Gagging Reflex!

Gagging Reflex!


Sorry Guys,

I just need to vent, I don't know what else to do, I like venting, you know!

I always grind my teeth at night and have had to wear a night gaurd. Today, I picked up a new design because I "killed" the last one by chewing through it, I think LOTS of nightmares of childhood.

OK, the problem, this one is bigger than the last and I am trying to adjust to it. If I relax and don't think about it, I am ok. However, if I am not calm, cool, collected, I start gagging and choking. This gagging is just like my recent (a few weeks ago) flashback/panic attack actually feeling my perp shove himself down my throat over and over and over and .... Just writing this is producing a panic attack. I HATE this SHIT! :mad:

I feel like pouting and feeling sorry formyself and having a good cry! Who wants to join me :p

OK, vented, feeling better, I think, still tight chest and worrying about sleeping with that thing in my mouth all night UGH :(


The gagging reflex may be a "body memory" of oral rape. Practicing progressive relaxation may be one way to calm your muscles with YOUR control. Another possible resource is EMDR.

Good luck.

I worked with EMDR as my first experience with my survival about two years ago. It was a great (but hard) experience. I will try to remember the relaxation techniques I learned there.

If you didn't have the oral rape as a central focus (or it didn't come up as you went through the session), you may want to see the T for a specific focus on the gagging. Just a thought.

I sometimes have that if I get extremely stressed over the abuse. In my case I think it is more panic and anxiety than anything else.

Ken has a good point in his last post here.

When I'm nervous it feels as though my throat is closing and I start to panic which makes things even worse. I think in my case it is related back to my drug abuse as this particular drug in overdose could cause respiratory distress and I think those three nights are amionst the worst I have ever known. I would pass out and in soing so would relax and start breathing again.

As for the gagging I too suffer from that except that I go one step further by actually making myself throw up. This is now habit (Obsession) for me as I do that every morning as part of my washing routine and I feel unclean and dirty if I do not do it. Im not sure but it this a form of Bulimia?

Another label perhaps?

"And all that was left was hope"


I never tough of it as a seperate entitiy, oral rape versus s sexual abuse. The oral part was what I went through on a regular basis for 20ish years with this person, I had to do it. We just focused on the overall issues of the abuse. Thanks for your help and support!

Thanks to all of you for your help and support!


Hey TJ... I suffer from night grinding too and have a night guard. I have experienced the gag reflex with it many, many times and it really is horrible, especially waking up with it gagging you.

My solution (much to the dismay of my dentist and my teeth) has been not to wear it. I wish I had better advice for you. I have only recently begun to deal with the memories of the oral SA in hypnotherapy. I have tried to work on the grinding in hypno though, and surprisingly enough, it is not an anger or fear based pattern for me (as I had assumed it was) but actually a self-soothing technique. Simply knowing this, of course, helps nothing until I subconsciously replace it or discard it as necessary to whatever parts need it in order to cope during sleeping hours.

Isn't all of this residual stuff just loads of fun to deal with? As if the SA itself isn't enough...
I clinch my teeth so hard at night that, I wake up with sore jaws every morning.

I've had the gag reflex a few times and forced myself to throw up. I felt better and cleaned when that's happened. It wasn't any type of an applince that did it, just a memory was all I needed. Flash backs are terrible.
I have an extreme gag reflex.

I had always thought I remembered all my abuse. It wasn't until I came here did I begin to realize that I didn't. Earlier this year I began to remember some more of the detail of the missing months. One of the first things that came back was the being dragged from place to place, friend of his to friend of his, and being physically forced to perform oral sex on them.

Now I know where my gag reflex comes from. Now I am working on it and last week successfully had a small scope inserted in my throat. There was a lot of anxiety, but I made it.

Take care,
Only remember one thing, the physical sickness, puking every time I thought about sex.

Kids think about it all the time, but sex to me made me feel like puking, if this is what sex is about then I didn't want to know.

Spent years going thru clinic after clinic, trying to find out what was wrong, diagnosed for all kinds of things' except the real cause, and who was going to tell them, not me.

You need your tonsils removing, but hey they look fine, maybe your adenoids, gotta be, but they're fine, take out the cause and maybe I will be fine, but who's gonna look there.

There was only me at 11yrs old, and I'm not gonna tell them, did you?

take care

TJ [/qb][/QUOTE]
hello archnut, your post worried me. I can relate to the nausea because I've had this happening to me since I've realized what type of family my husband comes from and that I think he's already been inappropriate with our daughter. I was afraid I might be pregnant again. I actually considered abortion if it were true (sorry, I know that's disgusting but now I know why desperate women HAVE to have that right, especially for rape victims and I feel that I have been raped, in a sense, because I didn't know the man I was married to).
I feel so self-centered talking about me again, but there are VERY serious health consequences of daily vomiting, including DEATH because your potassium levels drop dramatically which can cause heart failure. That is a huge stress on your body.
I don't know what to do about the nausea, either. I think it's our body's way of telling us something is very seriously wrong and you need help right away, from a counsellor, a doctor, or somebody!
I feel that my nausea was a gift to me in some ways because it is forcing me to GET THE POISON OUT!!!! get it out get it out get it out....
I've lost 10 lbs. recently, I also have been sweating a LOT and I feel like my body is helping to purge the poison out of me. Husband kept me fat, always plying me with food, just like his perp did.

Gagging. It's familiar to me, too. Mostly because it was the first serious (?!) sexual act the moron performed on me and made me perform on him. Isn't it sad that I can dismiss the kissing and fondling as merely "minor?"

It's such an unusual thing for a child to be asked, whether they want what they use to go to the bathroom with sucked, or being made to suck someone else's. It's revolting, and it makes me feel dirty that I did it. That the focus of my abuse, initially, as well as my adult rape experience was oral made it even more traumatic.

I guess the thing that works for me is to distract my mind from it. If I'm in the middle of a flashback, I ground myself HARD (pinching, biting, anything to bring me back to the present). If it's a body memory, I try to focus on what I'm doing, either at work or at home. It's easier at home because I can pick up a book and read, or turn on the tube.

As hard as it can be, the best thing is to bring your mind from awareness of it, and keep sharp on the moment. The feelings will pass. They always do.

I hope this helps.

Peace and love,
