Only just a little. At one time I was fired up about this subject. I looked at a lot of websites that offered information about how to do this. Some of it was pretty radical which included things like extreme pulling and taping of the area, and then strapping pull cords onto the thigh to wear all day long. This looked extremely uncomfortable (if not downright PAINFUL!). Others suggested simple techniques of manually stretching the remaining foreskin at nightime to elongate it so that you could eventually recover some lost area. This I could get into, and I tried it for a quite a while. To me this technique felt somewhat pleasant (and sometimes it felt TOO pleasant.
There have been so many articles written about the subject that you won't have any trouble finding information on other websites using a general search engine. Included in these sites you will find support groups where men share experiences of how their efforts are progressing.
Thankfully, these does groups not utilize a "show and tell" format. HA! (not much left to show, I imagine)
Recently, a visitor to MS posted a link to a website that included articles about male baby circumcision and arguments against doing such a thing. I am now, in my old age, against performing this operation on a baby boy.
Personally, I found the results of my own efforts to be nil. Unfortunately, the unwanted damage has been done. I never had a son. If I had, I would have ideally left him intact, leaving that decision up to him. Hopefully, it would have been an informed decision after having experienced a satisfying sex life with an intact foreskin. I am told by those who have known both, that there is no comparison for the sensitivity, and satisfying sensations that a man experiences by being intact. CRIMINY! HECK! DAMN! That's not the choice that was ever given to me, but I NOW have other things to be angrier about, so I choose now not to worry about the "things I cannot change" as the senil... "Serenity Prayer" states. HA!
I've moved on to work on things that I feel can be changed like raising the public's consciousness about issues concerning male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. There is so much work to be done for encouraging the enactment of enabling legislation to increase the Statutes of Limitations for childhood sexual abuse in states throughout the U.S., the way that our MS brothers, Muldoon, Victor and others, here, are doing. Muldoon has proven to us that these things CAN BE CHANGED! Right on, guys!
Thanks for your post, JamesMichael. It is very provocative, and interesting. I will look forward to reading other brothers' responses, too.
Sincerely, Jess.
P.S. I apologize if anything I have said here, has offended anyone. It was not my intent. Sometimes I try to be funny, and I'm not, unfortunately. Sorry, brothers.
Sincerely, Jess.