The recent Gangaji Eli scandal provides an excellent opportunity for those who have fallen deeply into their spiritual fraud to rethink the prudence of staying loyal to their Enlightenment charade. Although many are unsure how to debunk their well polished act, many have some sense that there is something wrong with their ministry because of the excessive rhetorical nonsense and grandstanding they rely on to obfuscate the litigate doubts of individuals in their audience.
What follows is an serious philosophical expose that will help those individuals better understand the fraud that Gangaji and Eli perpetuate. There is nothing new or profound in what Gangaji & Eli teach. It has all been plagiarized from portions of Vedic philosophy that originated in India. The only reason they are successful is because the overwhelming majority of their innocent followers are unfamiliar with Vedic philosophy.
Those who have not become helplessly dependent on Gangaji will appreciate this study which uses her own words to illustrate how she has evolved into a deluded pseudo-spiritual megalomaniac. Readers are encouraged to distribute this critical analysis to anyone they know who may benefit from it. Versions that have been posted on any of several Blog Sites have had the text formatting stripped off which make it more difficult to read, although not impossible. The original document is available in a MS Word document that has full text formatting which makes it much easier to read. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of that document for distribution, publication or reprinting are invited to request it from: maya @
Who is Gangaji & What is She Doing?
Unraveling Gangajis Home Page Introduction
Can Anyone Please Clearly State What Gangaji is doing?
What follows is an analysis of what a reader will find when they go to the Home Page for Gangajis Web Site at:
Gangajis Introduction to Web Readers are in Envy Green Bold, 11pt, Times New Roman Font. Reasonable questions that an average responsible person might ask have been added in 9pt black Arial Font. All supporting quotes are included in Times New Roman blue italic with focus portions highlighted in Bold Burnt Red.
Itemized Breakdown of what Gangaji says on her Home Page
There is a great secret that beings throughout time have announced, the secret of an extraordinary treasure, the treasure of the nectar of eternal life.
Gangaji does not say whom she is alluding to. We are left to assume that she is referring to great spiritual luminaries like Lord Brahma, Narada Muni, Veda Vyasa, Lord Ramachandra, Lord Krishna, Confucius, Zorrestor, Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Muhammad, Lord Caitanya etc.
It is the nectar of pure beingness, recognizing itself as consciousness and overflowing in the love of that recognition.
Some of the teaching of Confucius and Lord Buddha might be able to get stretched far enough to support this statement, but those who have actually studied what the greatest sages in history taught know that they would not appreciate the vague, elusive and misleading direction Gangajis second sentence is heading.
If you imagine yourself to be located in a body, then you will move that body from place to place, searching for this treasure of nectar.
Here Gangaji is either exposing her ignorance or her inability to communicate clearly. The Vedas clearly indicate that the individual Jiva Atma is not the same as the body. Therefore one of the most rudimentary lessons a beginner transcendentalist quickly realizes is that: You are NOT the Body. But that is not what Gangaji is saying.
Gangaji indirectly belittles those who imagine that they are located in the body, even though she offers no alternative idea as to where she believes the soul resides. What is clearly evident by this badly worded sentence is that Gangaji is directly contradicting the nature of the soul as it is explained in the worlds leading authority on that subject, the Bhagavad Gita.
As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.- Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 3 Contents of the Gita Summarized, Text 13. - LINK:
Gangaji doesnt want her students to properly understand the message of the Bhagavad Gita because that would completely undermine her charade. The more people who learn about the content of that scripture, and its powerful historic influence on persons far more respected then she can ever expect to become, the less effective she will be in bamboozling people into her philosophically bankrupt understanding of the self.
For example once it is established that the soul does temporarily reside in the body, the next logical question a reasonable person would ask is: What determines the type of body one gets awarded at birth? Gangaji would have to make up a good story to explain that because she certainly wouldnt be inclined to teach how it is dependent on the type of consciousness one develops like it is clearly explained in the Gita.
And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his body remembering Me alone at once attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt. Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, O son of Kunti, that state he will attain without fail. - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 8 Attaining The Supreme, Text 5-6. - LINK:
The open secret is that the real reason why people are attracted to Gangaji is because she isnt really teaching anything at all! (She openly admits this a little further down in this introduction.) In other words the aspirant need not adopt any disciplinary practices, study any books or change any bad habits. According to her, none of those traditional tools for awakening are necessary or even relevant! That type of indulgent proclamation is indeed pure Nectar to the ears of the spiritually lazy, who are so overcome by false ego that they actually believe they are more qualified to succeed at adopting short cuts for Awakening then any legitimate prophet ever endorsed.
If Gangaji really believes that the body does not sustain the individual soul, why does she and all of her disciples spend so much time feeding, bathing, and medicating it? Where does Gangaji suggest the individual soul (you,) reside if not in the body? If the body is completely irrelevant, why spend so much time and money sustaining such an entangling illusion? Why not just quite the body altogether if it is of no use to the soul?
The second half of the sentence is a philosophical non-sequitur and not only confusing but misleading. It appears that Gangaji is suggesting that those who identify with the body will be compelled to move it from place to place in search of Nectar, while those who realize they are not located in the body have no reason to do so. The implication is that those who Get what she is teaching are so Enlightened they have no reason to engage the external world because it doesnt offer any lessons one cant get by themselves at home sitting in a closet. However people who work with the mentally ill will tell you that hermit like introverts are some of the most delusional crazy people in the world!
The converse is also true. We experience our greatest growth when we break out of our comfort zone and engage in the process of exchanging with others. That is why cults like the RiverGanga foundation demonize the process of defending what they believe because to do so requires rational thinking which would unravel Gangajis sticky web. Those who are brave enough to peek behind that curtain, will see that Gangaji is simply pulling a lot of emotional levers and spinning a bunch of psychological wheels in order to perpetuate her own egocentric fanfare.
