Having one of those entitilement days

Having one of those entitilement days


I'm having one of those entitlement days. From the moment I got up, I felt like the world owed me something. Why should I have to make coffee? Why should I have to shave? Why should I have to go to work?

I don't know what brings about these days when I'm just absolutely positive that I'm not getting what I deserve out of life. But I'm working hard to remember right now that we don't get what we deserve, rather we get what we get. I can either accept my life or change it. I'm not just a passenger here. Maybe I'll go write that 100 times.

Take care guys.
Dan for me those days were a prelude to the downward swirl of the poor me's and then the..... wll you know the rest. Now I just say screw it and do something for me and me alone. Seems to work.
Maybe entitlement is better then 'dis' entitlement? (I don't know what the word is). I wake up most days feeling I owe the world for allowing me to still exist in it. I would like to wake up feeling that I deserve to get back from it more often.


(But since I live alone, if I want coffee, I do need to make it myself!)