For our Brit friends

For our Brit friends
I was interviewed by a team from ITV today about Megan's Law. They came to my area since I'm about 15 miles from where Megan Kanka was killed and have been working with offenders for nearly 30 years. The show will be on at 8 pm Monday. Some sort of news show. Hopefully, I didn't come off sounding like a dolt. Would appreciate any feedback from any of you who catch it.

ken ,have you heard of a group called califorbians againt megans law? ste posted a link to a site debating the good of meagans law and the predator regestry . there are some amazingly off the wall people out there who are screamming about loosing our rights ,with things like megans law.
Monday at 8pm is 'tonight' with a black guy Trevor McDonald as host to the show.

I like his shows because they are always factual response to what goes on in the world.

I will record it on Monday, so maybe I can make
it available to you guys with a link,


Monday at 8.00pm ITV1


"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"
I saw Sarahs mother on channel 4 prog.
The difference here, is that they want a common sense law.
It would involve making a sexual predator register.

That would give the public a greater awareness of actual predators, not just the SOR.
That register would be open to parents to see if predators live nearby.

It would not give actual addresses, which would lead to vigilante action, and false allegations in the area, given that, the public would single out any dirty old man with a shady look.

If they were named with actual addresses, then it would drive them underground.
They need to be closely supervised in the community for any effective therapy.

I will look forward to watching it,

My understanding from what the producer told me was that it was about notification, including door to door. The experience we've had in most of the US before Megan's Laws went into effect is that there were sex offender registration laws in place. Megan's Laws were to expand it to public notification. I've got no problem with registration and supervision. This is about notifying people.

The problem with this has been that the broad net of notification made most sex offenders subject to being on the internet without much regard to differentiation between the truly dangerous and the others. Sort of a "one size fits all".

The other problem is that there have been vigilante acts taken on some offenders which include losing jobs (not talking about inappropriate jobs but employment), driven out of neighborhoods, vandalism, physical assaults, and most recently, in April, two sex offenders in the state of Maine, being shot to death.

Latest problem are "not in my backyard" restriction laws which ban any sex offender (regardless of level of risk) from 1000-2000 feet from schools, playgrounds, swimming pools, libraries, bus stops, etc. In some areas it effectively becomes banishment. As one community enacts such a law, the others nearby, like a game of musical chairs, also ban them and you begin to see them fail to register, disappear, drop out of treatment, living in cars or at truck stops, etc.

The Iowa state District Attorneys' Association which supported such a law before it went into effect, has now called for its repeal because it is counterproductive to child safety.

My piece in this ITV show is to talk about unintended consequences and emotional responses to complex problems. The experts are rarely solicited for opinions but the politicians are quick to wave the bloody flag to stir up emotions. No politician wants to be seen as supporting sex offenders.

And, the biggest problem I have with this is that they are quick to pay for more prisons, technology such as electronic monitoring, and GPS, but they are stingy on primary prevention (educating kids and parents BEFORE the kids are abuses).

Sorry for the rant but I've seen this all before.


PS My condolences for today's World Cup. Imagine how the Brazil fans feel now!

I think we need to balance logic between what the public get hear, here or read, and what is ture vs lies,.

If I was an 11yo .reading this, I would be thinking why? Did nobody go to the perps house and lock him up!

Yeah. Ken, we lost again, but my penalties are alawys pretty well unstoppable,

Ken - I will watch the program.

I can assure you that the current government in the UK is not really interested in building more prisons.

You may remember I was recently in court supporting the conviction of a paedophile from a personal perspective! I heard before we went to court that the government was trying to reduce the number of criminals (in general) going to prison...sadly this was born out in court!

I agree that kids and parents should be educated to prevent abuse happening, but at the end of the day if a paedophile abuses, then they should suffer the consequences whatever they are.

The problem that we currently have in this country (England/UK)is that we are signed up to a European Law on Human Rights! The Judges interpret these laws in favour of the perpetrators of crime (all types of crime). There should be a clause in the Law on Human Rights, that denies you those rights, once you have personally denied them to another. EXAMPLE - YOU DENY A CHILD A RIGHT TO HIS/HER CHILDHOOD BY GROOMING AND SEXUALLY ABUSING THEM. YOU THEREFORE GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT, FREEDOM TO WALK IN SOCIETY FULL STOP!

