Hating myself today......
I hate myself today. I am so stupid. I don't see how any of this helps . I am so angry I just tried writing things down and all I do is get more and more ripshit. I have a shake inside me right now, ready to explode. I want to hurt these assholes that did this to me I can't take it today. I want to rip my SA abusers head off and stop all of my pain into him, lets see him live with that pain for the next 24 yrs. Family ? that is family ? people who will hurt you and leave you feeling degraded angry scared shitless and so confused about everything ?/ I wish I could take that belt my old man used and rip his skin with it the way mine was. I want to strip him down to his bare needs and smash them the way mine were. I hate everything about how i survived. I wish I had the balls to do it the very first time i tried to. Pussy !! maybe nooone would have ever had to endure the shit and hurt I have put people thru because of all this crap. I want to make them bleed the way i still bleed to this day, from the very core of me. I hurt the one person that loves me truely. I have this unbearable pain inside me over all I have done to hide myself. How could I possibly be loved, I do not deserve compassion, I deserve pain punishment, I am a bad person and I hate myself for everything. I wish I didn't turn the wheel at the last second away from that tree. Maybe I would have peace somehow now. My love would not have ever known me and she would have been so much better off not knowing me at all. I can't even get the words out right now how I feel for this girl. never mind the words for the pain i have caused her. I am shaking anxiety ridden I want to scream but I can't. I am at work and they would think I am totally fucked in the head, actually i think I am. How can anyone except any of this shit. How do you live your life knowing all the pain you cause people. I hate that i survived the way i did. I am so ashamed of myself, ashamed to be me.....I want the pain to stop, I want to take the hurt away from everyone I have done wrong. I am so sorry Honeybee. I am sorry you ever had to know me and that you ever had to know of the pain inside me. I am sorry i hurt you, I am sorry i am tainted, used and just a bad person. I am sorry I hurt you..I take no pride today in surviving, I wish I failed ..I am sorry for my life. .I ......