$$$ for Male Survivor

$$$ for Male Survivor


Guys I just heard about this today and we only have today Monday to do this. The TODAY show on NBC is looking for charitys to give some money to.
Below is the info on it.

Don't know if anyone here is willing to write the 200 words about how Male Survivors changed their lives. I can't do it at this time in my life but hopfully someone here is ready to share their story with the world.

One thing is Male Survivor a 501 charity?
Thanks Tom

Help choose a charity for our Green Room book
E-mail us your thoughts on the best charity to receive the proceeds from
the 'Today' show's 2005 Green Room Book Charity Auction.

There is clearly no time to consult on this one, so I have sent NBC the following:

From 11 to 14 I was a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a trusted adult known to my family. The emotional and physical effects were catastrophic, and eventually, as is so common with such cases, I became convinced that I was worthless and unlovable. After the abuse ended it continued to affect me and harm my development as a child and young man. For years I sought comfort in alcohol and drugs, and even later, as a successful university academic, it has been difficult for me to feel or think objectively about myself or to relate to family and loved ones.

In May of this year I found the website run by the National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization, where survivors of boyhood sexual abuse can meet to share thoughts and advice and talk honestly about their problems and issues. Participating in the services offered by this expertly run site allowed me to see that I was not alone, that I was not to blame for what had happened to me, and that I could hope to regain control of my life. In hardly more than six months I have made enormous progress and am well on my way to recovery.

The NOMSV has helped thousands of men and boys from age 13 upwards who are the victims of a horrific and still poorly understood crime, and it does so on a miniscule budget and based almost entirely on the contributions and sacrifices of lawyers, therapists and others, almost all victims of abuse themselves, who volunteer to run the organization.
Ken: They ask for a contact person and telephone number, and I used your name and number. I hope that's okay. I should have asked, I know, but this is all in such a rush.

Others who are willing and have time to write something today should also send their recommendations to NBC. They are clearly looking for a good reader interest story, and many of you may have stories that are more evocative than mine. I think they will be more interesting in stories where the author is willing to be indentified (as I am), though they do say that you can keep your name and location private.


(Edited to note that I recall Ken telling me he would be away this week. Do any of the mods or BoD know where he is or whether he will be checking his answering machine? If NBC takes any interest in a story from one of us they will need a contact person in NOMSV for THIS week.)

I fired off something similar to what Larry wrote earlier today and put Murray as the contact person along with our 800 number.

BTW, we are a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible contributions can be sent in care of our treasurer.

I too have added my two cents worth.

Thanks Tom for bringing this to our attention.

John, who have you given as the contact person? If NBC is interested in us that will be important and they have to be able to contact someone this week.

So far Ken and Murray have been given as contacts. Could one of you guys in the Emerald City ;) let us know that the org is aware of what we have done and is dealing with the question of possible contact? Thanks.

I forwarded this to NBC. It may not be what they are looking for but I hope it gets us in the running.
I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Male Survivor. The professionals and peers that I have acquired while interacting within this organization have enhanced my life on many different levels. It has empowered me to reclaim my identity and bond with other male victims of sex trauma. Most people fail to recognize that young males are often victims of sexual abuse. Additionally, researchers are still in the early stages of uncovering damage done to male victims.
Studies indicate that in 1 in 6 boys are victims of sex crimes before the age of 18. The confusion and disruption in terms of professional and personal relationships is overwhelming. It is only now as a 45-year man that I am able to take positive steps in terms of pursing career choices, romantic relationships and fatherhood. My confusion and isolation that resulted due to same sex rape, incest and abuse is longer a shameful secret. I have reduced the confusion in mind and have learned to love, focus, communicate and trust. Male Survivor provides victims a safe place to heal, seek support and move forward in their lives. I hope you help male victims to move on and develop meaningful lives
Sound like we got some excellent input to the Today show. A big THANKS to ALL. Tom

That's great. What did they say? We don't get the Today show over here so I have no idea what was said.

I'm back home and will be answering my phone or checking the msgs if in session or not here.

Thanks for your input. Might be useful to use the same name for the org. (MS vs. NOMSV- though we know the difference).
Larry I was just talking about the fact that we had 4 guys send info in to the Today Show. It will be some time before we hear anything from the Today Show. They will have a pannel review all the different reguests. I think that the fact we had 4 different guys submitting info means they will have to look at Male Survivor as a good charity to give their money too.

Lets all hope we hear good news soon.
Oh okay, thanks for the clarification. I misread what you were saying.


Maybe it would be a good idea to let the Today Show know that MS is the website of NOMSV, i.e. all four recommendations are for the same organization.