Yes they have to get it right...there is a big difference between a 16 year old and a 15 year old having sex (sex of children irrelevant), and an adult having sex with a child of any age!

We have a recent case, where a 30+ teacher (female) had sex on several occasions with a 14 year old boy. She was jailed for 4 years, and some think that is harsh because 'being a lad he would brag about it'. Rubbish - at school she took the place of his primary carer, so you could say she had incestuous sex with her son. Turn that around, and make it a 30+ male teacher having sex with a 14 year old girl...I don't have to say more do I...bloody hypocrites!

One thing that I believe is never taken into account is the actual psychological damage that occurs - every case that is reported seems to reflect on the sexual activity that occurred and not what psychological damage may be inflicted by that!

Example - as a child (0 - 8 years), I frequently went on countryside walks with various Grandparents / Uncles etc... they always took food, and I was always given pocket money! There was never anything untoward ever!

At age 8.5, we moved town, so I was not as close geographically to the support network that I had previously enjoyed. I went from being king of the hill, to being in a school where all the cliques had formed and I made friends with people who were on the side line (still good people).

At 11 I went to senior school, because I was considered to be intelligent, I went to Grammar and my friends went to Secondary Modern. I made new friends again.

In the second year one person was transferred from a different secondary modern than what my friends had gone to, to the school that I was at. He was a previous friend of my new friends! He was obviously disturbed in some way, and split everyone up!

This was when I became 'an opportunity' for the paedophile involved in my case.

He groomed me with air rifles / sweets and money (forgot to mention that one of my grandfathers had guns and lived next to a wood).

I had no reason to fear this paedophile when he presented himself to me - he seemed no different to my Grandfathers or Uncles who always had my best interests at heart.

The paedophile destroyed my trust in Authority Figures for ever when I was 12. He made me think that when I visited my Paternal Grandfather for the last 3 years of his life, that I would be abused by him (it would never have happened now that I can look back with an adult mind). I also thought until I was about 30 years old that any of my friends fathers would want to abuse me - that's what those ******** do to you.

It will get me into trouble at work, because as a Supervisor, I can see the good in the underdog, even when I should not defend them.

I want paedophiles to be locked up and serve full sentences. If the public see that the sentences are realistic, then there will be less calls for Megans/Sarahs law. The paedophiles will also know that they can loose their liberty - at present sentencing is a joke.

I never understood vigilantism before! Now that I have been in court, and found out that the paedophile that groomed and abused me, groomed and abused others, that is a multiple groomer/abuser, walked out with a suspended sentence, because the crimes were historical, and that there was no evidence of any further crimes after 1977...sorry, but I can now understand that if the judiciary do not give justice to the survivors of abuse that do everything by the law (follow every rule in the book), then maybe there are cases where vigilantes are welcome! It's not something I could personally do, but there are times that I think if I had just topped him before anyone even knew that I had a grudge, then I would have got real justice. The local kids would have been truly safe!

You are right, 'One size does not fit all', but the main problem we have in this country at present is that the people that make the decisions make too many excuses for these life wreckers!

There is no real justice/support for the victims/survivors.

In this country we have ignorant people - a group attacked the home of a paedatrician (someone that actually medically helps children) because they got their words mixed up.

So, yes we do not want any innocent victims of vigilantes, but as for the rest of them...rot in hell!

I believe that all of us here are primarily concerned about the victims of paedophilia, and that's how governments should also think.

Best wishes ...Rik
Wow Rik,

blow the fuse out on the bomb you are carrying, I could explain things that I cannot type on the boards here, as I have inside info on Government stuff.


should we have a predator register which would be run alongside the SOR?

What? Would that do!

It would continually send predators on the run, or into hiding.

The argument the Government would face, and they know it, is that the SOR keeps them in statistics about how much they are doing about abuse of kids which equates to very little in real life.

So, if we have a predator register and a parent is aware that no abuser lives nearby, then are their kids safe!
No! Because a lot of abusers can evade capture often for decades, or life.

How about a register for nutters they let out of prison who have been there for that long, they get out on licence, only to spring on an innocent life and snuff it out.

