Have I made a mistake?

Have I made a mistake?


My heart is racing.

I've just sent a feedback form to a local newspaper about someone that was involved in a distant way in my abuse. He knew my abuser and they talked about the people they abused.

I have learnt what he did through my abusers 'boasts' at the time and through talking to people who were abused.

I kept quite and no one knew. But a link on here sent me to a US site that had him on it. The local media haven't picked it up yet (Originally posted jan 2006) so i drew their attention to it.

Not sure it was the right move now. It's made me feel closer to it all again. It means I'm worthy enough to want revenge though!

I don't think it's ever a mistake to report information that will expose a pedophile. The issue is just whether you yourself are ready for the possible consequences in terms of talking to authorities, giving evidence, testifying and so on. You might want to talk to Rik about this, as he has had plenty of experience.

Was it the right move for you? That would depend on what you need in order to facilitate your recovery. But remember that your worthiness as a person is and has always been there. It can't be measured by your desire for revenge.

Much love,

Edited to add that I forgot you are in the UK. Kirk Wayne would also be someone you should talk to about where things could go.
Mark, Larry certainly points out how this may impact you in what may follow but as you have explained it, the news is public and "out there" anyway. It really would just be a matter of time I'm sure before others also find it and run with it or not.

If you're feeling guilty that you dobbed him in or 'exposed' him, I think that's a mute point. It already is public.

I guess I just want to say, don't give yourself a hard time about that. Determine where to from here for you and only embark on what is safe and comfortable for you.

In regards to the perp, you haven't made a mistake. I agree with Larry that it could get a little dicey if you're not emotionally or mentally prepared to give evidence, etc., but we're here to support you if and when you need us. Just give a shout and you'll have a bunch of us there in a few heartbeats.

Kirk Wayne and Rik could be of tremendous support to you, as Larry also mentioned.

Just keep in touch.

Lots of love,

As ever thanks! I feel so at home here.

Just gotta wait to see if the media pick it up. No response from the other authorities yet.
