Foreskin Restoration

Foreskin Restoration


I've recently done some reading about foreskin restoration. I'm intrigued. It strikes me as a way for some of us who've been circumcised to reclaim in a truly physical way something that was taken from us violently without our permission...much like what we lost through sexual abuse. Has anyone had any experience with this? Thanks.

Only just a little. At one time I was fired up about this subject. I looked at a lot of websites that offered information about how to do this. Some of it was pretty radical which included things like extreme pulling and taping of the area, and then strapping pull cords onto the thigh to wear all day long. This looked extremely uncomfortable (if not downright PAINFUL!). Others suggested simple techniques of manually stretching the remaining foreskin at nightime to elongate it so that you could eventually recover some lost area. This I could get into, and I tried it for a quite a while. To me this technique felt somewhat pleasant (and sometimes it felt TOO pleasant. :p HA!).

There have been so many articles written about the subject that you won't have any trouble finding information on other websites using a general search engine. Included in these sites you will find support groups where men share experiences of how their efforts are progressing.
Thankfully, these does groups not utilize a "show and tell" format. HA! (not much left to show, I imagine) :rolleyes: HA!

Recently, a visitor to MS posted a link to a website that included articles about male baby circumcision and arguments against doing such a thing. I am now, in my old age, against performing this operation on a baby boy.

Personally, I found the results of my own efforts to be nil. Unfortunately, the unwanted damage has been done. I never had a son. If I had, I would have ideally left him intact, leaving that decision up to him. Hopefully, it would have been an informed decision after having experienced a satisfying sex life with an intact foreskin. I am told by those who have known both, that there is no comparison for the sensitivity, and satisfying sensations that a man experiences by being intact. CRIMINY! HECK! DAMN! That's not the choice that was ever given to me, but I NOW have other things to be angrier about, so I choose now not to worry about the "things I cannot change" as the senil... "Serenity Prayer" states. HA!

I've moved on to work on things that I feel can be changed like raising the public's consciousness about issues concerning male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. There is so much work to be done for encouraging the enactment of enabling legislation to increase the Statutes of Limitations for childhood sexual abuse in states throughout the U.S., the way that our MS brothers, Muldoon, Victor and others, here, are doing. Muldoon has proven to us that these things CAN BE CHANGED! Right on, guys!

Thanks for your post, JamesMichael. It is very provocative, and interesting. I will look forward to reading other brothers' responses, too.

Sincerely, Jess.

P.S. I apologize if anything I have said here, has offended anyone. It was not my intent. Sometimes I try to be funny, and I'm not, unfortunately. Sorry, brothers.
Sincerely, Jess.
Am I right in believing that circumcision is a very common thing in the US ?

In the UK it's only ever done for medical reasons, although I believe some Jewish families have it done for religious reasons, but I've no idea if it's still common - or legal over here.

But it is becoming more common as cosmetic surgery, it's offered through private clinics in the mens magazines, and adult men are having circumcision done to look better - in their opinion, and because it's claimed that the head of the penis become less sensitive because of the constant contact with clothing and therefore makes sex last longer.
It sounds drastic to me. :eek:

But as for reversal, I've heard nothing about that, sorry.

Yes, Dave. It was so very common, especially when I was a baby (1950s). I believe that this really started in the U.S., after WWI (or was it WW2?). I think originally, it was for quasi-medical reasons, as a prophylatic against diseases of the penis and prepuce, which supposedly were common among service men who had little time or opportunities to bathe during war time, and supposedly again, this caused cancer of the foreskin and penis and other diseases. Then there was the argument that it would help adolescent boys to abstain from masturbation, which was considered as leading to unexplained medical maladies and senility. (See the movie on video starring Matthew Broderick titled "Welcome To Wellville U.S.A." - or something like that about Kellogg the inventor of the corn flake breakfast cereal).

By the time my era came along, the reasons were so that young boys would "match" their fathers, and also the other boys. Thereby, avoiding the unnessecary trauma of appearing to be "different" from the other boys who looked at each other while showering publicly in gym classes. I guess, so. Only one of my cousins that I knew of was uncircumcised. All the rest of the men in my family have been. We all used to laugh at my cousin Steve's little "anteater-looking" thingy. I am so sorry I laughed now. I suppose he's had the last laugh on all of us. HA!

Although, I have to admit I think it looks pretty good, and once (when I was in high school) my family medical doctor made a comment about what a great job the baby doc did on me, I think I still would have wanted it differently.

It seems, as far as I'm aware, that the outcry against male babies being systematically circumcized (for non-religious reasons) has only been going on for about 10 years. The tide of sentiment seems to be changing in the U.S. (at least among men I know) toward non-circumcision of male babies. It's becoming sort of a pro-choice issue for men.

As far as sensitivity goes, yes, being circumcised does lessen sensitivity, thereby providing for a longer-lasting sexual experience, but on the otherhand it's harder to get a tough-as-leather "round-head" to feel anything, sometimes. DAMN!

Glad to hear that on the other side of the Atlantic it is unlawful, except for emergency and/or religious reasons. I hope that never changes for you guys. Additionally, I hope, for the sake of future generations of American male babies, we can adopt your country's legal attitude, over here, soon.

Sincerely, Jess.
i guess you can't miss what you dont have. i know i have heard my wife and her friends commenting during porn flicks. perhaps because they aren't used to seeing men with forskins here in the US, but they always say something like "oo-gross"

i do know i had a vasectomy, and having surgery on your penis is very uncomfortable. i have what i have, and i wouldnt want to endure the pain to be any other way.

i think it is still done in most cases here, and the doctors even kind of push new parents to do it. their main argument is hygene for the infant, not having to fool around with pulling back the skin.

as far as sexual issues, i have been involved in discussions on which is better, cut or uncut. women tend to say they can't tell any difference. men that are cant experience what is like to have foreskin or the other way around, so why worry about it. besides if you have already been desensitized as it were by being exposed, would you be able to fully feel what a man that had never been done could? i kind of doubt it. americans are awful about having needless operations in my mind. but that is just my opinion
I too was cut as a baby and am not happy about it. I also looked into restoration, even asked my wife what she thought. I would love to do it, I just have way too many things going on to put that much effort into it.

We had a son just a year ago, you can bet that he is intact. It blows my mind that people here still have it done, and for the stupidest reasons too. We get some stupid comments & questions once in a while about it.

My wife is a nursery nurse, she sees it done daily and its horrible she says. It is still pushed hard in the hospitals here, sure why not, they charge $800-1200 for a five minute procedure.

After I started dealing with the abuse issue, it opened my eyes to all the wrongs done to me. I see circumcision as very abusive.

Can you imagine the uproar there would be if you wanted to give a masectomy to a newborn baby girl. You know, 1 out of 9 will come down with breast cancer, they are bound to just sag sooner or later & she won't have to worry about cleaning under them. You would be hauled off!