From what I learned in life, it is, to always keep safe, like I stand with my back to the train station wall etc., just in case some nutter pushes me onto the tracks.

All I can say Rik, your state barrister should have debriefed you, but it is not too late for you to ask your solicitor to get a debriefing.

It is so strange that the Recorder passed the case on to another judge on sentencing.
And I can only think of one thing here, that is the barrister for the CPS got facts wrong in presenting your case.

You should have at least been given a barrister who is dedicated in law surrounding child abuse, but guess you are in the wrong part of the country.

A lot of abuse cases involving priests from Ireland are taking place in Liverpool.
Clerical abuse is taken very serious here, and the judges here are used to the hurt that kids go through, historical or not.

I wanted to give my life to God, not by becoming a priest but a missionary.
I signed all the papers when I was 14yo, but backed out, because I was not feeling whole inside.

That woman who got four years, was given a light sentence because of the boys age.
If his true age, had have been taken into consideration, e.g., that of an 11yo, she would have got longer.

Establishing facts over age is real confusing, but she will be judged one day on her actions.

Maybe this is just a God thing, but I believe that abusers are tried by God, on what HELL they put those kids through, when they should have been good ppl.

When we walk into Gods kingdom, he knows every second of our lives, all the hurt the danger, and all the good and bad things we do.

Judges are blinded by facts, and what they believe, and err on the side of caution.
If you had a judge who had been abused, I wonder what he would have done.

This is way too long,


"should we have a predator register which would be run alongside the SOR?"

Yes absoloutly.

The reason behind my comments are this. Is it right that a 17 year old boy who has had consensual sex with his fifteen year old girl friend be put on a predators list? Or a guy (or woman come to that) who has had a skinfull on a friday night and decides to take a leak down an alleyway be put on the predatory SOR? Of course not, if that was the case as a recovering alkie I would fall almost certainly into the latter.

I have spent nearly five years in differing mental health units and yes I label myself a "nutter" as my behaviour in the past has certainly warrented that label, should there be a list of us that have "served" time in such institutions?

We are on a list of sorts.

I take it your nearest and dearest have not tried to get you sectioned when you really needed it for your own (and the publics) protection, my wife tried it on a couple of occasions but it proved impossible especially if I had been drinking, and it was only when drinking that I would attempt suicide. I am on a list of sorts as all my details are on my medical records that will be available to GP's across the UK in a very short space of time. So they will all have prior warning as to what may happen if I take a drink.

As was mentioned on "Tonight with Sir Trev", what about those that decide to go underground? Well you tag them with something called SG-Rom a very effective GPS solution and if they refuse or do not register and go underground we go after them by naming and shaming them like on Crimewatch and give them a very hefty sentance.

"as I have inside info on Government stuff".

Any chance of sharing this info by PM? As I have a meeting to attend next week with the Department of Health (mental health section).

As is said "knowledge is power".

BTW was Ken Singer featured on last nights documentary? I had to disappear for five minutes to take an important phone call.

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"

I know that I must be on a whole load of lists.
My family almost split up because of me, and I dont know where that would have ended up, my father wanted me to be taken into care.

We find ourselves in waves of hysteria and emotion, because of a heinous act carried out on a baby.

The media, who I have no time for, urge Government reaction, and point out the level of sex offenders in the community.

The SOR is a tool to tell the public that they are catching sex offenders, when you dont even have to be charged with an offence to be on it.

I have yet to hear of one police 'initiative', to really trap child predators, who rampage through society, often highly regarded by all.

One predator alone can cause a billion pounds worth of damage, without taking into account the mental damage and loss that the kids go through, and their families, well into the future.

The tagging thing is futuristic, but they already have the technology, just like they chip dogs.

All the technology in the world is not going to trace little Johnnys dad who regular abuses him and his friends for decades.

The cops and Government need to stop hiding behind the SOR, it is sure not a measure of anything they are pro-active in doing, it is a bunch of statistics which allows them to take public money by stealth.

I rang the cops over organised dog fighting on the beach by me, ten minutes later they turned up in a van sirens blazing.

