Gratitude and GLBT sexuality

Gratitude and GLBT sexuality


Though it isn't always easy to get to, especially when in the midst of abuse recovery work and aftereffects, reminding myself today to be grateful for my sexuality.

Otherwise, I can get too caught up in the problems.

So, need to affirm my sexuality, even if quietly doing so. Think this is particularly a challenge within the GLBT community since there are so many messages out there still questioning its validity with regard to relationships. That's not to say others don't struggle with gratitude about their non-GLBT sexuality as well.

Simply want to affirm the gift of my sexuality. Neither abusers, nor social discrimination of gay sexuality (thankfully this has lessened in recent years) has squelched this energy from my life. I am grateful for it.
As a fellow gay male survivor, I applaud you on this sense of gratitude for your sexuality and indeed for your resilience despite that which seeks to harm, erase, or rob you of your sexuality. This is fantastic and I am so happy you shared it with us.
My fraternal brothers,

As a recent out of the closet senior citizen & military retiree.

I salute my gay fraternal gay brothers here in being proud of who & what we are & always was.

Wishing you all well on our journey in healing.

"I will take that lost boys hand, and I will lead him from the depths of darkness, into the sunshine, forever into eternity." As he is me.
[font:Times New Roman]Peter,

Sir. I remember your being in the military, too. We had some great conversations over the years. Sorry that I have been away so long. How have you been? Thank you again for your service.

I just posted in another post on the very same topic as this affects me personally, too. I'm still, yes still in therapy for my CSA and now seeing a sex therapist to deal with the last few bits of my abuse.

I just talked with my sex therapist last week about how I can masturbate and orgasm in sometimes less than a minute thinking about some of the gay sex I had, abusive or not, but can't always do it thinking about women. It's like a hardwire from my brain to my penis thinking about certain kinds of sex with a man.

She told me that so long as I recognize that's it just a way to get off quickly when a female partners not available, it's no problem. I'm married and hetero now but have come to accept that I will always have those sexual memories and be aroused by them even though my preference (not my abuser) is heterosexual activity.

That said, I am proud that I can please a man or woman sexually and that I am no longer worried or hung-up, or is that just hung ;), because I am turned on by male genitalia.

While I would never want a relationship with a man, I accept that sexual activity with a man is pleasurable and in some cases better than hetero sex.

Take care and hope everyone's well.

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