Getting drunk tonight
Fuck it nothing changes anyway no matter how long I stay sober.
I've quit for months at a time and nothing changes, see a T for 9 months and nothing changes, confide my darkest secrets and fears with trusted friends and nothing changes, change career paths and that changed, yeah I make less money now than I did before, that I managed to change.
If Tony Robbins was my roomate he couldn't change me.
Stripes on a tiger don't wash away, and neither does my poor self-image, my attitude, my outlook on life.
I'm very angry and disgusted with everything right now.
I've quit for months at a time and nothing changes, see a T for 9 months and nothing changes, confide my darkest secrets and fears with trusted friends and nothing changes, change career paths and that changed, yeah I make less money now than I did before, that I managed to change.
If Tony Robbins was my roomate he couldn't change me.
Stripes on a tiger don't wash away, and neither does my poor self-image, my attitude, my outlook on life.
I'm very angry and disgusted with everything right now.