Getting tired

Getting tired
I get tired during the day even though I get 8-9 hours of sleep usually everynight. I heard somewhere that certain anti-depressants can do that. I am currently on Paxil CR. Anybody have any expierences with this??


Yes it can. It is not a reason to stop, but if it is inhibiting you in any way, you should contact your doctor if you are concerned, as there are other SSRI's and anti-depressants that don't.

Paxil, Zoloft, and Prozac are in the same family and I've taken them all and gotten the exact same side effects from all three.


I am cently taking Paxil CR, and I too am tired alot. But, for me it is probsbly thst I get less than 6 hours that makes me tired. I hope you can find a solution!
Same as above. I am taking it and am tired a lot too. I also get enough sleep. It did get a little better after a while. Also, do not forget that depression and other PTSD issues can also have fatigue as a side effect.

I agree with marc, talk with your doctor, there are many choices.

Good Luck!


I have not been on that one, it is not one I am familiar with. I feel tired often, but I do not sleep well normally. I don't think that it is affect of any of the medicines, it has always been trouble for me to sleep at all. Maybe you could check the side effects of that medicine, like on 'webmd' or somewhere, and maybe take it at a different time? I wish you luck.
