Hate this web site
I hate this web site because it is here. There shouldn't have to be a place like this, we
shouldn't have to come here. This should have never happened to us, it is not our fault, it is
our perp. fault.
If u do a web search on male sexual abuse it should give u "o" hits, WRONG. Lets have a big
reality hit here, yah clonk me on the head for this pipe dream in fanatcy land.
If u notice on the homepage to this site there are 2 links that jump out at me. They are:
Ten facts about "Sexual abuse of boys and its aftermath"
What is sexual abuse
We live this stuff and suffer from it everyday. Kev and Nyjah are still living with the physical
effects and scars NOW and it gets me really pissed.
Wow, good stuff here, good talk at the table at dinner time discussion huh, oh no is it under the table and rug it goes hush, hush we don't talk about that, push it far under the rug as far as we can to forget, but that lump underneath the rug is still there and hurts anytime anyone trips on the lump, it is thought about for a second and becomes unnoticed again until it gets bigger and bigger then it can't be hidden anymore and it breaks through the carpet and everyone around is stained with its effects. This is an example how some family's deal with this issue, but with the help of our family here we bring it out in the open and talk about it, learn from it and help each other and soothe the wounds we each have.
Yes, we as survivors are living with affects it is 24/7, 7 days a week, 52 weeks in a year. It
doesn't go away for a christmas holiday or for spring break. It has become part of us, it does
get less sometimes, but it rears its ugly head when u least expect it. it is so intertwined with every aspect of our lives it is hard to deal with it sometimes.
One brother here told me, when I was going through a hard time was this: Other people have on their minds all of time family problems and school or work problems, but we as surviviors not
only have those, but we also have the aftereffects of sexual abuse in our heads. It is amazing our survival tools we carry and use each day.
There are some days when I log onto the site and it lists all of the guys, with their users name
showing, and I wish I didn't see Reality 2k4, or Sophiesdad, ForeverFighting etc...Wish they
didn't have to come here, but I am glad they are here to lend an ear, talk from a different
perpective that I haven't thought about before.
I come here everyday to get help and maybe lend
an ear to someone who is hurting.
We are here because each one of us has been sexually victimized sometime in our lives and it
repulses me that this s_____ continues to this day.
Those who know me know I don't talk like that, but I think the little guy inside is beginning to express the rage that is buried deep inside of me. Sort of scary to post this and verbilize my thoughts and feelings. This has been a few days of thoughts. Really hit hard when Nyjah went into the hospital.
Glad all of u guys are here, couldn't makke it without u and I am glad this web site is here for everyone for us.
shouldn't have to come here. This should have never happened to us, it is not our fault, it is
our perp. fault.
If u do a web search on male sexual abuse it should give u "o" hits, WRONG. Lets have a big
reality hit here, yah clonk me on the head for this pipe dream in fanatcy land.
If u notice on the homepage to this site there are 2 links that jump out at me. They are:
Ten facts about "Sexual abuse of boys and its aftermath"
What is sexual abuse
We live this stuff and suffer from it everyday. Kev and Nyjah are still living with the physical
effects and scars NOW and it gets me really pissed.
Wow, good stuff here, good talk at the table at dinner time discussion huh, oh no is it under the table and rug it goes hush, hush we don't talk about that, push it far under the rug as far as we can to forget, but that lump underneath the rug is still there and hurts anytime anyone trips on the lump, it is thought about for a second and becomes unnoticed again until it gets bigger and bigger then it can't be hidden anymore and it breaks through the carpet and everyone around is stained with its effects. This is an example how some family's deal with this issue, but with the help of our family here we bring it out in the open and talk about it, learn from it and help each other and soothe the wounds we each have.
Yes, we as survivors are living with affects it is 24/7, 7 days a week, 52 weeks in a year. It
doesn't go away for a christmas holiday or for spring break. It has become part of us, it does
get less sometimes, but it rears its ugly head when u least expect it. it is so intertwined with every aspect of our lives it is hard to deal with it sometimes.
One brother here told me, when I was going through a hard time was this: Other people have on their minds all of time family problems and school or work problems, but we as surviviors not
only have those, but we also have the aftereffects of sexual abuse in our heads. It is amazing our survival tools we carry and use each day.
There are some days when I log onto the site and it lists all of the guys, with their users name
showing, and I wish I didn't see Reality 2k4, or Sophiesdad, ForeverFighting etc...Wish they
didn't have to come here, but I am glad they are here to lend an ear, talk from a different
perpective that I haven't thought about before.
I come here everyday to get help and maybe lend
an ear to someone who is hurting.
We are here because each one of us has been sexually victimized sometime in our lives and it
repulses me that this s_____ continues to this day.
Those who know me know I don't talk like that, but I think the little guy inside is beginning to express the rage that is buried deep inside of me. Sort of scary to post this and verbilize my thoughts and feelings. This has been a few days of thoughts. Really hit hard when Nyjah went into the hospital.
Glad all of u guys are here, couldn't makke it without u and I am glad this web site is here for everyone for us.