So the question that stares each person in the face is what authority are you going to accept? Some are so enamored by Gangajis magic word juggling doubletalk that even when she is completely exposed as a fraud, they will continue to accept her confusing, imaginative speculations about the nature of the soul as valid. Those who do are just as culpable for being deceived by Gangaji as she is for deceiving them. Such arrangements are referred to by Vedic sages as the Cheaters and the Cheated. In other words: Gangaji is there to offer her unfounded, cheap sentimental blessings and speculations about the self to pretentious spiritualists who arent really interested in a serious spiritual education anyway.
But, if you will stop all searching right now and tell the truth to yourself, you will know what is known in the core of your bones.
If you are actually ready to face the truth then you will realize that you are a conditioned soul trapped in a web of illusions, propped up by imperfect senses, with the propensity to cheat and make mistakes. You will also realize that Feelings or Emotions, commonly referred to as originating in the heart, are often very deceiving if not tempered by reason. When left unchecked they can lead to some of the most difficult problems one ends up having to settle in their entire life.
The high divorce rate and chronic dependence people have on therapists proves just how deceptive the heart can be! If you are mature enough to accept these two important starting points, then you will know at the core of your bones that the powers of mind, intelligence, and reason must be engaged in concert with the sensations of the heart or you will set yourself up for being terribly mislead by any con-artist who is expert at manipulating your feelings and emotions. Anyone who doesnt readily acknowledge this probably is such a con artist, knowingly or un-knowingly!
You will know what these great beings knew and attempted to describe.
Gangajis opening sentences may go unquestioned by her followers, but scholars and theologians far more erudite then she is on the contributions of the Great Beings would not agree with this unsubstantiated sales pitch.
Gangajis admits here that according to her perception the Great Beings only Attempted to describe something very profound. However just because Gangaji is incapable of appreciating what the great sages and prophets had to share doesnt mean nobody else understood what they had to say!
Those who are willing to do even a little research will quickly discover that there are real acaryas who are far more accomplished, respected and well known then Ramanma Maharshi, Papaji or the comic Gangaji could ever hope to be. These great souls DID grasp the esoteric siddhanta, (conclusion) of the Vedas! Some of them are listed here.
Gaurakisora Dasa Babaji Maharaja,
Bhaktivenode Thakura;
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati;
These individuals not only successfully communicated the summum-bonum preserved in the ancient Vedas, they demonstrated it fully by how they lived their lives and in so doing they earned the honor and respected appropriate for the greatest modern day Vedic saints!
To grasp the sublime message handed down by these exalted personalities one must start by accepting that no-one can accomplish anything if they are not willing to make the appropriate effort. What separates professional musicians, artists, athletes, accountants, attorneys, doctors and engineers from those who are just fooling around is the fact that they studied under the tutelage of qualified experts and practiced their discipline rigorously. Although this is true for absolutely every other field of study, Gangaji proposes that the most subtle of all sciences can be fully grasped by anyone, instantly, without them having to do anything at all!
Only a fool would take Gangajis unknown, unrecorded, unconfirmed, unconventional, unorthodox and unproven methods for Awakening seriously. Apparently Gangajis followers never heard of the admonishment: If is sounds too good to be true, it probably isnt!
You will know it with no image of it, no concept of it, no thought of it. You will know it as that which has eternally been here. And you will know it as yourself."
To suggest that one can automatically assimilate what great sages spent their whole life mastering without adopting any personal disciplines will no doubt attract those who are permeated with spiritual arrogance but this assertion is both ridiculous and unprecedented. Gangaji is free to say whatever she wants but sober transcendentalists who have learned to accept the authority of the Bhagavad Gita know that only someone ensnarled in the mode of ignorance would say such a stupid thing.
All conditioned souls are tinged by different degrees of false ego. Many are so consumed by their own over inflated sense of spiritual prowess that they genuinely believe the principals of charity, penance, and austerity do not apply to them. However this is such an epidemic problem with neophyte transcendentalists that Krishna specifically addressed this point so no one could just whimsically dismiss these important principals:
The Supreme Personality of Godhead Said: Some learned men declare that all kinds of fruitive activities should be given up as faulty, yet other sages maintain that acts of sacrifice, charity and penance should never be abandoned Acts of sacrifice, charity and penance are not to be given up; they must be performed. Indeed, sacrifice, charity and penance purify even the great souls. All these activities should be performed without attachment or any expectation of result. They should be performed as a matter of duty, O son of Prtha. That is My final opinion - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 18 Conclusion the Perfection of Renunciation, Text 3, 5-6. - LINK:
Only a fool equates a hypnotic fix from Gangaji with getting a real spiritual education. Such individuals fall into the same trap as obese people who also expect a quick easy fix to their weight problems. Instead of cutting down on what they eat and getting good exercise, they spend a lot of money on diet products that promises to make them trim and fit very quickly, without them having to do anything. Healthy people know that it just doesnt work that way!
Gangaji, an American born teacher and author, has traveled the globe since 1990, speaking with spiritual seekers from all walks of life.
Note that here we are informed that Gangaji speaks to seekers. What about scholars? Her circus has been on the road since 1990 but to this day Gangaji still doesnt have the endorsement of any respected theologians, historians, or scholars because they are erudite enough to know that she is just another pop-up New-Age flash in the pan bogus guru who says whatever is appropriate to maximize ticket sales for her cash-cow seminars.
Please also make note of the fact that here Gangaji is being introduced to us as an American Born Teacher. A little further down Gangaji will deny that she is Teaching anything.
Her message is powerful in its clarity and simplicity:
If it is so clear then could someone please state what her message is in rational English? It appears that all Gangaji is saying can be summed up in one extremely worn out overused pithy maxim: You are that, You always were That, you will always Be That, and Thats all there is! Wow! How profound! Is That ALL Gangajis has to say? Is That what she bases her whole ministry on? Is That supposed to be the alleged astonishing profound truth she feeds to her tank of yuppie-guppies?
