Fresh start

Fresh start
Guess I'm not going to say much. Just need a place to tell some other survivors that I've decided to stop acting out and start confronting my pain again.

Today is day one.

Love to all.
Dear tW,

Buckle up and hold on tight. It can be fun, it can be rocky, tearful and you will survive. Don't forget how to laugh. The sun is out someplace.


To see (and admit) that you have been acting out and to know why you have been doing it to [try] and avoid confronting your pain and recovery process is a hugely brave and honest confession to yourself and to all of us here.

Congratulations and thankyou for sharing that with us.

I wish you well in your newfound self honesty and determination to face your recovery head-on. Remember we are all here for each other whenever you need to say its tough.

Take care.
Sorry TW, but I don't know what you mean my 'acting out'. Are you abusing children yourself? Trying to take revenge on your perp? Is anger or chemicals consuming you? Sorry if this is an ignorant question, but I don't know what you mean (though others seem to know??)


I won't presume to answer for TW, but in general "acting out" can be any one of multiple different forms of self defeating or self destructive behaviours including porn addictions, drugs, anonymous sexual encounters with either sex, or other addictive behaviors that could fall into this same general category.

I suppose victimizing children could also fall under that Calgary, but we here prefer to call that by other less tolerant names than "acting out".

Hope this sheds some light on your enquirey.

Lots of love,

good luck tw -
By acting out I mean drinking a little more than I am comfortable with, smoking cigarettes, putting off responsibilities I need to address and having more casual sex than I am comfortable with.

I'm far enough along in my recovery process that when I start to act out, I am not doing anything terribly outrageous and I am much faster to confront myself and try to make positive changes before I really move backwards.

Koveri - please think twice before posting something like you did. I'm sure you meant well, but one of the most damaging myths for me is that having been abused makes one more likely to abuse others. For most other survivors I know, acting out is usually turning on oneself.

Peace and Love
It's the frog again.
For me, acting out meant tap dancing on the edge with a blindfold since I was hellbound for destruction. A jug of vodka, a straw and me. Oblivion here I come, since when it comes to this shit, I never go halfway.

Now the blindfold is off, I am far from the edge, in fact I got off the roof, because I am trying to deal with reality, past and present.
Some days suck, some don't, I yell at the idiots who cut me off - Massachusestts drivers are insane - I get it out, wish them a double IRS audit and make it to where I am headed. I think.

keep on chuckling,

TW thanks for the explaination. I'm new to the US and all of the terminology. From all of the descriptions, tt sounds like a better word would be 'acting IN' rather than 'acting OUT'.

I am sorry, but I BY NO MEANS was implying anything by my examples. As I read it back over now, I see I could have been doing that. I'm a bit like froggy and pull too much through the straw sometimes and don't think about what I'm typing. I will do better next time. I promise.

No sweat man, you didn't do anything so wrong at all with what you wrote. Go easy on yourself - I have a hell of a time trusting anyone, especially strangers on a bulletin board, but I'm learning. Thanks for writing back. Peace and Love.