They sat in the car park and guessed it was too far to walk, so they turned back.
I reported it to the RSPCA who said they have to rely on the cops to catch them.

WTF, when I read that another pet has been ripped apart, when they had a big opportunity to catch them all together.

Then they ask the public to ring the cops if they have information!
Guess I am not public, or cops dont know what public means.

They need to get off their big fat asses and get some exercise, it never did me any harm.
Sorry for the rant.

I have the Tonight prog recorded if anybody wants it, I dont know if Ken was on it, I have still to watch it, but if anyone wants it, I can post a link in a few days,

I read Ken's message just before the programme started & rushed downstairs to watch. Bad programme. Ken not on it. Really needed input along the lines of what Ken says in his posting. But I guess they weren't going to give space to a complex and balanced discussion. Tom.
There is not much to say in a half hour show.

I just got my faith back in the police after hearing a chief inspector who wrapped his own car around a lamp post in an effort to bravely stop two thugs.

Those thugs threw a twig in the road as his car passed, he quickly reversed onto the sidewalk and hit an innocent street light passing by.

Two little girls who threw a twig at his car, turned him into a wild animal, and he grabbed them both by the throat and mouthing expletives that he should be, teaching kids not to do.

He is such a credit to the force, almost the same credit should go to the cops who jailed a thug for two days for riding his bike with no lights on the sidewalk .

I am re-assured yet again that the cops really are making the world a little safer, NOT!

I watched the program, although I missed the first 5 minutes. To be honest, it was so lightweight, it was practically meaningless. I didn't see Ken either (unless he was using a pseudonym).

The best thing the program did, was keep the ball in the public arena.

I wouldn't bother tagging paedophiles - I'd just keep them in jail!

There have been several 'high profile' paedophiles in the media, one of which only served around 12 years in prison for abducting, drugging, sexually abusing, sharing said abuse with others, then killing a young boy. He got off with manslaughter for crimes that were so obviously premeditated. Why should such a 'creature' ever be free to walk the streets!

My cure (as I've said before)would be free helicopter rides, with the paedophile being 'dropped off' from a great height, at a suitable location (e.g. shark infested ocean / rocky beach etc). Yes I agree, there are differing levels of paedophilia, but the worst deserve no mercy! *And I'm not a violent person.

Do-gooders keep these paedophiles out of prison!

When I went to court, I waited in the Witness House on the first day. There was lots of literature lying around. I picked up a leaflet on prevention of child abuse printed by a very well known child protection agency.

One of the first things I read was: 'Abusers are not monsters'! Well sorry, **** off - they are, and that charity will never receive another donation from me! Protecting children? The first thing they do is excuse the bastards that destroy children. Sorry, but I have absolutely had enough of anyone making excuses for those ********! They have no right to do what they do!

Best wishes ...Rik
Ste - just to add, I never even got to speak to the CPS Barrister! That is one of the many things I do not understand. So no, there was no debrief!

The Judge, Defence and Prosecution Barristers all got things completely wrong in the summing up!

You may remember, I complained to Witness Protection, CPS, Crown Recorder, Trial Judge, Attorney General and they all just covered each others backs. I told them exactly why I was complaining, and not one of them answered anything that I asked.

Remember he walked out of court as 'An elderly gentleman answering for indiscretions from long ago'. I am still waiting to meet him in the street (he's obviously in hiding) and tell him exactly what he is! I don't care who hears me - if I get locked up for telling him what he is, then that would make a very good story in the media, when he only got a suspended sentence for multiple grooming and abusing of children because the crimes were historical. The ******* will probably dead before his more recent victims find the courage to come forward!

I don't much care about what the government may be doing in the background, I want to see them do things in reality. Remeber this is the government that signed up wholesale to the European Humans Rights Act, that denies decent citizens their rights whilst giving criminals every right under the sun. Oh, and the Prime Ministers Wife makes a fortune from what - representing human rights cases in court!