If so, then it would do those who sit in reverence of Gangaji to know the origin and proper understanding of the extremely misquoted Vedic sutra Tat Tvam Asmi Svetaketo. (You are That Svetaketo) It is found in the the Chandogya Upanisad 5.8.7 and was spoken by a father to his son Svetaketo in order to help him understand that we are all a very small portion of the Supreme Brahman.
The Sanskrit term Brahman comes from the root brh, which means to grow or to evolve. In the Chandogya Upanisad 3.14, Brahman is described as tajjalan, as that (tat) from which the world arises (ja), into which it returns (la), and by which it is supported and lives (an).
Gangaji has some sense of the Bhahman, but her understanding is pathetically incomplete. To suggest that all one needs to do is sit silently for a few minutes each day, or vibrate Om, in order to fully realize the self exposes that her agenda is not transcendence but commercial profit. The Gita gives a much more sobering explanation of what it takes to enter into the Brahman:
Persons who are learned in the Vedas, who utter omkara and who are great sages in the renounced order enter into Brahman. Desiring such perfection, one practices celibacy. I shall now briefly explain to you this process by which one may attain salvation. -Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 8 Attaining the Supreme, Text 11. - LINK:
Becoming fully Brahman realized is not some cheap thing that any reckless child can obtain by the ad-nausea repetition of I Am That. Those who believe otherwise are either completely delusional or contemptible pretenders. What is important here is that Gangaji doesnt even know about sarva-karana-karanam, The Cause of All Causes which is the origin of the Brahman and lies beyond it.
Krsna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes. Brahma Samhita Chapter 5, Mantra 1.
Gangajis fixation on the Brahman is similar to a little child whos realization is limited to the simple fact that Barney the Dinosaur appears on Saturday morning television. The kid is just too immature to comprehend that behind the dancing and singing purple costumed Mesozoic reptile is a whole army of investors, producers, script writers, directors, costume makers, cameramen, set designers and commercial sponsors!
The child has some sense that Barney is Cool! Gangaji has some sense that the Brahman is Cool. But neither of them have a complete understanding of what lies behind their object of admiration. Those who are willing to grow up a little will realize that the Brahman alone is not only impersonal, and therefore boring and unsatisfying for the soul, but that behind it lies hidden the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad Gita:
The total material substance, called Brahman, is the source of birth, and it is that Brahman that I impregnate, making possible the births of all living beings, O son of Bharata. -Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 14 The Three Modes Of Material Nature, Text 3. - LINK:
For the a full understanding of the:Tat Tvam Asmi sutra readers are advised to following the link:
Those who have matured enough to peak outside of the Gangji No-Thinking-Allowed circus tent are invited to introduce themselves to some of the most extraordinary revered acaryas who ever lived at the following links:
Ramanuja Acarya
Madhva Acharya
Baladeva Vidyabhusana,
True peace and lasting fulfillment are not only our birthright, they are the essential nature of our being. Gangaji invites you to discover the possibility of living your life in the freedom and joy of simply being.
Does she serve milk and cookies along with that?
Be welcomed by her message to you.
but leave your brains behind.
(Readers must click on the Message button to get what is staged to appear like a more intimate personal revelation from Gangaji which is what now follows:
Inner Message for the Brave or Foolish?
The first human awakening was before Buddha, before Christ, before any of those we have heard of. An ancient, early awakening somewhere unknown.
(Gangaji begins her introduction with some very creative science fiction writing. She claims that an Awakening occurred, but she doesnt state where it happened, who it happened to, or when in the ancient world it occurred. She also leaves the reader guessing about just what exactly she is referring to with the term Awakening.
In 1997 the followers of Marshal Applewhite also experienced an Awakening. They were so convinced in their version of the Truth they voluntarily Gave up their containers in order to have the opportunity to follow their mentally ill guru on a trip back to the True Kingdom of God. (Travel arrangements were provided courtesy of the Hail Bob comet!) The result of that Awakening was that thirty nine people, who were also forbidden to Think, ended up dead by suicide.
So just what type of Awakeing is Gangaji inviting us to participate in?
Those who could hear what this miraculous awakening had to tell were ignited with either direct, immediate understanding as their own true experience, or the desire for that understanding.
(More creative adult fairy tales? If Gangaji cant tell us who was there, when it occurred or where this so called undefined Awakening occurred then how can she be so sure about all the intimate details of how it impacted the inner perception of individuals she can only assume were present? Does she expect those who read this bunk to believe that she is some type of mystic visionary or a specially empowered gypsy who can channel disembodied beings? Why do her followers simply accept this nonsense without asking her these important questions?
But those who were interested were caught by the flame of truth, and it has been passed from being to being until the present time.
(Because Gangaji is reticent about not clearly stating what event she is talking about we end up with a yarn that sounds humorously similar to the opening screen of the Star Wars Science Fiction Movie Once upon a time in a galley far, far away
What Gangaji apparently doesnt know is that an event that sounds like the one she is describing is thoroughly explained in the Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krishna describes how He originally taught the science of Yoga to the Sun God Vivasvan at the dawn of creation. He then explains how that information was handed down thru the chain of disciplic succession until the chain got broken whereupon He repeated it again for Arjunas benefit:
The Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku. This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. But in course of time the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost. - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 4 Transcendental Knowledge, Text 1-2 - LINK:
If Gangaji is aware of this particular event, quite adequately describe by the Greatest Being, (God Himself), she certainly isnt going to tell her disciples about it because in the next verse we see why Krishna chose to reveal this Ancient Science to Arjuna, and not Ramana Marharsi.
That very ancient science of the relationship with the Supreme is today told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well as My friend and can therefore understand the transcendental mystery of this science. - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 4 Transcendental Knowledge, Text 3 - LINK:
Now we can also better understand why Gangaji was under the impression that the great beings could not adequately describe the highest truth. She simply doesnt have the prerequisite humility and devotion to grasp what they said!
