"Forgive & You Will Be Forgiven"?
Never have I pondered these word of Jesus Christ like I have since recall of my abuse memories began last year, and especially since getting involved in several recent discussion here & on some other sites, and particularly in the last week or so.
How am I to take such words, as a survivor of sexual abuse? What do they mean to & for me?
How about what they don't mean?
"Forgive & you will be forgiven" does not mean I must forgive people, such as my perps, in order to in turn be forgiven by them (for what?!), by other people (what would they have to do with it?), or by God (His forgiveness is unconditional!).
"Forgive & you will be forgiven" does not mean I must forgive things that were done to me (only things done by me that were wrong, and being abused is not among those!).
Perps must forgive themselves for perpetration, and seek God for forgiveness, if they can. I do not have the power to absolve them of sin. They sure don't have the power to withhold forgiveness from me based on whether or not they receive any forgiveness I may or may not offer (suppose they're dead? or unreachable?).
My forgiveness does not depend on them, becuz my forgiveness is not for them.
So what does "forgive & you will be forgiven" mean to me? It means my forgiveness is for me!
"Forgive & you will be forgiven" means that if I forgive I will be forgiven becuz I am the one doing the forgiving. Not necessarily of myself, but for myself, beyond considerations of anyone else or anything else.
I forgive becuz I choose to, not becuz my perps do or don't receive it, nor becuz what they did to me has now somehow become excusable or ok, nor becuz people say I should or shouldn't forgive.
I forgive becuz it is the right thing for me to do for me. That means I do it in my time, my way.
I forgive becuz it is right & best for me not to carry around hatred toward people I can't change or bitterness toward things I can't change.
I forgive becuz I it is best for me not to let other people, or circumstances, control me, by their responses or lack thereof, according to whether or not they change.
I forgive becuz its about me changing, being in control of my own life.
I forgive becuz this brings out my true feelings & true self, as God made me to be in His image, the best I can be.
Which is all Jesus Christ is asking of me. Which is why I forgive becuz He asks me to. This is why I forgive, for me.
"Forgive & you will be forgiven"--that's what it means to me!
How am I to take such words, as a survivor of sexual abuse? What do they mean to & for me?
How about what they don't mean?
"Forgive & you will be forgiven" does not mean I must forgive people, such as my perps, in order to in turn be forgiven by them (for what?!), by other people (what would they have to do with it?), or by God (His forgiveness is unconditional!).
"Forgive & you will be forgiven" does not mean I must forgive things that were done to me (only things done by me that were wrong, and being abused is not among those!).
Perps must forgive themselves for perpetration, and seek God for forgiveness, if they can. I do not have the power to absolve them of sin. They sure don't have the power to withhold forgiveness from me based on whether or not they receive any forgiveness I may or may not offer (suppose they're dead? or unreachable?).
My forgiveness does not depend on them, becuz my forgiveness is not for them.
So what does "forgive & you will be forgiven" mean to me? It means my forgiveness is for me!
"Forgive & you will be forgiven" means that if I forgive I will be forgiven becuz I am the one doing the forgiving. Not necessarily of myself, but for myself, beyond considerations of anyone else or anything else.
I forgive becuz I choose to, not becuz my perps do or don't receive it, nor becuz what they did to me has now somehow become excusable or ok, nor becuz people say I should or shouldn't forgive.
I forgive becuz it is the right thing for me to do for me. That means I do it in my time, my way.
I forgive becuz it is right & best for me not to carry around hatred toward people I can't change or bitterness toward things I can't change.
I forgive becuz I it is best for me not to let other people, or circumstances, control me, by their responses or lack thereof, according to whether or not they change.
I forgive becuz its about me changing, being in control of my own life.
I forgive becuz this brings out my true feelings & true self, as God made me to be in His image, the best I can be.
Which is all Jesus Christ is asking of me. Which is why I forgive becuz He asks me to. This is why I forgive, for me.
"Forgive & you will be forgiven"--that's what it means to me!