gotta take the trip

gotta take the trip
cog, I very much believe that Gunnar hears you and is happy for your love. He is free at last, but I'd like yo think he remembers us who still hurt.

Go to a quiet, beautiful place and simply talk to him. Sometimes when I do that I don't hear a word, but I feel I have connected and been heard. I am sure you will feel the same.
I pray that the tears have been wiped from the eyes of the little boy in that picture naked and crying.

Luke 6:20-21
20 Then He lifted up His eyes toward His disciples, and said: "Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. 21 Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh.
I am so choked up there are no words to describe how my heart is breaking for us left behind. Sea I cant believe I never told you how much I love you. But you knew, yes you knew. I am so sorry i wasnt there for you at the end. I did not try to kill myself i just wanted to make the voices and the faces go away but things got carried away. i would endure anything if I could have been with you instead.

You are now free of the pain and tortures of this life, and for that i rejoice.

Here are the words to the song we were talking about, the one you were looking for.

Winds of Change
I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change

The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change

Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever
I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change

The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change

Music and Lyrics by Klaus Meine
Made popular by The Scorpions

My brother you and Marc share my heart like none before and none to come. Your memory will live on forever. When we meet again you will see that this is so.

I love you, my brother, my friend.
Al I am so glad to see you again in print. I sent an email to you and Marc. I hope it helps with the demons that you face. We are a lot alike brother. Have a look and feel free to contact me at any time. You might be able to help me too. Are we not lucky to be blessed with brothers who truly love us and are there for us every step of the way. I had no idea of Gunnar's losing battle. What a courageous young man. As I said elsewhere Gunnar represented all that is good and great about humanity.
I am glad you are back among us my Brother.
In five years so much has changed for me. You where the first person I ever told. You made be believe in my sef. You shaped my life in ways no one else could. For this I will always remember you, my friends, my teacher, my hero. Good bye my friend I hope that you have found peace an will be happy forever.

Lots of love always, Nathan
I did not know Seaotter. He sounds like a great guy. I was filled the anxiety and grief when I read this post from the beginning. Got triggered pretty good on this one. I am not sure but what a series of private posts might have been better because of the way it started. My prayers and thoughts are with the family and friend of this brave boy and the man who carried him inside all those years. May the good Lord receive his soul with ten times the love and peace that may have been denied him in this life.
Rest in peace Seaotter.
Otter, Sameer, Thad, John, Micky, Keven, "O", Bob, et al. I miss the old gang on the "Night Shift." I've lost touch with most, but I've forgotten none.
All this was before my time, but the tragedy is one a lot of us are familiar with. As I read this it reminds me how grateful I am for our community, and how glad I am my own thoughts of ending it (when I was 11 and 12) were unsuccessful.

I know Gunnar was a special guy to you Nathan. I hope your good memories of him help you when you think of his premature passing.

Much love,
Definately a moment of silence for seaotter, a moment for one who paved the way for us here on MS.

We are all connected, we are all a family, no one is forgotten here.

Stay strong guys

If we are wise.......... be wise my friends
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I did not know gunner, when I got further down and read "Gunnar Einarson died today." I cried, I did not notice the date, but it does not matter, he was one of us and it is sad to loose someone who has shared in our experiences. I never used to feel much emotion before I came here, I do now. As Mike said he paved the way for us, and for that I am grateful. May he rest in peace.
Good bye my friend, you will always be with me. Your thoughts your ideas, your support has forever changed me. For that I thank you and for that I will always be in your debt. Due to your kind caring nature I have helped countless youth in my community as a CASA, Advocate, and Foster Parent. I have done Public Speaking and Radio Broadcasts on Childhood Sexual Abuse, and intervention techniques. I have now been published several times in local and international papers addressing issues from CSA, CASA, and Advocacy work.

Because of you I am a better man, your legacy will live on. The lives you have touched will continue to grow. I am not perfect and lord knows I make alot of mistakes, but I will continue to be the man you saw that I could be. I truly hope I can be as brave as you are when my time comes. What time we spent together has forever altered my life.

I truly love you my friend, my brother, my teacher.
Gunnar. Friend. Brother. I did not know you. Your post initially took my breath. Then a subtle passing of goosebumps across the body.

I sat and tried to feel. I was aware of a soft sense of an emptiness in this world. An emptiness that will not be filled.

True, time and life continues. So does the threads of ones connections between worlds, between the timeless passages of hearts.

You seem to be woven into the fabric of this place and the sadness, loss, and love expressed here bears witness to it.

I sit with a sense of grief. For your passing. Moreso, for the loss of a chance of reading your words, hearing your heart. For watching some of the comaraderie between friends in healing.

I have no doubt that your heart and your words have lightened the lives of those who are still here. No doubt, what you have done and been here, will still continue in our time.

You have your Peace,

Good Bye Gunnar.
Though I never had the pleasure of speaking with Gunnar, his experience reminds of us our own, and I am thankful that the final journey he made was not faced alone.

Take solace in the strength he was able to discover through his ability to reconnect with others as well as himself. It was a strength we are all able to lend to each other when times are difficult.

Peace be with you, Gunnar.
I need say no words,

As my hard and head forever remembers you.
Gunnar, your post gave me chills and goosebumps, or is it that you're with us now in spirit. I know you can even see the tears in my eyes, but it's that i wish i knew you better.

I ask you to now as you watch down on us all give us all your strength when we're down and be with us in our weekest moments. We miss you and we will see you one day brother.

The first person I ever told, the first person to ever listen the first person to truly care. It has been another long year with many ups an downs. I try to live up to the man I know I can be. I know that if it had not been for you I would have been lost. You are an will always be my truest friend, my light against the darkness. I miss you and wish that we had more time to get to know one another.

Love you always brother!


Another year has gone by and you still mean so much to me. You helped me find my brother here on MS, you helped me open up, you helped me smile. You have an will always be one of the most important people in my life, even though I have never met you. Without you I would not be me, without you I would not be a foster parent, without you I would not be the webmaster here, without you I would not be happy.

The short time we spent together means so much to me. You are my truest of friends and I will miss you always. I hope that you are truly at peace an free.

Until we meet again my friend,
Lots of love always,

It has been ten years since we spoke and I am can not tell you enough times how thankful I am for you being in my life. You where the first person I spoke to an opened up to here at MS, you where the one who introduced me to healing. You helped me learn it was not my fault an that I could be happy once more. I miss you alot, I miss our late night chats and our stupid one liners. I miss you my friend now an forever.

lots of love always,