getting back more memories *MAY TRIGGER*

getting back more memories *MAY TRIGGER*
I was reading my copy of Victims No Longer (the 2nd edition) and I thought I heard something like my parents coming home (step father and mother), anyway, for some reason that triggered me to a awkward fearful feeling. Almost feeling like abuse was associated with people coming into my room and fearing them coming in.

I also have this memory of me, years after the abuse lying lifeless as in a way to say take me (sexually) while I was by myself. I remember hearing others stories about pretending to be asleep when the abuse would happen and just lying there allowing themselves to be entered. I have this weird feeling that maybe I don't remember doing the same or something similar with my brother. I also feel like the time that I do remember being entered which I had remembered as not knowing it was going to happen was more as if he had instructed me on what to do but I didn't know what was going to happen.

Just wanting to get that off my chest and see if anybody has any comments about it.

I just had an experience while attending a Broadway play in St. Louis on Wednesday night! The crowd was very large and there was not much space in the lobby, I was bumped numerous times. I had a VIVID memory of one of my Preps standing in front of my with his back to me, feeling me out in a public setting. I guess he got his jollies knowing he could do that whith a hundred people around him. I actually shuddred from head to toe and my wife knew that I was having a flash back or a PTSD moment and grabbed me and held me close and when I told her what it was, she gently guided me to a quiet corner where I could have some privacy.

Since I started T, I have been in more than one situation where I KNEW I was in danger, that one of them was there and was going to start it all over again. Not just flashbacks, they are SO DAMNED REAL! I KNOW THEY ARE HERE! But, then I know they are not.

Like you, I am curious as to how many others have these similar de ja vue (how do you spell that) where you just know that it is here again.

jtt, I think we are safe, and I think it is normal, but that don't help much when it's'a happin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hang in there!


Dissociation is not an unusual tool used by children in abusive situations; a friend of mine used to go through phases (years after the abuse) of feeling like her legs were floating, numb from the waist down.

I figure that with therapy, and the increased understanding that comes with it, the symptoms may fade over time.

- Captain