One of the oldest sacred Sanskrit prayers ever to be written down is the Brahma Samhita. Therein Lord Brahma, the first progenitor for all of mankind, made it very clear that Govinda, an intimate name for Krisha that means the one who gives pleasure to the land, the cows and the senses, is the ultimate Cause of All Causes:
"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is nondual and infallible. He is the original cause of all causes, even though He expands in many, many forms. Although He is the oldest personality, He is ever youthful, unaffected by old age. The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot be known by the academic wisdom of the Vedas; one has to approach the devotee of the Lord to understand Him." - Brahma-Samhita (5.33)
Those who seem to think that Gangaji deserves respect should first resolve why she is making up her own disjointed, inconsistent, philosophically bizarre fairy tales instead of actually learning what really happened from the Vedas which are the only scriptures that provide such intimate details about the origin of the universe. Then she could also teach the bona-fide science of self realization instead of all the mumbo-jumbo she is currently known for.
There are exquisite sutras and scriptures, hymns and testimonials that shake us, that cause us to fall flat on the floor when we read them because they are alive with the spirit of truth, with the certainty of this flame. They penetrate into our hearts with this "yes," for somehow we know this truth without even understanding what it is we know.
Those who actually understand the deep spirit of truth that is alive in the sacred scriptures see thru this adulation and do not appreciate how Gangaji plagiarizes Krishnas message into her own perverted form of Club Med religion. Despite Gangajis patronizing words about sutra and scriptures she is NOT teaching what Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha or Krishna taught. She is teaching something that sells well to an audience of individuals who want so desperately to believe in Gangajis bedtime story: Heaven on Earth Without God.
There are innumerable ways people can avoid facing this obvious truth but the bottom line is that each one of us have to choose who we will trust for reliable spiritual knowledge. On one hand there is what KRISHNA taught Arjuna which is lauded by the greatest individuals who ever walked on this earth, or on the other hand there are Gangajis religious hallucinations, false allegations, unsubstantiated claims, fraudulent assertions, and rhetorically meaningless maxims.
Until one is willing to engage in devotional service God tells us He remains hidden because he is completely detached and doesnt give Himself whimsically. We may think we are acting freely, but until we actually escape our material conditioning, we are literally plummeted into endless re-births by Gods agents known as the three modes of material nature. If one is fortunate enough to realize how futile it is to try to overcome these modes by oneself, then they may also become humble enough to actually surrender to Krishna. Then, at that time, He looks compassionately on His devotee and agrees to help Him out of the mess we call the Material World. This is His promise to us:
This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it. - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 7 Knowledge of the Absolute, Text 14. - LINK:
But the most sublime truth of all has never been stated or written or sung.
This statement is so obviously ridiculous that it hardly deserves commenting on. However, because Gangajis followers are apparently thinking impaired, I will simply point out that unless one is stupid enough to believe that Gangaji is flawlessly familiar with EVERY conversation, written Text, and Musical piece that ever occurred, how can she make a braggadocios assertion? Are her disciples so fatuous they are willing to blindly accept this ludicrous claim which no person could ever honestly make?
Not because it is far away and cant be reached, but because it is so intimately close, closer than anything that can be spoken. It is alive as the stillness in the core of your being, too close to be described, too close to be objectified, too close to be known in the usual way of knowledge. The truth of who you are is yours already.
What Gangaji is referring to here is the second stage of God realization known as Paramatma. That is the Sanskrit word for the Supreme Lord as he appears within the heart of every living entity.
The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 18, Conclusion, The Perfection of Renunciation, Text 61. - LINK:
Its reassuring to know that Krishna is always with us in the form of Paramatma. But as the old saying goes: A little knowledge can be dangerous! Without understanding the third and highest manifestation of God, known as Bhagavan Realization, which refers to God as the almighty Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna, one can be easily mislead. Until one accepts the sacred Vedic literature, which gives us full knowledge about the name, fame and pastimes of God the person, the individual has no tool for filtering out their own foolish and self-centered thoughts from those that originated from super-soul.
Instead of just paying some cheap lip service to the sacred scriptures like Gangaji has done here, a bona-fide guru helps the student understand them properly. That way the individual can begin to learn how to distinguish the difference between those things that are favorable for genuine spiritual life, from pseudo-spiritual actions, which do not escape the stringent laws of karma and keep one bound up in the martial world indefinitely.
In this regard even though Gangaji never mentions it, we appreciate that her grand Guru Ramana Maharshi was a strict Vegetarian. He maintained a diet in the mode of goodness because he had great respect for the Vedas and particularly what the Bhagavad Gita has to say about food in the modes of Passion and Ignorance.
Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry and burning are dear to those in the mode of passion. Such foods cause distress, misery and disease. Food prepared more than three hours before being eaten, food that is tasteless, decomposed and putrid (animal carcass) and food consisting of remnants and untouchable things is dear to those in the mode of darkness. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 17 The Divisions of Faith, Text 10-11 - LINK:
Even though Ramana Maharshi was heavily influenced by the impersonal conclusions of the priests residing at the Trivanamali temple in south India, he did not loose sight of how serious it is for someone to kill innocent animals just to serve their palate. He knew that a carnivorous diet would not only have a negative impact on the development of his subtle consciousness, but that it also increased the collective karmic burden of the world which increases the conflicts between individuals and countries and is the real root of WAR!
Yet despite how important this single fact is, we never hear Gangaji even hinting to her huge audience that all serious transcendentalists are Vegetarian. If she did that, she would dry up the tithing she currently receives from her followers who prefer to have cheese-burgers for lunch instead of support world peace.
It is already present, and the only reason that I have appeared in your consciousness is to simply confirm that.
For Gangaji to claim that the only reason she is appearing in a persons life is to confirm her Voodoo concept of truth not only reveals just how supercilious Gangaji has become, but it also obfuscates the other more scandalous possibility that she is simply there to cheat them. She has polished her act well. After planting the seeds of confusion in the hearts of the spiritually sentimental, she then props the Gangaji Foundation in front of them as a place of refuge for the confusion she created. To the simple It seems so magical and wonderful but its all just pare of conducting business.
