Larry, your quote is a proof enough that just dumping a perp in jail isn't the best of solutions, his healing is also imperative. For sooner or later he would all come out.
Let turn our jails really into Correctional facilities, that heal crimnals and turn them into human beings once again.
Condemning DJ Dennings of the world in prison, without trying to understand them or the environment that gives birth to them, let us remember that they are not aliens they have rised and born from amidst us, we just cant turn blind eye towards them.
Because if we continue to do so we are actually creating DJ Dennings.
If we want a safe future for our children we have to heal our fellow beings first.
No weapons can give us that security than knowing that we have healed all the perps of the world, that for me is real possibility if we wish to see happy childhoods in future.
I believe God's plan for our salvation as a human race, includes even the worst of criminals. We cant cross over alone.
So why miss this oportunity for healing, by just dumping him inside a prison cell, when we can use the same opportunity in reforming a human being. Adding one more person to the list of healed human beings is also deleteing one more perp from the face of earth, FOREVER.
That is something I would really like to see in my lifetime.