God I love you guys...

God I love you guys...


Sorry, but been through so much in the last few weeks, separation from wife of 15 years, telling my dear 7 year old son, moving out, dealing with endless waves of pain and fear and exhileration. Krikey what a ride, no wonder people stay together in crummy marriages, this is f'in brutal.

I have been quiet for a bit but checking in here, and you are all so inspiring and incredible to me, all the honesty and work going on and strength in the face of the intense adversity we were presented with. I'm not grateful for my SA, not at all, but I do feel lucky that it led me to all of you. I feel truly blessed by that. And I mean it.

lotsa love, sorry for the mush,


I feel the same way about the guys here, and it's great you can say how you feel. It's so important to our recovery to regain that ability.

It feels great to see we are respected and appreciated, sure, but one thing to remember about this: it isn't any less than what you deserve.

Much love,

Mush? Welcome to our little hot cereal club, bro! :) ;) :D Jeez, my middle name must be "Cream of Wheat"!

Seriously, I'm glad you've discovered the meaning of true friendship and support.

Lots of mush,