Unscrupulous software companies will also sometimes infect target computers with a virus and then, after successfully disrupting the operating system, they pop up like the Calvary coming over the horizon, with just the right anti-virus program to remove the security breech they created! In both cases neither are even honest, what to speak of saintly. They are professional fast thinking crooks with huge run-away-train like egos ready to cheat anyone foolish enough to fall for their well rehearsed premier performances.
I truly have nothing to teach you.
Finally Gangaji said something that is indisputably true! But alas this admission is just a false humility smoke screen. If she really believes she has nothing to teach, then why does she write books, hold seminars, sell video tapes and maintain the Gangaji foundation? This statement is so crazy and obviously untrue that it illustrates just how self deceived Gangaji really is.
If she has nothing to teach then why doesnt she practice what she preaches, remain silent, keep all her hallucinations about Freedom to herself and go sit in a closet? At least then she wouldnt be disturbing everyone else with the twaddle she spews which causes havoc in the minds of the innocent while exploiting the less intelligent in the name of You Are That!
This sentence also reveals that even though Gangaji positions herself as having the ability to Awaken those who take shelter of her leadership, she isnt even Awake enough to realize that she contradicts whats written on the Home page were it states: Gangaji, an American born teacher (We pointed this out above.)
There have been many teachers who have taught exquisite and useful codes of conduct, methods of meditation, ways of living and manifesting in the world. I am simply pointing to the stillness that is alive in the core of your being and inviting you to turn your attention to That, to let That live your life.
Yup. This really is pure nectar for the hearts of those who want to be told they can do whatever they like with impunity while telling themselves how Spiritual they are. Eli is not the only one who likes this philosophy, ALL Gangajis disciples like the idea that they are free to decide for themselves what they want to call spiritual! After all, its just words and the name has nothing to do with reality right?
This is how Gangaji transforms the whole world into one big fuzzy indiscriminate Spiritual smorgasbord that includes such tasty treats like the LA Lakers, low-calorie beer, poker, hot dogs, Hummers, porno, Be kind to Terrorists, the lottery, silicon breast implants, Marajuana, Tri-Tipps, 5000 sq ft homes, Sadam Hussain, abortion, the death penalty, cigarettes, sances, lap dances, methamphetamines, welfare, date rape, slot machines, Kansas City slaughter houses, Asian sweat shops, identity fraud, Osama-Bin Laden, channeling, infidelity, Robert Shuller, Neo-Nazi White Racism, Viagra, Chinas invasion of Tibet, etc. etc. etc...
Yup. Gangaji offers the best pick and choose religion you will find anywhere because she is there to reassure you that its all fine, just the way it is including 9/11attack, chronic personal debt, tsunamis, substance abuse and all bless you! There is no reason to feel guilty about anything, not even paying your child support anymore because that poor kid is also just a part of the illusion. Just know you are That and then use the funds that coup provide you child a future to get a Texas sirloin steak with a glass of vintage wine instead!
Gangaji would go out of business if she adopted any codes of conduct because doing so would require the heretical act of thinking which, if permitted, would bring down her church of the Feel-good-dont-bother-me-with-words fantasy land religion.
By stigmatizing intelligent dialogue within the Gangaji clan, she has created the most iron clad fundamentalist group environment which attracts the weakest individuals who want an acceptable way to hide from their own foibles. The end result is a psychological fortress that is more impenetrable then even the suicidal beliefs of dogmatic Muslims who line up to become martyred for the reward of virgins in heaven! Personal ethics are strictly a personal matter in the world according to Gangaji. The only way her show can survive is if those who believe God gave us a brain and intelligence for the purpose of using it are systematically identified and expunged by the Ganga-nator.
Any suggestion that moral codes be established is completely contrary to the unspoken implied Gangaji doctrine, There shall be no rules. The very idea that ethical guidelines be integrated into Gangajis church of merry pranksters is the antithesis of everything she stands for. Rules would deflate her hot-air operation into the very nemesis she most dreads: Another orthodox rule-bound-religion!
As long as Gangaji continues to teach that there are no religious principals to follow, and that everyone is magically endowed to instinctively know how to handle every situation properly, then the consequences for us all will be very dire.
Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world. Taking shelter of insatiable lust and absorbed in the conceit of pride and false prestige, the demoniac, thus illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 16,The Divine and Demoniac, Text 9-10. - LINK:
I invite you to give your questions to That and your answers to That. Give your failures and successes, choice and choicelessness to That. Give all back to where it came from, back to before creation.
Here we get a sample of Gangajis philosophically bankrupt banter at its best. The implication is that everything too unpleasant or challenging will simply evaporate into the world of mundane meaningless illusion if one stops layering meaning on top of a meaningless life. But how does this advice help one resolve real world decisions like: Should I eat at McDonnalds, buy a new car, spoil my child, take an expensive vacation or quit my job?
Gangaji advises we turn everything over to her undefined, in-descript, pedantic understanding of That and after doing so apparently hope for the best. But no responsible person would ever approach pivotal issues like the purchase of a home or getting a divorce so frivolously. When faced with issues like that, smart people seek council from money managers and certified family therapists, not Gangajis imaginary impersonal friend she summons on the playground with the name of: That.
The majority of what one observes on a typical Gangaji video is a young idealistic follower complaining about unpleasant events that keep re-occurring in their life. But instead of actually addressing the obvious root of their problems such as substance abuse, laziness, pride, lust or an obsession with the mundane, Gangaji circumvents the real work that needs to be done with elusive didactic counseling such as: Who is the one that is suffering? Or: Are you suffering Right Now?
