Friends, Sex, and relationships
I envy my friends so much. They both have stable relationships and have sex with their girlfriends all the time. They don't know about my fear of sex and girls. Sex and relationships are a normal part of their lives. When I tried to have sex with my last girlfriend, as soon as I put the condom on, my erection started to falter. I couldn't get it in. I felt so ashamed, discouraged, and frustrated. I didn't know why this happened. I couldn't talk to her about it. I just kept saying that I was a failure. When I told my friends about it, they just laughed. They never stopped to think that it could related to my abuse. No-one has mentioned my SA in months. They pretend it never happened, like I have to do. They can laugh and joke about homosexuality, rape, and sucking dick like any other filthy mouthed teenager. They don't know what it is to feel a slight twinge when you hear someone say "suck my dick" or makes a sly comment about "liking it up the ass." I'm not angry at them, they don't know why this would offend anyone. I am sick of this. I want my old self back. I don't feel the same when I'm attracted to someone. Even though I want sex, I'm scared of it and nervous in sexual situations. My girlfriend was a virgin and I couldn't do it for her...what about someone who knows what they are doing? We broke up, and some time after that, I ended up getting drunk with some girl I barely knew and wasn't really attracted to. She was propositioning for sex, and my impulse was - "she doesn't have any expectations - this is my chance to prove to myself that I can still have sex." Still, I wasn't able to wear the condom, my erection kept falling, and I didn't last very long at all. She said that i looked terrified during sex. Afterwards, I broke down and told her about the SA. We hung out afterwards, but it was somehow uncomfortable. I realized that I didn't really want sex with this person, or to trust her with my secret, regardless of how understanding she did try to be. I used to be somewhat insecure about my sexuality becuase even before the rape, I began to have fantasies and masturbate to porn of sucking dick. I don't understand why it fascinated me, and that's what scared me. After the SA, it came to the point where I would masturbate about it and then feel incredibly guilty almost daily...and yet I couldn't stop myself. When I masturbated, I part of my mind I didn't know "took over" and I all I wanted to do was submit to it. As much as I wanted to extinguish this strange demon, the harder I fought, the harder "he" fought back. It confused me to no end. I no longer masturbate because I can't stem the flood of images. I don't worry about my sexuality anymore, though. I know that I've always been attracted to girls. When I look at a girl, my mind makes that instant analyzation and I know if I'm attracted to her. When I look at a guy, all I see is a guy. I cannot imagine a romantic relationship with another guy. I am not intrigued by anything about men or homosexuality, but the idea of sucking dick has always had a strange hold on my mind. What I would like now is a relationship with someone I can be comfortable with without pressure for sex. But I can't see myself finding it. ***G2G i will finish this post in a little bit***