I feel snubbing or shutting is fine, if you are too scared to handle the person. But gradually you would need to bring yourself to face them with courage and fortitude, he cant hurt if you dont allow him to.
I snubbed my father who physically and emotionally abused me while growing for many years, I felt safe, but I wasn't I was just secluded with a false sense of power, for I hadn't tested it. So now I talk to him openly and lovingly, but dont take any non sense from him. But that I have waited 20 years to do that is a different thing!
The real and professional world is full of many such men lurking around, and part of getting my power back was to confront them and let them know that I stand up for myself, am no longer vulnerable to their manipulation or power control.
And the more you undertsand thier game,the easier it gets to break thier control. 'b coz inside they just sad little insecure creatures looking for a weak link, but I am not the weak link any more. Part of my training to get my power back is to face those people and not buckle up under pressure every time. Gradually after a few failure, I realise exactly where I let go of control, now I am more vigilant.
Today I can say that those experiences have empowered me against any such experience in the future. Having learnt your lesson, their is only one way to test it, that is by going thru the same situations again. But that doesn't mean jumping into crazy situations deliberately but confronting them when they arise in your life, when they come knocking, for they will till you learn to stand up against them, and understand that you can proect yourself, because you can. YOU are as strong as you think you are.
Today I see such situations as lessons in empowerment. And see them opportunities to grow into myself, and get my power back, just the way I lost it.