All of this makes for good entertainment, but as long as the individual remains ignorant of how the laws of nature work, they will never be Free as the bodacious Gangaji promises. They will however continue to attend the Gangaji Woe-is-me show and get public sympathy by crying tears on tape instead of taking responsibly for their own foolishness by learning how they can really change their lives for the better.
If Eli Jaxon Bear was so Free, then why did he become a slave to his own lusty genitals? If Gangaji is offering anything substantial, then why are there so many post Gangaji cultists lamenting about the years they wasted trying to negate the entire world in a futile attempt to become happy?
When we look back into history at the numbers of known sages, saints, and messiahs, we can see that awakening has been rare.
All one needs to do is look at any one of the New-Age magazines or tabloids to see how many other so called teachers claim to be offering some rare form of Awakening, Conscious Evolution, Chakra balancing, Spiritual Therapy, Karmic Healing, or Instant Enlightenment etc. When considered from this point of view what Gangaji is marketing isnt rare at all. Shes just another mixed up self-anointed sycophant Guru with a run-away ego that nobody will care about 20 years after her makeup rots off her decomposing face.
Joining the ranks of genuinely rare souls requires the unique personal integrity to surrender to the highest truth when it stares you in the face. This is where it behooves everyone to remember the well-known advice from the worlds most famous sleuth:
If you eliminate all the logical explanations, then whatever remains, regardless of how impossible it may seem must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes
Whats really rare is when one gets tired of all the evasion tactics and becomes a devotee of Krishna. This is especially true when doing so appears to be politically incorrect, unfashionable, or belittled as some type of evangelic fanaticism. That type of awakening is not advertised in Yoga Journal magazine but it is described in Bhagavad Gita:
After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 7 Knowledge of the Absolute, Text 19. - LINK:
Since it has been rare, we assume in our minds that it is not possible for us. Many people today say it is absolutely inconceivable for an ordinary person to simply awaken to the truth of who one is. That it is reserved for saints or for those who have demonstrated great purity or endured great spiritual practice. But this is not so.
Now Gangajis is telling us that what all the great scholars, saints, sages, prophets, and avatars have concurred on for thousands of years is completely wrong! What she implies here is insulting to those who actually respect the toils of Jesus, the austerities of Buddha and the wisdom of Krishna. Every thing they did reaffirmed that attaining real illumination isnt like finding an old beer-can you kick along in the street. Its not surprising why Gangaji is so popular because she offers the 99-Cent store version of Nirvana. According to her every indiscriminate, materially intoxicated degenerate can just casually side step billions of years of accumulated conditioning without even having to learn good table manners!
This is even more philosophically ridiculous then Biblical theology which requires that one at least accept the divinity of Jesus before they are entitled to a cart-blanc, cost free, honorary degree to what Christians affectionately refer to as heaven!
This is for you.
(Get it while its hot! Gangajis wale oil lamp will burn less brightly as more of her former disciples Awaken to the realization that there are no short cuts to escaping the harsh laws of nature and that Arjuna was right all along. One can pretend to be aloof from the pangs of material existence, but such artificial renunciation only transforms the individual into cold hearted, insensitive, gross self-absorption. People, relationships, ethics, courtesy and basic kindness all start to fade when the world is reduced into a meaningless illusion and moral values are negated away as useless and irrelevant.
With all of your experienced limitations, this is for you, simply because all of your experienced limitations are not who you truly are.
This is more hocus-pocus self-evident rhetoric. Those who make a serious study of who they are will quickly realize that they are neither their body or the stories they have accrued along the way. However, simply realizing this fact is not enough to become free from the conditioning that Gangaji implies she has the magic formula for breaking out of. Krishna clearly states that anyone who is in contact with His material energy will become conditioned by the three modes of nature.
Material nature consists of three modes -- goodness, passion and ignorance. When the eternal living entity comes in contact with nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, he becomes conditioned by these modes. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 14 The Three Modes Of Material Nature, Text 5. - LINK:
This dilemma is similar to the Zen conundrum that preaches the ego must be quelled. But how is that possible? The ego cannot destroy itself because as soon as there is even the slightest recognition that one has succeeded, the very existence of that thought is proof of failure! In a similar way Krishna tells us that as long we are in contact with His material nature, we will continue to be subject to conditioning from the modes of Goodness, Passion & Ignorance. So what to do?
The implication here is that Gangaji is offering some New way to avoid being conditioned, but thats like saying she can show someone how to swim without getting wet! Only those who dont know what the relationship between swimming and water is would ever accept such a silly proposal.
The alternative to trying to negate the ego is to shift ones efforts from being dictated by the myopic influences of False Ego, and learn how to guide every action from an ego that has been properly cleansed in full knowledge of its relationship with the Supreme. The same is true for conditioning. Try as you may you, nobody can escape from being conditioned. However, if one agrees to be conditioned to the desires of the Supreme Lord, then the very processes which normally binds one to the material world is personally managed by Him on behalf of His devotee, and that rare soul matures into a healthy lifestyle that will ultimately carry him out of material bondage altogether.
If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 18, Conclusion the Perfection of Renunciation, Text 58. - LINK:
Who you are is already on the other shore, already free, already the source of all wisdom, clarity, and beauty. Who you are is what all is, stillness itself.
(This sounds like the late night infomercials where the viewer is promised that if they simply purchase their $100 set of exclusive Memory tapes, anyone can remember the entire contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica! The people who market this stuff literally sell hundreds of thousands of such tapes, but the majority of the people who invest in them still cant remember where they leave their car keys! There may be some valid memory techniques offered, but one must be willing to learn those techniques, and that requires a very rigorous effort on the part of the consumer!
In a similar way Gangaji is suggesting that if you simply STOP all efforts to understand who you are and immerse yourself into the silence of stillness, the answer will magically appear on the screen of your closed eyelids. Performing ones own self-induced lobotomy may be whats necessary for Gangaji to cast her spell on ostrich like followers, but its not the path recommended by all the sages who accept the authority of the Gita. There we find that Krishna advised Arjuna to give up all envious thoughts, study, listen, and engage both his mind and intelligence in order to dispel illusions!