Best wishes...Rik

Could not agree with you more and it is very true that it would not catch Johnnys dad who had been abusing him for decades and these are the Survivors that need the help and support the most, we know it can take years (if lucky) to disclose, if ever, abuse within the family. can we try and look at it another way what if a young single mum meets a charmng guy at the local watering hole and a long term relationship ensures. (point taken from reality2k4 about not resgistering) it would sure help her and her young child to know in advance if a pervert has wormed his way into their family. I am also approaching this from a grandafthers perspective. I want to know where any threat may be to my grandchildren not only now that they are very young but when they are older too. I also know that the likely hood of them becoming a Survivor is very small as I am sure I would be able to spot the difference in behaviour, but by that time any damage would have been done. I (and us all) know how manipulative and palusable these predators are. Ok maybe I was one of the unlucky ones. Fair enough but I do not want to take any chances with my grandchildrens upbringing (and wellbeing) in anyway, shape or form.

Lets put it this way if any pervert laid a hand on any of my grandchildren, they would not have to lock him up, support his Human Rights, treat him, they would have to bury or cremate him. I dont particularly fancy doing a life stretch as I wish to see my grandchildrn grow up and be part of that. But I would, I know how much damage these actions can do.

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"

I don't much care about what the government may be doing in the background, I want to see them do things in reality. Remeber this is the government that signed up wholesale to the European Humans Rights Act, that denies decent citizens their rights whilst giving criminals every right under the sun. [/QUOTE

Please do not get the human rights act tied up with our laws.
It is every citizens right to challenge English law not just perps.

It is a birthrite and it stops ppl being sent home to be killed, or tortured, but it is a catch all law, but we cannot repeal human rights law, it is impossible to deny human rights.

I cannot get my head around your case, but I think I offered you a submission to the judge.
Dont get me wrong, but the Judge saw you and the others as ordinary guys like he meets in the street.

How can he see the stress and bad things that happen in yr life when you meet a child predator!
But trials in court are just that, they just have to be exported beyond the judiciary.

If the judiciary could fathom the hurt of a kid, historic or not, then they may take a differing view of historical abuse, and the main thing to think about, is that, they can only pass law on the perios it happened.

I guess it had little punishment back then, but your perp will be known for what he did, and he will suffer.

What! Sort of trial by the Crown court can progress to conviction without having access to your counsel, but you must have agreed to the plea bargaining off his counsel.

Sorry Rik, money is more powerful than words right now,

Originally posted by Kirk Wayne:

Could not agree with you more and it is very true that it would not catch Johnnys dad who had been "abusing him for decades" and these are the Survivors that need the help and support the most, we know it can take years (if lucky) to disclose, if ever, abuse within the family.

Can we try and look at it another way as well?

What if a young single mum meets a charmng, financially secure guy at the local watering hole and a long term relationship ensures? Point taken from reality2k4 about not resgistering. It would sure help her and her young child to know in advance if a pervert has wormed his way into their family.

Remember that the Sarahs Law that they are thinking of bringing in will only allow interested parties (and those of good past character ... well bang go my chances of asking) have the info (maybe that will not include perpsective boy/girlfriends), but if someone recognised this offender, they would not be able to disclose the details concerning the future partner of said young lady. If a neighbour said to her, "your new boyfriend is on the SOR" she could (according to Sir John Stevens, ex head of The Met) recieve a very, heavy punishment.

In my experience abusers do not just abuse once I have read that it can be as few (too many)as 8 before they are caught (researchers have obviously not heard of Chris Denning, Jonathan King, Rob Randall and others)and these guys are not in the minority .... we all know that

I am also approaching this from a grandfathers perspective. I want to know where any threat may be to my grandchildrens welfare not only now that they are very young but when they are older too. I also know that the likelyhood of them becoming a Survivor is very small as I am sure I would be able to spot the difference in behaviour, but by that time any damage would have been done. I (and us all) know how manipulative and palusable these predators are.

Ok maybe I was one of the unlucky ones. Fair enough but I do not want to gamble with my grandchildrens upbringing (and physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing) in any way, shape or form.

Lets put it this way if any pervert laid a hand on any of my grandchildren, they would not have to lock him up, support his Human Rights, treat him or castrate him. They would have to bury or cremate him. I dont particularly fancy doing a life stretch as I wish to see my grandchildren grow up and be part of that. But I would ..........

I know how much damage these perverted crimes can do.

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"
I am not shouting BTW seems my keyboard is stuck on bold......

Obviously corrected itself.

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"