Gaining respect and giving it!

Gaining respect and giving it!


Gaining respect is pretty hard to do I guess.
Too much respect is a bad thing for ppl to show me, but lack of respect is worse.

Forming meaningful dialogue with others is not so easy.
We have communication by letter, the boards, phone calls and lastly emails.

The phone is the nearest way we can feel how somebody may feel, but do we?
No, we do not, we can only perceive what the other person is thinking, and how one or both is masking out the reality of real life.

Why use email?
I hate it, it is so impersonal, and how many times do we totally lose the plot in emails?
BTW, I can be my own worst enemy with emails.

If I send an email, then I may be asking several questions within the body of the email, but chances are the recipient will only address one part of the email, because it may be laborious to type stuff.

Then we get to writing on the boards and the issue can get totally turned around within the thread, adn yes, I am guilty of that too.

It is wise to note that it is pretty common for this to happen.
We can also mistakenly hurt somebody by posting about how you should do this or that.

That is one thing I try hard to avoid, and hope nobody ever thought that of me.
We are basically talking or communicating in cyber space, no more than that.

The little guy in me, just recedes on himself and says, OH, shut the f*ck up!
He was typing stuff into textpad and just come in dump it and run out before anyone caught him.

I was even too scared to read the stuff he posted because it is just garbled nonsense.
Some guys post things way over the top for me,with big words that I have to look up, so I guess I dont even participate when that happens.

So I guess that most of the time, I am on the boards as the little guy who gets words mixed up like gentleman and indiscretion to name but a few words he thought he knew the answer to.

I just guess and hope that I give more respect than I ever received in real life.
Dont know really,

Ste "but lack of respect is worse."

This statement is something I deal with every day at work and it kills me. I am like you, I don't need a lot of respect but damn I can't take it when my dicipline is pushed into a corner with no regards to what we have to deal with, no respect. I find that the lack of respect is something that I guess I will have to deal with, or should I say fight on a daily basis.

As for the inderect approach of communicating through email and these posts I am with you, I love this place and the fact that we can talk here but man I think I could do better in person.

You have helped me several times, I guess we should put up a thread about how others have helped, I think that is what most of us are trying to do here, help others and I guess in some cases like mine, we get more help than we give out.

Great post,

I think the task of respectful communication is complicated these days by the PACE of communication.

Remember how it was in the 70s? Send a letter through the post, and a week later here comes a reply. Now, I can send an email and the answer might come back from halfway around the world within 5 minutes.

I often feel rushed as I deal with things, and it really takes an effort to slow down so I can say exactly what I mean.

Much love,