And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation of ours worships Me by his intelligence. And one who listens with faith and without envy becomes free from sinful reactions and attains to the auspicious planets where the pious dwell.O son of Prtha, O conqueror of wealth, have you heard this with an attentive mind? And are your ignorance and illusions now dispelled ? Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 18, Conclusion, The Perfection of Renunciation, Text 70-72 - LINK:
Awakening does not mean that this particular form you inhabit should or will be a saint, or a great artist, or king of the world.
Yup, you can be sure of that! People flock to Gangaji because she doesnt ask her sheep to practice any austerity or penance, what to speak of adopting behavior in the mode of goodness. Consequently it should be expected that many of her followers will remain irresponsible, substance abusing, lothario slobs! But all is not lost they will at least know they are eternally That and they can still Feel happy because Gangaji will bless them saying: Everything is fine, just the way it is!
It means you can know without a doubt that who you are is not limited to form. Who you are is what the world appears in, what the cosmos appears in, what space itself appears in.
It is no doubt a fantastic boost to the ego when someone who commands total silence from large audiences tells you that you are not limited and that the world, the cosmos, and space itself, is all occurring within you! But is this statement based on anything more then just good marketing of a science fiction like imagination? Once again we are faced with having to decide if we are going to accept what a mendacious aging woman has to say, or what the ever-youthful Supreme Personality of Godhead has to say.
Gangaji apparently believes that she is the origin of the universe even though she cant keep her own skin from wrinkling. On the other hand Krishna appeared in the Yadu Dynesty approximately 5000 years ago, and walked the earth for approximately 125 years. But history records that He didnt age beyond His ever fresh youth. No where in the hundreds of thousands of references of Krishna in all of the Vedas do we find any story or description of Krishna being any older then 18 years of age. Krishna also claimed to be the origin of the universe but unlike Gangaji he was also able to display it to his intimate friend Arjuna!
By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 9, The King of Knowledge, Text 4. - LINK:
At that time Arjuna could see in the universal form of the Lord the unlimited expansions of the universe situated in one place although divided into many, many thousands. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 11, The Universal Form, Text13 - LINK:
You are the supreme primal objective. You are the ultimate resting place of all this universe. You are inexhaustible, and You are the oldest. You are the maintainer of the eternal religion, the Personality of Godhead. This is my opinion. - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 11, The Universal Form, Text 18. - LINK:
There is a quickening on the Earth at this time. In this quickening is the invitation to realize where you are, who you are, who one is.
We are all still waiting for Gangaji to clarify just who exactly she thinks she is? She has built a huge industry over this simple question and, as we can see by this analysis of her own introduction, much of what she says is pure imagination, shrouded in riddles, good business marketing, metaphysically evasive, or obviously incorrect. Those who are looking for a spiritual panacea may appreciate being told they are That, but those who are serious about really discovering who they are will not accept such a shallow and incomplete placebo.
Gangajis endless random musings about the self will never equate to the intimate knowledge described by Krishna as the King of all Knowledge and so generously shared with Arjuna simply because he was his friend.
This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 9, King of Knowledge Text 2. - LINK:
Gangaji may not be able to give a straight answer to the simple question: Who Are You?, but according to the Vedas we are not limited to the impersonal That nor are we the origin of the universe. We are an infinitesimally small part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna. As such we all have an eternal relationship with Him and our primary business in life is to restore that relationship. Its that simple, period. As soon as the quiet Beatle George Harrison awoke to this simple fact he changed the whole direction of his musical career and wrote songs like My Sweet Lord and The Lord Loves the One Who Loves the Lord, not preposterous titles like: My Sweet That or That loves That! So for those who have had the integrity to read this expose this far and are willing to consider the possibility that Gangaji might in fact be a fraud, the question you now face is: What are you going to do about it?
Gangaji has already indirectly admitted that her purpose for appearing is to provided your reckless mind both the permission and propaganda to continue evading your relationship with the same person Arjuna described as:
O great one, greater even than Brahma, You are the original creator. Why then should they not offer their respectful obeisances unto You? O limitless one, God of gods, refuge of the universe! You are the invincible source, the cause of all causes, transcendental to this material manifestation. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 11, The Universal Form, Text 37. - LINK:
Gangaji specifically says: the only reason that I have appeared in your consciousness is to simply confirm that. If she isnt confirming what Arjuna concluded, then she is confirming your freedom to come to some other less auspicious conclusion but how wise would that be?
Krishna is so kind that He endowed everyone with the gift of unencumbered free-will so they can always act however they like. Love is something that cannot be purchased, coerced, or demanded. The irony is that Love is what we want as well as what Krishna wants from us, but we are the ones who choose to reject Him, not vise-versa. We can either give Him our love freely or we can use the excuse of not wanting to appear like a Fundamentalist Christian and obstinately withhold it.
We are free to walk around with self-deceiving catatonic pompous gazes commonly attributed to spiritually elite zombies if it makes us feel better, or we can hide behind gurus who have no lineage, no knowledge, and no respectable endorsements and be content with being told we are OK from such a shadowbox character. We can pretend to be spiritually Healthy, or we can find legitimate teachers who will actually cure the cancer of lust, anger, greed and pride. We can rationalize our attachments, our prejudices, our fears, and our desires, or we can do the really rare thing, surrender to Krishna and start accepting His extraordinary association which will automatically help us clean up our tainted character.
The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness. The senses are so strong and impetuous, O Arjuna, that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them. One who restrains his senses, keeping them under full control, and fixes his consciousness upon Me, is known as a man of steady intelligence. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 2, Contents of the Gita Summarized, Text 59-61. - LINK:
We can cop a spiritually macho attitude and try to do everything on our own, or we can become a bit more humble and seek out Gods help to overcoming the endless demand of serving our senses and the chronic maladies thy lead to which keep us from becoming fully whole and spiritually healthy. Its that simple.
