Good Memories
Why do we only tell of the bad stuff here? I think I'll tell a tale of when everything was good! This was in East Texas at lake O'the Pines. I was ether 5 or 6 years old. We had lights strung up in the trees so you could see at night when it got cool, I think it was some kind of party. Some of the kids were playing tag. But I wanted to play spaceman (probably got this idea from the front covers of dads old SF books) anyway I had a flashlight bulb the kind with the lens, and a battery and a piece of wire. Suddenly it came to me. I wrapped the bare part of the wire around the light bulb, then wrapped the wire around the battery a few times to hold it in place, and then shaped the rest of the wire until, when I squeezed the loop that formed the trigger the the bulb would touch the other end of the wire, and the light would light. Not sure how long this took, several tries I am sure but in the end I had a real ray gun. I went around shooting all the other kids. I remember dad was proud of me!