like i did at 11 but the pictures are like the person who took them was hiding and the boy didn't know someone was taking his picture ,he is in a park or something ,he is alone walking into the woods .there is a paper with one thing typed on it ," meet bobby reminds me of you.
I would sent the photos and the note to his parole officer. They should be able to send him back to jail. I know that they droped the Sexual Abuse charges againest him but I would think that he would have some restrictions about be around kids. Be sure to copy the photos so that you have proof he sent them.

Shadow I would check to see if there is a Crime Victims Advocate in his state that may be able to help you.
Remember you are grown and he can;t harm you any more.

Seeing this just distresses me so much all over again. I just wanted to add this.

The title of your thread here is "He will never let me go!" That's Little Adam speaking and I hear him, as we all do bro. But it's not up to this guy whether Adam is "his" to hurt as he was in the past. Your abuser is a convicted criminal with a parole officer on his back, and you are a strong and courageous young man now.

You aren't in his grasp anymore! He is still trying to manipulate you, but he cannot hurt you as he did before.

Much love,
Shadow, You are no longer a little boy, helpless in the hands of your abuser, even though I know that's what it feels like and that's what he wants it to feel like. Also, the fact that the pictures were sent "before" he came for the funeral is a tremendous factor.
If you can, start looking at this from a different perspective...I know that's not easy. You are no longer dealing with your abuser. You are dealing with a seriously disturbed man. The authorities may not be able to do anything with just the pictures, but, once you have made them aware of the pictures and they have done nothing about them, then what he does is not longer your responsibility. What he does could never be your responsibility, he just wants you to think of it that way. You cannot go there and stop him, even if he plans something. You don't even know where "there" is.
He is playing mind games. He is an awful person. You are safe. Your child is safe. As long as you don't react, he loses. Easy to say, I know. But, truly, you can't do anything about what he "might" do. You have done everything you can. Each time you get something like that, I wouldn't even open it, but would just give it to the police or send it on to the parole officer, whichever you think would do the most good. He was able to abuse you before only because he was physically stronger than a little boy. You have always been the mentally stronger one. Don't let him win this one.

We all love you.


I read your story as you have posted it here at MS. You came out on top time after time. The sob perp has been defeated and it pisses him off. He is playing head games with you. Poor baby, that's all the weak minded wimp knows how to do. He is stuck 3000 miles away.

We are in your corner Adam. You've fought this bastard before and you came out on top, don't give up now. Your mind is a very powerful weapon, don't let him use it against you. You say he is smart, pushing the limits of the law is never smart. Sooner or later, he will push it just a little too far and then it's back to jail. You have beat him before, you can do it again.

Hang in there and as always, you are very much in my thoughts and prayers.


i know you all right in your advice ,but i can't get the picture out of my mind ,i can see and feel the things he does when he 's in charge and you can't get away . i don't think he is stupid enough to be doing anything against the law he knows i will contact his p.o. .he's just screwing with my head thanks for keeping me from getting sucked into his game .he sure knows how to play me . he fired up memories i thought were dead . adam
Way to go Adam, Keep it up! You are a winner!!!!


May I suggest that any mail that comes with out a return address dont open it. Take it to the Police and then the Post Office.
Hope this helps some.
God Bless Gary

I will just second what Gary suggests. Don't open mail without a return address, yes, but insist that anyone who does open these letters keeps the envelopes along with whatever they contain. By now you can probably recognize the way these things are addressed.

Have you talked about this to your lawyer, the one who is handling your grandmother's estate? He might have good ideas.

Much love,
Keep the faith Adam!!!
You've got all it take to deal with this low life wimp perp.
He is trying to mess with your head but, you are
so much more than that.
You've proven over and over again, that you are no longer the victim.