First of all, I don't think any of us ever "get over" sexual abuse. Buddy, it happened, and it's there to stay. I suspect I'll carry it to my grave. BUT, I do think we can "recover from" sexual abuse.
I think once we recovered, we are able to place the blame on our perps, where it belongs, and not on ourselves. We are able to function in society and not be intimidated in crowds or whenever we find ourselves in lone situations with one other man, (such as in an elevator, or office). We are able to get some or all of our confidence back, and not feel substandard (I'm still working on this). We are able to handle nightmares for what they are, instead of trying to stay awake for days in order to avoid sleeping. We are able to have a family life without always being on edge and totally wrapped up in ourselves. Basically, we are recovered once we can function thru life without having to carry all this sexual abuse baggage every damn day of our lives.
I'm certain that I am not recovered, but I also know that I am closer to recovery than I ever have been in 31 years. I don't mean this in a sick way, because I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, but I'm glad to know that I am not alone in this situation. There are others out there going thru the same things or worse, and we are trying to help ourselves and each other thru this crap. I am not alone anymore. I may not ever recover completely, but I can deal with it now. I can at least see a bigger picture for my life. Peter, I hope you can, too.
KNOW that your sexual abuse was not your fault. These asshole perps tell us that it is or make us feel like it is our fault, but thats all part of the abuse. The things my perp said to me have hurt me much more mentally and emotionally than anything he did to hurt me physically. Once the abuse was over, I was healed physically within months, but like I said earlier, it's been 31 years ago, and I still deal with the emotional and mental issues of abuse. These f*#*ers are a true work of art. Just rememner that the guilt you feel is not from within you or caused by anything you did. The guilt in you was planted there by your perp(s). Try to get rid of it, and place it back on them where it belongs. Once you can do that, then you are well on the road to recovery, Peter.
Good luck, buddy.