Got another result

Got another result

Kirk Wayne

My original abuser was jailed for four years yesterday, thats three that now have conviction because of my disclosure. Details can be seen on the US and World news section.

Or here:,,2-2006060514,00.html

"Lets take this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"

Just pulled a few choice bits from the Sun article: (***possible triggers***)

After his release [from jail in the Czech Republic], he bragged: There are plenty of places where I can attend to my sexual preferences.

He told one nervous 14-year-old: Dont worry, you will enjoy it.
Wonder who will tell him the same thing now?

Kirk - that's excellent news... it seems like we've got 'a bit of a snowball running down a hill' scenario here at the moment!

Let's nail a few more of the ********!

It's only a week until the most negative aspect that ever entered my life stands in front of a judge for sentencing!

They can't run & they can't hide!

*Doesn't do much for JKs - 'I am innocent campaign' either does it!

Really good news...Rik
Appeal lodged,,2-2006060707,00.html

"Lets take this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"
Larry, your quote is a proof enough that just dumping a perp in jail isn't the best of solutions, his healing is also imperative. For sooner or later he would all come out.

Let turn our jails really into Correctional facilities, that heal crimnals and turn them into human beings once again.

Condemning DJ Dennings of the world in prison, without trying to understand them or the environment that gives birth to them, let us remember that they are not aliens they have rised and born from amidst us, we just cant turn blind eye towards them.

Because if we continue to do so we are actually creating DJ Dennings.

If we want a safe future for our children we have to heal our fellow beings first.

No weapons can give us that security than knowing that we have healed all the perps of the world, that for me is real possibility if we wish to see happy childhoods in future.

I believe God's plan for our salvation as a human race, includes even the worst of criminals. We cant cross over alone.

So why miss this oportunity for healing, by just dumping him inside a prison cell, when we can use the same opportunity in reforming a human being. Adding one more person to the list of healed human beings is also deleteing one more perp from the face of earth, FOREVER.

That is something I would really like to see in my lifetime.
I have liked the recent idea of Restorative Justice used in various countries, this helps the victims meet their perps face to face and help them connect with their humanity, once again.

It has been cathartic, and life changing for many as it also proves that behind every perp lives a human being, who if given a chance would like to come out. Just as behind every scared child lives a strong one waiting to come out, if given a chance and enough support.

Lets save our children by creating safe playgrounds for them.

Check out:

and another important website:
Morning Star

I respect what you have to say about healing perps but this particular abuser has convictions from as far back as 1958 and by my reckoning he has commited over 40,000 offences, even if he was only succesful with 50% of his targerts that still means that there are 20,000 plus boys (now men) who are walking around as damaged individuals, the best place for people such as Denning is incarceration for the rest of his days, he will never ever be reformed.

He has stated that he was abused as a youngster and it did him no harm whatsoever, I refute that because of the damage he has gone on to do, he refuses to see this damage and maintains that he is not in denial more the fact that he views western civilisation as being backward with regard child/adult sexual relations and says that the reasons the boys that he abused now see them selves as damaged is because of our narrow western attitudes towards sexual abuse of children by fully mature adults.

"Lets take this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"
Kirk you are amazing for doing this, you should be so proud, I know I am jumping out of my seat right now. My God you are fighting back and helping save countless lives by doing this. I pray that you will have more strength than you have ever experienced and I want you to know that I am happy to know you even if it is over the internet.
I have absolutely zero respect for perps.

The perp that abused me has had at least 37 years to admit that he has a fetish for abusing young boys! He has had at least 16 months to agree that every word that I wrote in my 15 page statement was accurate!

He only agreed that my statement was a true statement of events, when his barrister told him he was on an absolute looser because three people had made statements about his behaviour. Three people stated what he had done. Right up until the trial day he denied everything! He only admitted what he had done when the Judge would not split the first two cases apart! He only admitted what he had done when the judge agreed to admit evidence from a third person - this evidence showed continuous inappropriate behaviour! Lets be polite, the ******* tortured me for an extra 16 months!

There is no way in hell that I will ever forgive this pervert because he has never apologised for what he did. He admitted what he did to get a reduced sentence! You are entitled to forgive as much as you wish... just don't ask me to do the same!

Lock them up and throw away the key, then they may just get the message that if they mess about with kids, they will be messed about with in prison!

I could add more, but I am currently being polite!

Best wishes...Rik
I am taking this one step further! Don't just dump them in jail, give them a free ride in a helicopter...several miles out to sea & no parachute!


Oops! ;)