This choice is available to us at every moment. We can either do what we think is best, or we can do what Krishna advises. One can follow Gangajis advice or one can accept Krishnas advice. Gangaji has been teaching since 1990 and those who look closely will discover that she is a complete fraud. However the Bhagavad Gita has been giving good council to prominent leaders for 5000 years and is still revered by some of the wisest people who ever lived. So when put in the vernacular, the choice is a: No-Brainer. Thats a relief because then even Gangajis followers will have a fair chance to realize that they would do much better if they placed their trust in the same book Mahama Ghandi read religiously every day instead more of Gangajis romper-room tales.
If you are fully committed to that realization, there is nothing that can stop you. There is no obstacle.
This is one of the most reckless pieces of bad advice one could ever give! Sure there isnt any obstacle to swimming in an ocean reef filled with hungry sharks either unless you happen to want to stay alive. Similarly the Vedas refer to this material world as: padam padam yad vipadam na tesam, dangerous in every step (SB 10.14.58). Due to bad or inauspicious activities in previous lives everyone in this material world is struggling hard for sense gratification. In the Srimad Bhagavat Purana Sukadeva Gosvami, considered to be one of the greatest sages to have ever lived and the son of Veda Vyasa who wrote the Vedas, makes it very clear to Maharaja Pariksit just how dangerous the material world really is:
The path of this material world is full of material miseries, and various troubles disturb the conditioned souls. Sometimes he loses, and sometimes he gains. In either case, the path is full of danger. Sometimes the conditioned soul is separated from his father by death or other circumstances. Leaving him aside he gradually becomes attached to others, such as his children. In this way, the conditioned soul is sometimes illusioned and afraid. Sometimes he cries loudly out of fear. Sometimes he is happy maintaining his family, and sometimes he is overjoyed and sings melodiously. In this way he becomes entangled and forgets his separation from the Supreme Personality of Godhead since time immemorial. Thus he traverses the dangerous path of material existence, and on this path he is not at all happy. Those who are self-realized simply take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in order to get out of this dangerous material existence. Without accepting the devotional path, one cannot get out of the clutches of material existence. The conclusion is that no one can be happy in material life. One must take to Krsna consciousness. . - Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 5 The Creative Impetus, Chapter 14, The Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment, - Text 38. LINK: )
Gangaji doesnt mention any of this because her audience is just too immature to understand it and would all walk out. So instead the reader is offered this ongoing fairy tale and expected to blindly accept it even though everything Gangaji has written up to this point has been vague, unsupported, pretentious and academically childish. If we set aside Gangajis misused charisma and the peer pressure of the cult like Group Think symptoms that her disciples seem to be robotically controlled by, there is absolutely no convincing reason why an educated person would ever accept anything Gangaji says as true!
Those who remain mesmerized by Gangajis bouncing words are free to dismiss this expose with the usual accusations like: He Just Doesnt Get It or some other flavor of cult like defensive labeling. But those who resort to such unsubstantiated name calling demonstrate that their brain is still under the influence of Gamgajis hypnotic Shut-Down. Such is to be expected for those who still believe in perpetuating Gangajis home brewed flavor of spiritual liberation. Its all quite consistent with a text-book case of cult manipulation psychology.
Contrary to what Gangaji says, Krishna explains that those who try to understand anything on their own will never succeed because without His divine help, everyone gets hopelessly entangled in His divine illusions created by the modes of nature.
Deluded by the three modes [goodness, passion and ignorance], the whole world does not know Me, who am above the modes and inexhaustible. - Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 7 Knowledge of the Absolute, Text 13. - LINK:
My teacher, Papaji, said that the greatest obstacle, in fact the final obstacle, is the belief that there is an obstacle.
This is more of the same very bad and dangerous advice given in the previous statement and only serves to highlight the question; What basis is Papaji making this statement on? The sages have declared that the last snare of maya is to think that despite all our obvious human shortcomings, we still have the tendency to believe that we can escape the material illusion on our own. Once that is recognized, it becomes apparent that the greatest obstacle is not that there are obstacles but the influence of false ego which is anxious to recite cute little maxims like this and perpetuate the illusion that every conditioned soul can be independent, stand alone, spiritual superman!
We have already provided ample evidence to show that the Do-It-Yourself approach to Awakening is an ego-perpetuated myth, and therefore one of the most insidious lies because it is an illusion and completely misleads people. Above we have shown how Veda Vyasa and Sukadeva Gosvami consider this material world to be an extremely dangerous place because of all the misconceptions and illusions that are perpetuated by those who think they dont need any help. Lord Krishna makes it even more clear that the whole world is filled with numerous obstacles which are waiting to entrap the conditioned soul who looses control of even one of his senses, what to speak of all eight of them!
As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, even one of the roaming senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 2, Contents of the Gita Summarized, Text 67. - LINK:
Be very aware if you are clinging to this belief, and have the courage to let it go so that you can see for yourself.
Sure, just go ahead and dive into the shark infested ocean all by yourself with no life vest and see what happens! Just exactly what is Gangaji advising her reader to do now? Many people believe there is NO obstacle when they pull out their credit card and the result is they run up chronic debt for frivolous items they dont need. The end result of this wanton behavior is those who engage in it end up with bad credit and honest vendors get cheated out of payment for their goods! Similar scenarios occur everyday with irresponsible drinkers, gamblers, womanizers, child abusers and those who make foolish investments in get rich quick schemes. This is not good advice, it is reckless and those who follow it will frequently end up destroying their life!
The belief that one can charge ahead into the unknown blindly without consequence is paramount to believing one-self to be God. Such individuals foolishly think that everything exists for them to control and enjoy without any limitation. Gangaji calls them Awakened but Krishna has another name for that type of person.
The demoniac person thinks: So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him, and my other enemies will also be killed. I am the lord of everything. I am the enjoyer. I am perfect, powerful and happy. I