Guests / Visitors

Guests / Visitors


Sometimes when I log on at this site, I check out the names of who is here, or recently visited.

I note that sometimes I may be the only registered person, sometimes there are many. In addition I note that there may be one or two Guests / Visitors; and sometimes there are many.

I wonder about what they are thinking, or, going through. Are they like me when I first came here - just about at the end of my tether. Are they wondering if people here could be half as supportive as they appear to be. Do they think that their trust will be abused again if they try to show some reconciliation to the human race.

If you are reading this post and wondering what you are doing here (is this the first time you've stumbled upon this site)?

Let me tell you this is a place where you can begin to live again. Don't expect miracles. Don't try to go too fast. Do believe in yourself as we believe in you.

Best wishes ...Rik

I come here as a 'Guest/visitor' because I am not signed into 'recent users'. Many of these guests may be 'regulars' who choose to be here more privately.

Rik I also like Leosha don't show my name when I log on.I have been here since May 2002 but still use Guest as my sign on. Tom
hi I had just writen what I wanted to say and I lost it in here some where ..I'm new dad was a serviver..and I wanted to telll you his story..wich i will another time ..Hey everyone !!
thanx... hey Rik people are probly thinking the same thing as you ..I know I am??
my mom and dad stayed together for about till I was about 2or3 years old. when I got put in child custiy I was able to build a relionship with my dad.My dad had a great hart and would help anyone who needed it. but when I was around 17 I found out my dad and I had something in commen that you never would wish on anyone. My dad was raped repetedly when he was in a boys bording school in NFL. he told his family but back then no one could even think a holy man could do such things. So my dad did what he had to do to survie, he got in to drugs, alchol and developed a mental illness. My dad was in out of the hospital his problems. My dad was the best man and he loved to be alive and loved his girls.
but wished he would be able to be a better father to us, in his own way he was the greatest dad ever. Many of times talking to me about wat had happen to me and him as childeren, he was my best friend. In 1997 he asked for help from the hospital, he was sseeing things and he was feeling that he might hurt his self. this was about 6pm..they got him to the hospital and did the whole question thing to see whrere he was and how bad he was and if he has been taking his med..ECT..they put him in the general word in sted of the hight at risk word and by 8pm that night they found him.My Dad hung his self, this man who always said get help if you feel like you may hurt your self..I lost my father and my best friend.A man that knew how I felt and understood me. It has been many years know almost 8 years sence his passing and I still hear him, 'come on you can do it, you can do better then me. Just get the help and keep your chin up and keep smiling". My dad may of never finshed school or of been some rocket sientest but he was a strong man and showed me that life is worth living even after you have been toren.
I say to all of you the same. And remmber life can get better,even if it takes time :) well you wonderful people I've sent out the story of my father, to people he would of loved to know and to just to know he was not the only man with the demon on his back..thanx for reading and please take care of your selfs and each other and remmber ones before you had no one but you have people here for you. Thanx again..I send the love I know my father would of..
Dear Pat, thank you so much for sharing here. Your story, and your father's touched me. You are a very courageous person and your father did a good job with you. You brought into focus what this forum is all about: surviving and sharing. Thank you. Peace, Andrew
Pat - thanks for sharing your story & I hope you find much strength here.

Leosha / Tom - thanks for clearing that one up for me.. I had the impression that most guests were people that didn't want to be recognised here even under a pseudonym & that maybe they were frightened to seek the help they may need.

Best wishes again everyone ...Rik
Rik the only time anybody knows I am here is when someone is really hurt and needs to know that I am here, otherwise I turn off that feature, it is a trust issue and no more than that, but I have now to keep it that way.

Pat, I am sorry about your dad, and I know just how much a loss it must have been for you, and how he was the greatest guy in the World.

It is always so much grief to lose a loving father, and it is so much harder when he left you that way, but you remember him as so good which is good to share.

He is still with you, and will guide you,


Welcome here, and I am very sorry for the loss of your father, and in such a terrible way. I hope that this site can provide you some solace and peace of mind.

Hi ,
thank you for the nice words, and I feel i might find a place here. :) well thanx again.
