Last night I became very angry at my mother/abuser. About 4 - 5 months ago i became aware of repressed memories of her abuse of me. I have not confronted her and have just stayed away barely talking with her. I live in Atlanta and she in Pittsburgh about 700 miles apart. In fact I have not spoken word one to her in 2 months. Yesterday I found out that she closed an account she shared with my son and did not tell him. I think what angered me so much was that she used my son to get to me. I feel nothing but hate and contempt in my heart for her. I feel like an orphan and do not like it. I was told that hate is a strong work and that it will make me sick if I keep the hate in my heart. I think what makes me sick is living a lie. Livng abd pretending she is innocent and never did abuse me. I think that has made me sick. I think that now that I can feel the hate I have a place to move on from. It is really difficult because I feel familyless. And it bothers me more than I thought it would. Yes i have my children but I feel like I am left out in the cold from the rest of them. It feels lonely especially now at holday time. I guess that is why it seems so large right now. The holidays are here and I know that everyonoe but me will be there. I have 2 brothers who are MAMA's boys. I guess there did not experience the abuse I did. I am the oldest of three boys. My father physical abused me but not my brothers. So I figure she left them a lone too. I wonder why me and then someone will say why not you. I am sorry if I sound bitter or confused but I just spent a good hour crying last night and just feel drained today. I do not know what I am asking for. I just think I needed to write. I needed to get it out of me. It still feels shity. Sometines I think all I get is shity but I know better. When I think of my two son's I know everything is not shity. I guess I am rambling so I will quit writting.