does anyone out there ever have mixed feelings toward his perpetrator??? there were multiple abusers in my case at various stages of life, but the event early in life that made me into walking rape invitation was what my dad did to me when i was about 4 years old.i hated him for many years and had fantasies of violent revenge. then one day he came to apologize. with tears in his sad eyes and a plantive voice he owned up io what he did, ackowledged the damage and asked me how or if he could put things right. since that day he has been tremendously helpful in my achieving higher education as well as making sincere amends in many ways. its a strange thing but if you forget th fact that he was a child rapist and pervert who devestated his kids life you would really like him. he happens to be highly intelligent and can be very stimulating to talk to, which i do frequently. still, i live with the aftermath of what he did to me so many years ago.paranoid distrut of others and waking up screaming!!!!! oh, those horrific rape nightmares!!!! i just dont know how to reconcile the repentant person he has become with the piece of him that will live deep inside me forever. whats to do?????