good weekend...

good weekend...


I am sorry I missed so much when I was off for the weekend. I see many have struggled, and I wish I was there to offer support.

I had a great weekend. I bought Mic Hunters Abused Boys, and finished it yesterday. I learned a lot, though I also knew much of it, or had figured it out on my own. I was locked into it as I read, and kept thinking how I saw my self in much of what he wrote.

My wife asked me about it Saturday night. She listened, I mean really listened as I described my life. The only area I was a bit vague on was the period where I punished my self badly. That is a very hard area to tell anyone about, but I dont think she needs to know every minute detail. I told her I punished my self by inflicting pain on my self, and by doing things that were gross and degrading to me.

Fortunately or unfortunately, my wife was abused as well, so I guess she understands better than some wives might. She looked a bit shocked, offered some very wise insights, and said she didnt know I had it that bad. She validated the anger I am feeling toward my parents, and was very understanding. She asked if she could read the book when I was done.

We talked for almost two-hours. When we turned in, we cuddled and caressed, and fell asleep in each others arms. I rose early yesterday, and began a journal. I feel writing might help me explore some of my feelings. I am going to write letters, which I wont send, to my abuser, my inner child, my parents, and to those I acted out with and victimized after the abuse. I wrote one last night to the first girl I abused. I was in tears as I said I was sorry, and asked her to forgive me. I told her what had happened and tried to explain how much it hurts to carry what I did to her with me. I hope it helps.
Phoster you have started down the right road. It wont be easy but the first step is among the most difficult. It is good that you have a very understanding wife but I am sorry that she too has had to endure abuse. Stay with us.
thanks mikey. i feel i'm going the right way for the first time in my life...
Phoster - its great that you have such an understanding wife that you can share this stuff with.

You've also given me an idea of how to deal with some of my issues. Today I had my second professional councelling session (a bit like having your head liposuctioned followed by a strange feeling of calm exhaustion)and we concluded that I had never forgiven my inner child for allowing the abuse to happen. I had never managed to be angry at my abuser for his actions and I also made excuses for the other adults around me for not identifying the changes in my behaviour (this was 1969). The changes in me were obvious, straight A type student to a Long Haired Mr Average in about 2-3 months (Black Sabbath & Deep Purple became my main escape route).

Your post has given me the idea to write a letter to the 12 year old me, thanking him for finding a way through the grooming & abuse process to get me through to today.

Next I intend to write a letter to my abuser telling him what a complete ******* he was & how ****** up he is that he can do things like that to kids.

Next I'll write a letter to the 'responsible adults' telling them what they should have noticed different about me if they'd taken the time to look.

I intend to show these to my councellor when I see her next week. I then intend to have a burning session (the letters not me)in an attempt to get rid of some of that negative energy. *I intend to do this in the presence of the 3 friends that supported me when I first managed to speak of my abuse.

Thanks again Phoster for your posting.

Best wishes to you and your wife.

I then intend to have a burning session (the letters not me)in an attempt to get rid of some of that negative energy.
Thank god for the brackets. You had me worried for a while :D
Keep with it phoster.

Rick, I can relate to going from straight A's to long-haired average. Why didn't anybody see that???

Some things will never be known I guess. I try to keep a journal. Not very successful at writing in it but I like the idea of writing letters. I think I will give it a try.

Onward and upward guys.
Before you write your perp, consider this:

If you follow the format with help from your therapist, you stand less chance of getting burned. Seriously, confronting your perpetrator is not a casual business. It can go a long way in your healing or set you back if you don't do it right.

Believe me, I've done numerous confrontations between survivors and their perpetrators.


i wouldnt even know how to contact my abuser. the letters are a means of expressing feelings, not that i would ever dream of sending them. it is a tool Mic Hunter uses in his practice, so i thought i would give it a whirl.

so far i have written one. the part i am struggling with now is that i have hurt these other children. when i look at what being molested has done to me, it is hard living with the knowledge that i have done this to others. i thought if i wrote letters to them saying i was sorry and explaining what happened it might help. i can't even remember most of thier names, let alone know where they are now. i told Jean how sorry i was, and that i knew nothing could excuse what i did. i explained i had been molested, and didnt understand how much it would hurt her at the time. i also admitted i knew it was wrong though, and offered her the only thing i could, validation and an appology. i dont know that it helped, but it did bring out a lot of what i was feeling. that's a good thing, i think.

thanks all for your support. it means a lot to me. phos.
The changes in me were obvious, straight A type student to a Long Haired Mr Average in about 2-3 months (Black Sabbath & Deep Purple became my main escape route).
Rick, I did the opposite. I turned from borderline student to one that excelled. I became an athlete, and got saved. On the glittery surface I was the ideal son, studious and devout. It was attractive packaging for a very ugly person inside. I hid my addiction to sex and my past abuse with it.

Still there were a lot of signs. I was caught with Cheryl, my second victim, and mom and dad failed to get me help. Months later they caught me with my cousin, and again did nothing. My mom found porn and panties in my room when I was a young teen, and again nothing was done. I was constantly withdrawn. Floyd and rush were my constant companions at home. Yet I had a few close friends, and knew many more.

I struggle with being angry with my parents because they did so many great things for me. The compassionate, loving man I am is because they made me into that. Even as abusive as my dad could be, he has a love of life that goes beyond what most have. In a time when there was racism all around, they taught me to judge everyone as a person, not as a group. They taught me to respect women. I guess the only thing they really failed to teach me was to love myself.