Having bad dreams?

Having bad dreams?


I had this dream that I thought that I would share with you. The subject matter has been a recurrent theme in my dreams for many years. Tornados! Last night there were lots of tornados, so many that I thought that it might be a dream. It seemed awfully real, but I suggested to myself that if it was a dream, I should wake up. I woke up.

Then I went back to sleep and found myself in the same place and situation. Only the tornados were much stronger. A body flew thru the air and landed on electric wires, buildings were torn apart. I hid behind a short wall as several tornados passed over me and threw a fence over me.

After crawling out from under the debris, and as the storms were increasing in intensity, a stranger came up to me. He was afraid. I embraced him and whispered in his ear, Dont worry about all of this, it is only one of my dreams.

Then my alarm went off and I got ready for work. I really wished that I could dream away the going to work part

But I do have real power over my dreams, my nightmares. I cannot stop them from happening, but I can alter their content and the effect they have on my waking life.

Many of us suffer from nightmares. We dont need to suffer. We can take control. There are real, effective ways to consciously alter the dream content. I have been studying and practicing dream manipulation of 25 years. Let me assure you that if you are haunted by nightmares, you can have power over them. You may never be free of them, but you can change the outcome to your own benefit. There are ways and methods that work.

It is possible for the conscious mind to enter into the unconscious levels of mind and make changes. This is not an issue of faith. It is the result of practice and method. Doubt it or dispute it as you will, but you do have power in your dreams, and that power translates into real life results.

My point here is that there are steps you can take to eliminate the problem of nightmares. You have to want to take those steps and work on the process. But you can do it.

I was looking at this thread and wondering about how to reply, the dream is powerful, and maybe one that could turn into a nightmare, but the control issue fascinated me.

I remember as a kid, having these nightmares from Hell, and I always woke up screaming and terrified, sometimes too terrified to go back to sleep, or even thinking about sleep, so I just laid there and waited till dawn just to get a couple of hours.

I remember screaming inside my head for the nightmares to go, eventually they ceased to scare me, as I identified with them, and blamed it on the hurt, but it took a lot of doing.

Trouble is though, that I recall not being able to dream for many years, and I think that dreaming means we are OK inside, but my dreams are slowly coming back, even though they are fleeting.

I always missed the dreaming as a content little kid, and have no worries, but somehow I can still remember those days, so maybe I can get back to them, I think so,

a good thought,

Ya, Aden, maybe you could lead us through an exercise or two. I've heard of folks having some hero type guy show up in the most scary part of the dreaming to help save the day.
Is it dangerous for some of us or does it benefit all?
When can you start?


Oh, and how much do you charge?
I am trying to think of a way to tell you how to walk willfully thru your dreams. There is no single solution that will satisfy every need. The process is basically the same for all, but the details can very wildly.

The first thing that you have to do of course is accept that dreams can be manipulated. Without that basic stipulation there is nothing you can do but learn to live with bad dreams. This is what a lot of people wind up doing. But, dreams are made out of the same stuff as all of our other thoughts. We can change out minds and our thoughts. Experience, practice and study are all methods of changing the thought process.

There is no more danger to this process of altering dreams than there is in lying down in your bed. Eventually, you can come to discover that the dream world is a welcomed place where problems of reality can be safely resolved on the emotional level.

That is the first lesson.

The first exercise is really simple. All you have to do is think about it. Actually spend some time considering the possibility that you can control these thoughts. Nightmares can be so horrific, so frightening, that we tend to empower them in our conscious waking minds. As soon as you realize that you can control the content of your dreams, they begin to lose their power.

Conscious visualization is one of the most important tools for dream manipulation. Close you eyes and look at the pictures in the random order that your mind presents them. Think about a red circle. Chose to see a red circle. If you cant see a circle, at least try to see the color red. Choose willfully what you are seeing in your inner mind.

And that is the point. You can choose the things that you see behind you eyes. With practice you can shape your dreams to your will. You cannot avoid dreaming, but you can make it an empowering factor in your life.

There is a lot more to be said, but I dont want to waste our time. Let me know if you find this useful. I will continue if anyone is interested.

Am posting in response, and separately for obvious reasons.


Very interesting info as I myself at times wake up in a cold sweat drenched and having flashbacks and these flashbacks have been occuring ever since I went in for a surgical procedure several years ago and to this day they continue and sometimes I try the manipulation of these dreams and flashbacks in order so I can deal with things and so I can try to sleep when ever I can.I am interested in what you have to say in regard to this subject as it may prove helpful to me.

until last year, I always have no problem with sleep. Until beginning to deal of things. But then, I now have lot of bad dreams. Sometime it seem like I am stronger, and is not so bad, and other times, it is being afraid even to go asleep, because I know they are coming. And it is not reason, because sometime I fear I will wake up and it will not be a dream, it really still is happening. Because sometime I wake up, still I am feeling it, like is real.

Thank you for what you posted, how to help it. I will try what you say, I have tried other things people say, and I know some day something will work always.
